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Jack Donaghy

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Posts posted by Jack Donaghy

  1. First Law result in (Sources and Institutions of Scots Law) and it's a B1. Chuffed with that as it means I must have averaged between B1 and A5 in the 4 essays in the final exam, which is great given I didn't even finish one of them and I was just hoping to scrape a B. :)

    Now c'mon School of Law... publish the Family Law and Principles of Property and Obligation quickly so I can enjoy the rest of the summer!

    Got a B2 for my pointless Law exam, Elements of Law for Engineers

    Also wee surprise to see an A5 from last semester bumped up to a A2:blink: Net result is an honours band rise of 0.02!

  2. Aerospace Engineering came out last week sometime and I'm so chuffed with 4 A's(including my Individual and Group projects), 2 B's and a D in the most insane course I've ever sat.

    Coupled with last semester's results this means I'm currently sitting on a First but I fully expect that to drop down to a 2:1 as fifth year is meant to be brutal.

    Still waiting on our pointless Law result which we have been told will be out tomorrow

  3. We have been back for, I think, 5 weeks now at Glasgow:smartass

    So far this has easily been the hardest semester of my four years at Uni, five different projects on the go, six different(and all very difficult) courses and having to apply for every Summer placement under the sun at the same time.

    Got 3 A's for my exams before Christmas somehow though which was a nice treat!

  4. I used to love them when I was at Uni. One of the highlights of my course.

    Might be the fact I've now had 3 and half years of Engineering lecturers which are totally different to what Law was like as well.

    We have had to do courses in Economics, Management and now Law through my course, all taught out of department, and I haven't enjoyed any of them. Too much in my comfort zone me.

    It seems we are mainly dealing with Contract Law which takes up 50% of the final exam with then the further 50% on Employment Law, Intellectual Property and Company Law which to me just seems so dull; although this is coming from a guy who enjoys Fluid Mechanics and Aeroelasticity.

  5. Not often! A textbook from a couple of years ago is perfectly fine for first year considering it's the basics you are learning! Obviously academic are just conning b*****ds bringing out the same book every couple of years and getting students to buy them.

    I personally think anyone who does go out and buy a shitload of books are idiots with more money than sense. They are extortionate, I just use the library and haven't bought a book since 1st year.

    I bought one book in 1st year that I have never had the need to read before. Would never buy another, complete waste of money

  6. Already put this on another thread but going to see Jon Allen on February 15th at King Tut's, someone I would never have even heard of, had it not been for the fact that Animal Collective are listed as the support. Personally I think there has been a big mistake somewhere but this Jon Allen guy is actually alright so at worst it should be a pleasant evening.

    On the 17th I'm going to see Yeasayer also at King Tut's which should be superb.

    Also my friend is buying us tickets for Sunshine Underground at the ABC but no idea when it is

  7. Final exam, Flight Dynamics 4, was finished yesterday

    Think it went OK but the guy has a reputation as a lunatic when it comes to marking so really could get anything from an A downwards.

    Overall I think I could have got AAB but would expect to be more CBB which suggests I'll be 2:1 which is fine by me.

    Also am I right in thinking someone is doing Law at Glasgow here? We have a Law course to do next semester which I think is going to be all about Contract and Employment Law. No idea why we couldn't have got this in 1st or 2nd year like the rest of our other courses like Economics and Management but there you go

  8. Well Saturday's exam was just rewritten past paper questions with some different numbers so should have aced it, and that coupled with 20% FAE Assignment I should be able to get an A; even accounting for the lecturer's random markings.

    Last late night library session finished just there and feeling quite confident about Flight Dynamics 4 on Tuesday; could easily have got an A if I started studying a bit earlier but will accept a B if it's coming.

    Cannot wait for these to be over

  9. Aircraft Structures and Materials 5 tomorrow at half 9 :(

    Worst course I have ever done at Uni, with a poor lecturer, shocking quality of notes, absolutely no examples and no indication what is in exam.

    The only two past papers are the excact same and I can do them; any deviation from that and I, and I suspect/hope everyone else, will fail spectacularly

  10. Physics of Fluids 4 today was a right bitch

    Would have been able to get an A in each of the previous 5 exams but this was compiled of 4 of the hardest questions to come up, including one section that he had previously mentioned was un examinable.

    Would love to get a B for it now, but a C is more likely I'm afraid <_<

    Not a massive problem for me, got another 9 exams and two projects to try and get GPA into at least 2:1 territory bur for people on the BEng course that will be tricky to do now.

  11. For anyone at Glasgow, during the exams is there somewhere you can leave your jackets/bags during the exam?

    I would spend more time in the library but when I went yesterday the place was crowded out (even the Theology floor). <_<

    Just leave them at the front of the exam hall

    Yeh the library can be impossible to get a seat between like 11 and 5, best getting in early and getting a good seat up in level 10 or something or study in your department building then moving across after dinner

  12. First of my three exams is tomorrow, Physics of Fluids 4

    I've been such a geek in the last week doing 9am-2am sessions in the library most days so feeling quite confident about tomorrow. It's a tricky course so anything could happen.

    Then its straight back to library till Saturday's exam, Aircraft Structures and Materials 5 before once again living in the library until Tuesday's Flight Dynamics 4 and then on to the beer bar and a brilliantly messy night out :D

  13. Absolute fascism. They should sell only Nestle and advertise Cuban Cigar specials.

    The Nestle Boycott is a complete joke.

    I personally find the Nestle boycott and now tobacco restrictions somewhat cringeworthy

    I hate being a student at Glasgow when things like this happen. Why do some feel the need to be so annoying, the 'occupation' of the Computing building last year being the most serious offender

  14. Going to have a very busy Christmas period unfortunately :(

    3 exams starting two weeks today to be studied for; including one course which right now I would get 0% in an exam due to the shocking state of the lecturer's notes, his boring lectures and stupid exam layout; hoping someone understands what to do during it because noone I've spoken to can yet.

    A report due in a week on Friday on a Stability analysis of a Fokker27 which required writing a number of Excel spreadsheets and computer code which as yet isn't finished.

    A project plan due for Friday for the 2nd year group I'm managing but will only meet for first time tomorrow.

    A literature review for my Fourth Year project for some time early January and a presentation to be given at same time. This could be either 3000 words or 10000 depending who you talk to.

    A proficiency assessment on a FAE program that thankfully has been postponed till after New Year after someone complained to the Head of Department!

    As well as applying for a placement somewhere during the Summer and somewhere where I can do my final year project in next year

    Somehow just got this finished after just getting calculations finished yesterday; 9000 words in the end which is about 5000 more than I had planned for

    Surprisingly for an aircraft that has been flying for over 50 years it is stable <_<

  15. Aeronuatics is it?

    Thing about Literature reviews are that they will be as long as a piece of string. If your project is building on an extensive body of work expect to have a longer, more exhaustive Lit. review.

    Yip, Aeronautical Engineering at Glasgow

    My supervisor is a cool guy and has approved of everything I have done so far so not envisaging much problems with lit rev apart from the tedium of writing it

  16. Going to have a very busy Christmas period unfortunately :(

    3 exams starting two weeks today to be studied for; including one course which right now I would get 0% in an exam due to the shocking state of the lecturer's notes, his boring lectures and stupid exam layout; hoping someone understands what to do during it because noone I've spoken to can yet.

    A report due in a week on Friday on a Stability analysis of a Fokker27 which required writing a number of Excel spreadsheets and computer code which as yet isn't finished.

    A project plan due for Friday for the 2nd year group I'm managing but will only meet for first time tomorrow.

    A literature review for my Fourth Year project for some time early January and a presentation to be given at same time. This could be either 3000 words or 10000 depending who you talk to.

    A proficiency assessment on a FAE program that thankfully has been postponed till after New Year after someone complained to the Head of Department!

    As well as applying for a placement somewhere during the Summer and somewhere where I can do my final year project in next year

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