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Everything posted by Burma

  1. Threats and intimidation are all they have now. Over 400 complaints and they are told to get to f**k. The only relevance they have these days is of the point and laugh variety. A bonus of Spency showing a bit of bottle is that it now makes it easier for others to tell the truth about their demise and loss of (somewhat tainted) history.
  2. Good to see. At last some backbone from the BBC. Cue much gnailing and washing of teeth from the orcs and the usual cowardly death threats from the shitebag element of their vile vile support. Ill wager Fat Sally and Jumbo "rangers are dead" Jabba even do their usual and attempt to mobilise the mentally challenged into violent retribution. If only the orcs had been this motivated before their club died.
  3. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showforum=1 Seems FIFA 14 (the console game made by EA Sports) has now been added to the list of "rangershaters"
  4. Its a pointless debate. This new club will be gone before next season regardless.
  5. You're being unfair. Sometimes his phone alters his spelling without his ability to control it. He recently got a new laptop out of a bin, so f**k knows what kinda of grammar and spelling alterations that thing might make without his knowledge, and unlike other people he has the debilitating problem of "getting tired late at night". This serious and unique condition may lead to spelling and grammar mistakes which he should be automatically forgiven for - Note that none of the above are valid excuses for any other poster. Just him. The Batshit Crazy SDL supporting spokesperson of the entire P&B community.
  6. And both Batshit and AWRA are extremely anal about the difference between your and you're. As if anyone gives a shit.
  7. I never "saw" anybody laughing at anything. I corrected it immediately it was pointed out and apologised for an unfortunate typo ( damn you to hell phone). But im still waiting on your evidence. It would apoear that like benny your just a liar. A vile sad obssessed vile dirty little vile liar. But you havent explained why you and benny take exception to that word and no others. Is it because you are both gay? Be straight with me. You can be gay with benny, just be straight with me. Was at a civil partnership ceremony last month actually and despite my best efforts football was not something I could get a conversation started on. Glad i didnt make any typos that day
  8. Yes i admitted it was a typo. Thats not evidence of deliberate namecalling. So for the second time of asking please provide proof of your allegation. If you cannot then that would mean your lying. Also while your at it can you please explain why I would call anyone on here that word?
  9. Do you have evidence that this was what actually happened. Please provide it. Shit im gonna get blocked again.
  10. Its not a word i would use. I dont understand why I would use it here even if i did. I make typos all the time (must be my phone). who is Norris my batshit crazy friend.
  11. There. All fixed. Seeing as your the self appointed spokesperson for the entire P&B community perhaps you could ask your best friend benny if he could explain why he lied about me. See what happened was this. He told lies about me. Was asked for evidence to back up his lies and then he promptly blocked me. Is this typical orc behaviour?
  12. Sorry, who called who a "poof". Is that really the allegation that I called benny a "poof"? what?
  13. Thoroughly appalled at benny's use of child abuse to point score. Tantamount to condoning it. Go get yourself a new account benny as it's unlikely you will treated with anything more than disdain here from now on. Telling lies about other posters is one thing but you crossed the line.
  14. Yep. Would recommend that a new ailas is created in order to start afresh. Or he could just stick to his Bendarroch account. Either way benny has had his day and much like rangers should now be liquidated (not literally before the sensitive orcs start accusing me of condoning murder).
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