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Posts posted by Todd_is_God

  1. Nah. Was clearly out of bounds.

    In the slo-mo he's committed to the push before Smith's foot hits the ground.

    Its a penalty, but a soft penalty. It's a gentle shove, and Smith has barely gone out of bounds (you are only out of bounds when you are touching the ground with a part of your body). If he doesn't commit himself, and Smith plants and goes up field, then he looks just as bad.

    Coupled with a few of the earlier penalties just shows how soft the NFL has become. A few years ago, that, and the others, wouldn't have been a flag.

  2. Thought I'd unintentionally uninstalled the Navigation App on my phone (Blue Arrow !) so I quickly downloaded what turned out to be a absolutely dreadful app ahead of a we journey I wasn't sure of !!

    Turns out the navigation App disappearing is down to a Google maps upgrade ... and you now have to faff about inside the Google Maps app menu to launch navigation mode :angry:

    What a bunch of c'nts ... if it aint broke don't fix it - what the f'ck makes a developer think that increasing the number of steps required to do something is an improvement ??

    Unistalled update !!

    Everyone should install and use Waze. If we did, we'd manage to avoid traffic jams as it alerts you to slow moving traffic. With enough users, it can even re-route you on the fly.

  3. For the last few months i've been getting a pain in my arsecheek. If someone else told me that i would probably laugh, but It is absolute agony, and occasionally the pain goes down my leg. Sometimes it's genuinely a struggle getting out of bed.

    Would go to the doctors but i'm working backshift the next couple of weeks and it's a bit of a hassle anyway to get an appointment. <_<

    Sounds like sciatica mate

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