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Everything posted by hearthammer

  1. To quote Figure 5, Son you're part of the problem. Moi ?? Moi ?? Aye, we've all had our less than glorious moments in the Politics forum, and on P & B in general. As long as everyone realises that tis but a football forum with facilities to comment on other topics, then it's a whole lot of fun with its "unique" and diverse humour where everyone's fair game. Nae offences taken and no vilification given. Now, about this tory thing you're suffering from . . . . . . . . . .
  2. They really aren't very sensible in there are they? I have lurked a few times & basically thought, oh my, & got the hell out. Heaven forbid I should ever post on there, Div would be on time and a half for weeks. There's no need to venture into the snakepit politics forum, mi amigo, as wee malky and kincy are causing enough of a stooshie in there to allow all other "like-minded" people to steer clear and preserve their livers and sanity. Each to their own, but if you ever need to see the light, then Dr Hammer is here to help with your recovery
  3. Dixie Chicks - White Trash Wedding
  4. Divinyls - I Touch Myself (everybody needs a hobby)
  5. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Murder On The Dancefloor
  6. Await the "informative" response from Team saxe-coburg-gotha after the american authorities issue a subpoena for him to appear under oath. They won't allow it to happen, then "the donald" will issue some inane, co-operative statement excusing air miles from attending. It's a conspiracy and fake news, i tell ya'
  7. Nae need for a jury - this saxe-coburg-gotha inbred is GUILTY. Here's hoping he's extradited and has to answer under oath
  8. Thanks mate. Hesgoal's working a treat. Mon Scotland !!!!!!!!
  9. Stream on Firstrow not working at all. Anybody recommend an active stream for the game ?? Cheers
  10. You tant even tay it right, mate. However, we understanded exactly what you were meant.
  11. The criteria that determine whether or not "penalties" are charged by HMRC depends very much on : The amount of the evasion/avoidance The nature (ie, type) of evasion/avoidance The background circumstances (ie, was bona fide professional advice sought) which strongly advised or sanctioned/endorsed the action taken resulting in the outstanding tax/NI charges. Any penalties are an additional sanction, over and above the established Tax/NI and non-negotiable interest calculated to the point at which the liabilities are settled. These are determined and are applied once the culpability and seriousness have been confirmed. HMRC will apply the penalties commensurate with the established position. However, if, like in this case, it is absolutely clear that the amounts likely to be recovered from the liquidated entity are minimal or negligible, HMRC will take steps to reduce or negate the penalties position where there is no expectation of recovering any or very little at most. This, however, does not affect the levels of Tax/NI/Interest due on the original charges and has no impact on the circumstances where the liabilities arose in the first place. The charges arose due to the sole and specific actions of the entity itself. Penalties applied by HMRC are additional, punitive measures applied subjectively depending on the specific circumstances. Similarly, HMRC can reduce or negate the same where there is little or no chance of recovery from the liquidated company and the remaining assets. Only sayin' like.
  12. Not sure the guy will give the breakfast 5 stars on Tripadvisor. https://www.dunfermlinepress.com/news/18029202.dunfermline-shoplifter-ate-way-police-cell-mattress/
  13. Decided to go out this morning with the camera, despite the weather. I'm afraid the rain and mist affected the quality.
  14. Great to see the blue "crutches" looking after and propping up the wee pet lamb(ie). As for the label of "crank", anyone who has the temerity to be negative about the fiscally-terminal company/club is so labelled. That's the way of the "hear no evil . . . . . . " ostrich down govan way. Enjoy what's left of your "sevconaut"
  15. The prosecution rests, m'lud. The defendant obviously suffers from social exclusion and has major delusional hubris to deal with. It seems he has compounded his personal belief of self-grandeur and entitlement by following a new football team called Sevco and has followed the mistaken belief amongst his fellow-herrenvolk that he is one of "ra peepul". Rather than being banned again for misdemeanours unbecoming of normal, non-bigoted P & Ber, he should more be pitied and the court should take into account that his severe alcohol problem prompts him to spout unmitigated pish on threads. I would suggest and recommend a probational "ignore the sanctimonious arsehole" sentence in the hope that he seeks help before his head is permanently stuck well and truly up his own arse. The jury won't be out for long.
  16. Pardonez moi for incorrectly spelling a player's name. You truly are a sanctimonious arsehole. Still, by picking me and everyone else up on our "errors", you can avoid addressing real issues and deflect from the fact that another pyre is being built for the new incarnation of your company/club. All aboard the good ship sevco
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