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Everything posted by hearthammer

  1. Everyone has their own way of being remembered/thought about post vida
  2. I have put together a CD with songs i want played at my funeral. Whilst i'm not looking to depart any time soon, I want MY choices played when the time comes. I've gone for songs that reflect MY life and how i want to be remembered by those and those. It's all about the WORDS and life's metaphors. Anyway, here's mine : Thank you to anyone who listened to all 3 tracks . They mean so much to me and tell my life story in precis form. ps. check out the bass line and gospel voices in Dory's track
  3. I'm not a violent person. If said mallo wishes to have a bout on a cerebral level, then i'm willing to accept the challenge. If he's just another buckfast ned wi' attitude, then let him pick on someone nearer his own age - around 16ish ???
  4. Dory Previn - Mythical Kings And Iguanas (bought the LP in 75 ??) I have a version of this (still Dory Previn) set up as one of my funeral tracks. The metaphors within the song reflect what my hopes and wishes are/were of achievement levels whilst a resident of this parish.
  5. Marshy's nowt but a juvenile bellend who thinks he's king of the world. I'm not advocating violence or retribution in any manner, but he's an upstart who hasn't met anyone who isn't within his teenage mental age with which to try and further any of his arguments or viewpoints.
  6. Debbie Does Dallas - although it wasn't in HD. I got the jist though.
  7. I sit corrected. - That's why i wear orthopaedic underpants
  8. Billy, struggling to see the "whisper". Have done with a few you've posted. Can you put me out of my misery/correct me ?? Cheers
  9. I don't. To take you away from the perceived misogyny thang, i feel exactly the same about james corden (who also has a pus like a pug). Neither get air time chez moi.
  10. No, she's not non-barbie-esque, but ugly as f*ck to me, but more than that, she just isn't funny in any shape or form. Each to their own.
  11. He deserves to know what his wife's been up to - Been there as the unknowing husband with the "perfect" marriage.
  12. JG, pit your grandson's pipe down, you don't know what's been in it and who's shared it. Miranda a "wid" ?????
  13. Mike & The Mechanics - The Living Years
  14. Saw what looked like an opening and sped in Last word to you, sarge. C'mon fella, you desperately wanna
  15. Genuine question : Is the daily allocation of available greenies negated 1 for 1 if some deluded and juvenile delinquent allocates their daily allocation of red dots against your posts ?? Have wanted to give merited greenies last night and this morning, but have been shown the "no more available" notice. This only started happening after a certain wee boy started following my posts and red dotted every one. Sad, really, but i suppose it keeps him from having to address his own inner demons for a wee while longer.
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