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Posts posted by McKee

  1. Right, this will no doubt sound silly, but here goes. Would railway line modification/repair/work ever be carried out during the night? I live just infront of a railway line and station, and I swear I've heard things like tools being used and clanks of metal in the middle of the night, and I'm wondering if it might be the railway? unsure.gif

  2. Reservoir Dogs


    I felt a bit let down by this. I had heard only rave reviews about it, and seeing as it was Tarantino, it was bound to be good. The rough outline of the story was good, but they really could of expanded a lot more. Too much of the movie was shot in the hideout, and not enough done on the build up to the robbery, and the imediate aftermath of it.

    12 Angry Men


    I don't even know what to say about this. I don't even know why I liked it so much. It doesn't have many redeeming features; shot almost entirely in one room, shot in black and white, storyline isn't wholy interesting, it it over 50 years old. But for some reason, I found it magical. I was hocked for the whole viewing time, bizzare. I highly reccomend you give it a go.

  3. Better graphics , for me, would only probably make it worse. The shit graphics and lack of sound is why you get attatched to it, as it leaves alot to your own interpretation a wee bit like you do with a book. That'll no doubt sound silly, but I honestly don't see what a remake can add to it.

  4. laugh.gif

    Are you all fully grown men?

    It is a fucking video game you absolute addlepate. What do people not understand about this?

    Anyway, I'm planning to get a DS soon, then buy all the games for them, apart ftom that Mystery Dungeon, I'm not even sure what it is. I sort of fell away from the Pokemon series once the DS was out(I've had every game for the GB and GBA), but I've grown tired of Sapphire after going through it about 100 times, and trying to complete a pokedex gets wearisome.

  5. Here we go.

    Mouth ulsers

    Bran Flakes

    Door with fucked up handles

    Noisy chairs

    People with colored Ipods

    PS3 fanboys

    Leslie Mark Hughes

    Spunk stains that turn yellow

    Chin Straps

    The ammount of chewing gum you see on pavements

    Shite tatoos


    People between the ages of 0 and 8

    When people trim their hedges

    Shite haircuts

    The word "defo" and "legit"

    English media

    That bawbag Gordon Taylor


    When people try to be funny or witty in there sigs, MSN stats etc.

    Solo artists

    Having a bad hair day

    The shite music that dominates the chart

    The year 2003

    Corn Beef

    Slapstick comedians

    Having to take English in school

    When people walk in on you having a w**k

    Having a hairy arsehole

    MySpace, Bebo, Facebook etc. in general

    When people don't look at the fucking camera in pictures

    The fact that this emoticon -:lol: is not animated

    The Work Permit on Football Manager

    Alistair Darling's eyebrows

    People thinking Lee Evans is funny

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