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Everything posted by Burma

  1. No. I will not. Not until I hear a full retraction and apology coupled with a promise not to pollute these boards with your disablist comments again.
  2. Its a small measure but I feel it neccessary to combat your "window licker" statement. Bigoted hate driven language such as yours should always be challenged.
  3. I have asked (continously) for him to retract it. He has ignored me.I have asked (continously) for him to apologise. He has refused. I have given him numerous chances to explain his behaviour. He won't. I have asked him to refrain from doing so in the future. He responded with "you're a nutjob" Unfortunately I have no other recourse but to report him for disablism.
  4. Then can't complain when you are exposed as a bigot whose language would be better suited to a BNP forum. But you seem comfortable in the knowledge that you will viewed as such.
  5. And it would appear that anyone who challenges this type of language (based in ignorance and hatred) is simply dismissed as a "nutjob" Thank f**k the world has moved on from this Alf Garnett thinking.
  6. It is the cowards way out. But as he keeps running away then I must assume that he simply see's nothing wrong in espousing a disdain for those who have the challenges of a disability to contend with. In fact he would appear to actually find it a source of hilarity hence his use of the term "window licker" A tragic individual.
  7. But you wanted to continue. Why are you running away from this. You can't explain yourself therefore you have chosen to do the cowardly thing and claim that it's funny to degrade people with disabilities. Im simply asking why you think the vile term "window licker" is acceptable. You can't explain your view, maybe because you didn't think it through, however I suppose until you explain yourself most will come to the conclusion that you are simply very bigoted.
  8. You are mistaking my question for a conclusion. Seeing as its amusing then shall we continue? The term you used "window licker" is a base and derogatory term which fuels bigotry and dehumanises. With this in mind, please explain why you choose to use it.
  9. So you find it acceptable to degrade and dehumanise others simply because they have a disability, is that correct? Think we have discovered who the real nutjob is.
  10. Ah your talking to me again, good. Its disappointing that you have not shown any remorse for your use of the vile and derogatory term "window licker". Will you now apologise for using a term which dehumanises and degrades people with learning difficulties?
  11. The daily Batshit meltdown begins in earnest. Won't be long until he starts hurling bigoted statements around. But I live in hope that he will take a long hard look at himself and refrain from spouting his disdain for people with learning disabilities. Its a forlorn hope but a hope nonetheless. The least we can hope for is that he avoids using disablist terms like "window licker" again.
  12. That would assume he is paying for it out his own pocket. This would be unlikely and I would imagine that to qualify for a home delivery you would need a line of credit. Cant see his employers being able to obtain credit for such a hefty sum.
  13. Yep. Usual orc behaviour. At a time when they are about to implode for a second time. What is the answer. "heres a picture of a cellik fan who complained about ra peeple. Go get him!" Its exactly what Ally would have done.
  14. Careful. If you keep going at him for apologies and explanations on his bizarre behaviour he will block you, then stalk you. Actually the first one's not that bad!
  15. He has provided great laughs tonight actually. His usual nightmare performance, from being torn a new one on his knowledge of rangers accounts to moaning about grammar whilst making glaring grammatical errors. His daily meltdown resulting in abuse being thrown at all and sundry. His AWRA mask slipping as he outed himself as both a religious bigot with comments about schools etc etc followed by a shocking statement which displayed his disdain for people with disabilities and which he intends to avoid addressing (dignified). All in all just another rabid day at the office for the batshit.
  16. Everyone knows it was a typo. Everyone saw my apology.I note you dont deny your rampant disablism. Your a tragedy. Why are you running away from me?
  17. You haven't missed much. Orc baiting for lols while we await the next hilarious outburst from the new club.
  18. Batshit is running away from me again, but isn't it curious how he finds great offence in a typo and screams homophobia, whilst at the same time actively promoting the abuse of people with learning disabilities. He actually finds it acceptable to indulge in disablism and exhibit a hatred for disabled people. Must be a Tory.
  19. So you feel that "window licker" is acceptable?How tragic your life must be. Still at least now we all know exactly how small you really are.
  20. You were AWRA. Why are you running away from me? Is it because I'm asking you to retract and apologise for your bigoted "window licker" comment? Are you really that much of a coward?
  21. Use of the bigoted term "window licker" by yourself is evidence of your hatefilled bigotry. I'm amazed that you are refusing to address this. Why run away. Its cowardly.
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