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Everything posted by sjc

  1. if they are liquidated then its game over. any assets would be sold on to pay out creditors..........newco is an entirely new company the owners of which would seek to purchase Ibrox, Murray Park & their League share.
  2. crossed my mind too..........I think Liquidation has been on the cards from the very start (since CW took over) and all this posturing and angling different options via the media is about getting the Newco straight back into the SPL. if so....I'm out.
  3. in fairness there's a hell of a lot that doesn't make sense about this administration........one being that only 2 redundancies have happened when a £1m/month saving was required.
  4. why would anyone bid £2m for a player that has a long term injury ? he'd fail a medical for a start. actually didn't Rangers do exactly just that with Daniel Prodan ?! probably why their up shit creek !!!!
  5. Paper talk I suspect......I wouldn't believe everything you read as in that same article they valued McGregor at £7m !
  6. why would they give up £17m + interest (as reported in the DR.....I know !!) whats in it for ticketus ? I can only guess that liquidation is being deemed a certainty as £10m is better than nothing !
  7. going round on twitter that they have applied for a UEFA Licence ! Have accounts been lodged yet or another attempt to bend/break the rules (allegedly!) ???
  8. Not like the Daily Record to jump the gun in their the Blue Knights bid to save Rangers.
  9. let them have a league of 2 and play each other 38times a season then.......
  10. Christ ! if I was homeless I'd refuse to sleep under an Evening Times purely on principal !
  11. Totally agree with Poz & yourself on this one even though my own club is guilty of the above to an extent hence we are at the whim of a rather eccentric Lithuanian banker. RE: some clubs going to the wall: If it was a straight choice I would rather help reform my club in the East of Scotland league than watch a sham league where sporting integrity is non existent and some clubs are more equal than others.
  12. Its too big a decision for it not to be in my opinion...........could even be argued that the SFL member Clubs should have a say in the outcome. that said........do I expect it to be ? No.
  13. shame on us all for wanting fairer voting rights ! http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/4232337/You-lot-are-just-trying-to-gang-up-on-Rangers.html This will be the same hypocrite that in the same sentence claimed Rangers should get a more equal share of Champions League money but deserved to get the lions share of SPL money ?!
  14. I'm with you all the way on this one Poz. If RFC 2012 FC get voted straight back into the SPL despite all their misgivings then I'm out & I couldn't give a f**k if they all went bankrupt. People can spout about "emotional attachment" to their club..........would you put up with a violent or cheating spouse ? and if you wish to argue about a "physical attachment" how many of us cried for Merrel Lynch ? anyone who has a private pension will have lost money when they disappeared. Its sporting integrity or nothing as far as I'm concerned.
  15. who's buying in the current financial climate ? thats before even considering any planning restrictions !
  16. Jane Lewis ‏ @JaneLewisSport Reply Retweet Favorite · Open BBC Scotland has learned that the #Rangers administrators will NOT back the other ten #SPL clubs over changes to current voting structure. The more things change the more they stay the same !
  17. I've supported Hearts all my life & a season ticket holder for the mainstay of that too but I'm not the type to be emotionally blackmailed. It would be a bit like falling in love with but having a sexless marriage to a pornstar.............and being expected to watch her "work" !
  18. I appreciate what your saying HJ but I wouldn't underestimate the feeling of utter contempt that most fans would have towards not just the SPL/SFA but also their own clubs for allowing Rangers Newco straight back in. If our league is purely about showing 4 OF games a season with the rest of us squabbling over an ever decreasing TV deal to the extent of letting the rules be not just bend but ram raided by one of the big two then more than a few shall walk away from the game.
  19. apologies for not picking up on that........am at work so not giving P&B my full attention !
  20. I don't necessarily agree with that. we are already seeing reduced attendances due to the apathy because we have an uncompetetive league.............by allowing Rangers newco to just jump straight back into the SPL and/or break the rules and go unpunished the attendances will drop further due to the league being a sham.
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