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Posts posted by Tamdunk

  1. Bowman is a terrible shout, his wind up the old firm stat on FM is 20. I'd give it to Jake Taylor, a guy coming up to the club with chat about making the Wales team who was the most anonymous player I can remember for well. I decided to focus on his performance one game to see if he really was as bad as I thought, and I couldn't believe his ability to run away from the play at every opportunity. He finally got a touch on the ball and mis-controlled it to the opposition. Then got booked.

  2. Just made a soup that's gone into my top 3 soups. It's a version of caldo Verde, a Portuguese cabbage soup.

    Spring greens (not pre cut)

    1lb potatoes peeled and finely chopped

    1 onion diced

    2-3 cloves garlic

    Chorizo sliced

    Can of callini beans

    1.5l chicken stock

    Fry the chorizo in some oil for a while to get some colour on it and release the oil. Once done, remove it for later. Fry the onions potato and garlic in the chorizo oil for 5 to 10 mins until tender. Add the stock, bring to the boil and simmer.

    Remove the hard stalks from the spring greens, then take a few leaves at a time and  roll them up like a cigar and finely slice. Boils th is in a separate pan for 1 min then rinse with cold water.

    Once the potatoes are cooked, take about half the soup mixture and blend until smooth. Add this back with the rest of the soup.

    Rinse the beans and add them to the soup along with cabbage and chorizo and simmer until it's ready.

    Serve with some nice sourdough bread.


  3. I had it 7 - 4 GGG going into the last and didn't bother scoring the last round, a lot of the rounds were very close though especially early ones. Canelo looked more and more uncomfortable as the fight went on. Surprised he got the decision in the end. Excellent bout though.

  4. Would anyone who is going to be majorly affected by this consider moving to a country within the EU? Would you change job here? People seem to forget how big a market the UK is. The largest amount of gaming sales in Europe is an example. People want in on that cash whether it's part of the EU or not.

    I'm not trying to argue in favour of brexit, but against the armageddon pish coming out, which reminds me of the indyref.


  5. 18 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

    Higher prices for both domestic and importer goods, higher unemployment with job losses caused by brexit, poorer quality care in hospitals where foreign doctors and nurses are leaving in their droves. But besides that sounds like a good laugh.

    There will still be a big market in the UK for companies, there will be lots of jobs available that are currently filled by EU nationals, immigration will not stop, although the current rate the home office is going I doubt anyone will want to come here.


    9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    Stuck in slow non EU track when you go on holiday. Limited to a small amount of duty free instead of the van loads you can take back now at much lower local tax and duty rates. Having to apply for a visa every time you go to Europe. No more European Health Insurance Card. Having to apply for a work permit to take a job in Europe. Horrendous queues for ferries and tunnel both sides of the channel. 

    These aren't really life changing issues, more irritations, much of which already applies if you holiday outside the EU. 


    For the record I voted remain, think leaving was/is a stupid idea, but am very much of the opinion that the country isn't going to grind to a halt due to changes in administration and that most people will just get on as normal. 

  6. Just cut up a chicken and barbequed it with some corn on the cob. OH YA FUCKER! I've got some chunks of oak as well so smoked it up.


    Eta: top bbq tip is to buy some aubergines, then grill them on the hot coals after you've finished your bbq to make baba ganoush

  7. Clay Davis is one of my all time favourite  characters. He's such a dick but you absolutely root for him in those court scenes.

  8. Food shouldn't just be used as fuel, it should be something that you actually enjoy. A lot of people can't/wont cook, but saying live off reduced price veg soup isn't the answer. The 'healthy' food solutions in here suggest using the blandest/cheapest ingredients available. A 50p bag of carrots have no flavour. If you roast them with some other stuff to introduce some flavour it's a bit better, but still. 

  9. That's a shite pasta meal though tbf.


    Pasta -£1

    Tomatoes - 50p-£1

    Tomato Puree - 50p

    Garlic - 30p

    Salt/Pepper/Oregano/Chilli flakes - looking at about £3-4 (they will last a while though)

    Parmesan £3

    Basil £1

    Bacon £2.50

    Good Olive Oil - £5-10

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