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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. Yeah, I did think of that but I don't like the idea of the black Queen getting onto c2. It may be one of those where the threat is worse than the execution. Maybe I can force the Queens off if Black goes in for that but not sure.
  2. Yeah, its weird. Your black square bishop has actually become a really good piece. My plan has to be to try and force some exchanges and then have a winning endgame. However, you're not just going to let me do that. I also have to watch the Qd1+ threat. I was toying with Qe1 then Rd2 to take the d file. However, you can play something like Bh6 which is annoying which prevents Rd2. That's what I was considering, white is better but it's hard to convert. The Bishop pair is annoying and my Knight is on the edge of the board doing nothing. I was looking at getting my Knight to a better square as well - Nb2 then Nc4 or Nd3? That's partly why I ran out of time.
  3. Mission accomplished. I have a ticket for Saturday. I'm keen to see these Burnley U23s given two of them will be joining us.
  4. I made a right balls up of getting in yesterday. After slagging all the technophobes and slow coaches ahead of me in the virtual queue I accidently bought a Somerset Road End ticket rather than a North Terrace one. Then I tried to get in at the North Terrace (both turnstiles) I tried my season card, the app and pdf and then the guy said to me to check my ticket on the app and it said SRE. What a plonker! (Me that is not the guy on the turnstile) Thankfully, alls well that ends well as I could just walk round to the North Terrace from the SRE. More haste less speed for me next time.
  5. Poor old Patrick always being confused with Partick Thistle.
  6. Apologies for that, I've been swamped at work today and misread the time remaining at lunch time. It's actually not the clearest position at the end up tbh. Hence I spent too long thinking.
  7. Terrific gesture! My grandad is on a mission to get 2 tickets. It's like a drug, really enjoyed last night so keen to get back again.
  8. Just in the door. Happy with that result today and playing the ball on the deck and not constantly hoofing the ball forward. What an enjoyable experience relative to Saturday, I had steeled myself for Ayr United nil and constant long balls. Great to be back at Somerset. The pitch looked immaculate as well.
  9. I dunno why McKenzie isn't alongside Adeloye tbh. Salkeld runs about a lot but not got a final pass or shot on him. I'd rather stick him on the wing tbh.
  10. Enjoying being back at Somerset. Team no so bad, at least it's not been hoofball. We're actually trying to pass it.
  11. Aye, let's ask the fuckers at South Ayrshire Council. We know how that ends.
  12. Madwullie Cup Dearyme defeats Gkneil by checkmate. I got a bit lucky here... made a pretty big blunder that gkneil didn't spot. I didn't notice it either until I saw the analysis. Good game.
  13. Apologies for the rant (read on if you dare) WTF? That can't be true... does covid discriminate whether you're standing or sitting. The SG's credibility is hanging by a thread. That's utterly utterly pathetic. I can't wait to hear clownshoes try and justify that.
  14. Thats my understanding as I'm planning to do the same. My backup plan is the pdf ticket is saved on my mobile. Also, I can login and show the QR code on the tickets website.
  15. Surely that doesn't apply to the North Terrace. For all intents and purposes you're outside! Edit - You are allowed to bring in your own food and drink. I'm looking forward to seeing some elaborate culinary delights. If the what I'm having for my dinner is anything to go by we're in for a treat!
  16. This chat can get in the bin. It's even more excruciating than the state of our squad for the upcoming season.
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