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  1. ...cheerio neil ...sorry that the most reptile creatures with access to tinternet can cause the reptiles to decide what should happen......these are the reptiles who like to call the greeen brigade ....maybe we should accept that their enthusiasm at games should be under the green banner...."utter reptiles"...
  2. ajeti says he's not a proper diver...too right...he's rubbish at it....he ia a brilliant self -tripper though.......
  3. ooh betty....if anyone reads this its just a long standing opinion

  4. if they are not the most disgusting reptiles who are putting up their crappy wee signs outside the park in an effort to bring all the supporters into their vile spectrum then i'll come to accept that they are just mental defectives....oooh i know...did they shut them out of the ground because of their disgusting behaviour costing the club thousands...??,,maybe they just have an axe to grind ...based on nothing other than stupidity...
  5. are these the same creatures who booed john barnes when he came back to parkhead for mrs dalgish,s charity match ...surely its time to accept the title as the most vile supporters ...i was happy to be a supporter for 60 years ,,,vile green reptiles have closed my affection...
  6. to be fair to the green bawbags they are daft as brushes....................................
  7. it might be easier to understand these reptiles if they were known as the green bawbags................................
  8. i think brown has been set up as some kind of donkey's vagina to warn the daft crowds of the possible consequences of not backing green....... and ending up with some clown who has an in grown vagina and has obviously shagged himself to death
  9. has anyone noticed that these names are an an anagram of "he's a bawbagbiter"...
  10. mr itchy bawbag is the most important story in scotland...it affects all of us

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