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knee jerk reaction

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Posts posted by knee jerk reaction

  1. Think Ruth was hung out to dry by Sheerin, is a player there but he's young and developing. Quite similar to the end of last season when we were depending on young players who just weren't ready. Sometimes fans are to quick to judge, there's loads of examples where players take a bit of time to settle into a club unfortunately we're in such a bad way that time is one thing we don't have.

  2. Thought we looked better everywhere today Taylor-Sinclair had a good debut and we could've scored more. Ref was terrible, missed their keeper saving outside the box, Buchanan could've been off and the penalty was a terrible decision.  Next week is massive but we should be far more confident than we would've be 2 weeks ago.

  3. 16 minutes ago, lanky_ffc said:

    He at least had some attributes you'd look for in a defender: height, physical presence and got stuck in.

    Dallison was an utter shitebag. 

    This exactly, scared to go in for a 50:50 or even a 70:30 in his favour. Looked slightly better when he got stuck up front as he wasn't putting his body on the line.

  4. I think the whole Goodwille thing shows why we need a really good scouting system. Most of our fans watch us, sometimes will be impressed by an opponent, most fans will also watch games from the top leagues in Scotland, England, italy etc on sky/bt etc. So fans don't really see/know the options we could be looking at, resulting in the Goodwille debate every transfer window.

    Purely my opinion but I do think it'd be a bad move for the new board going forward and isn't worth dividing the fans over this. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, Gaz said:

    Someone with a profile picture of him with his (presumably) daugher comparing Goodwillie to Ched Evans, an innocent man locked up.

    We have the club we deserve.

    Just means we have some massive zoomers in our support, the vast majority of our support (like the majority of people in our town) are decent but there's a minority of bams as there are in every support or town. We're lucky as the old firm hoover up a %age of bams from all over Scotland so we actually as a support have less idiots than we should. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

    What's the title?

    Football hackers. The science and art of a data revolution by Christoph Biermann. 

    Am around halfway through it and it's very interesting, couldn't help wondering how mental our support or guys on here would go if we appointed a Klopp or Tuchel at the beginning of their management career!

  7. A small aside, got a book about data analysis in football (expected goals, no of sprints, miles run etc) and how it's used. There was a mention of Vancouver in there, wondering if Rennie would be willing to use some of the stats/data to some effect with us. Interesting book so far, Guardiola, Klopp and Tuchel all mentioned regularly. 

    I realise we might not have the money or resources for this though. 

  8. 35 minutes ago, Broken Bairn said:

    I give you all Billingham Synphonia in 1988 in a weekend that we also played Darlington. We were put in a cage at Darlington game for our "own safety" by the local police- lasted about 2 minutes and we were out mixing on the terraces. The Billingham game ended 2-2 and back to the towns ICI club for refreshments. Remember the ICI plant pumping all sort of shite into the sky - made the Grangemouth site look Eco 

    That was a great trip, my first time on Elliott's bus having stuck by the official bus for a season or so. Was the first time I heard the music man performed by a Mr S Steele Esquire can still mind crying with laughter at that, some good photos from that day on social media.

  9. 2 hours ago, Syd Puddefoot said:

    Those that were in Vaduz ( real fans) to get priority for all ticketed matches, and rightly so.

    Sorry Vaduz was a glory hunters game with 1000 there, 1st European game ever, touristy fans went over. Real fans went to Sligo for a mere challenge cup game only 80 there, these REAL FANS should get priority 😆

  10. 15 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

    I think the SG made a generic decision to reduce numbers to 500.
    They hardly have the time to look at every individual stadium or venue and put in exceptional cases to match - even if there is more logic that can be applied.
    The principle is to reduce mixing across the board, but it’s hardly surprising that it’s a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
    Really don’t get all these “they should have done this for us because…”

    Why not? In a few minutes I could come up with 500 for grounds with 1 stand or say under 3000 capacity.  Extra size and stands increases capacity. Take into account things like transport ie 20000 travelling to glasgow for a game  and reduce larger grounds capacity by a greater extent. If I can do that myself in a couple of minutes then I'm sure the Scottish or any other government could do better than a "one size fits all" arrangement. 

  11. If I were to get a ticket in a ballot then I'd give it back for someone else, am working boxing night so no drink. I'd rather go to another game where I could have a few in behind the goals. Could be a similar scenario to start of the season, so many got tickets for 1 game then the other season ticket holders got the next game although with only 1 in 5 getting in would be worse than before.

  12. There's 2 ways the position with Holt can go and something needs done as he's toxic to a lot of fans at the moment. One way he's fired and out the club, the other way is the new board give a very precise statement about Holt's role and what he need to achieve in this role. This would take away any of the ambiguity about what he actually does or is responsible for. It seems to me as a fan but with no inside knowledge of the running of the club that no-one really knows who he signed or didn't and what he's doing day to day. If he's a positive with the new board and manager then good, if not he has to go and sooner rather than later.

  13. We started well yesterday but once they scored then there's just no believe we can come back in that team, rather than roll up the sleeves for a battle they rolled over. We need a leader in that team someone who won't settle but fight and get everyone else in the team going as well. 2nd half yesterday was a disgrace. The new manager has a huge job on his hands and we quite simply cannot afford a bad transfer window in January 

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