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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. Fisher interview up on club socials, like the cut of his gib.
  2. Aye same game the daft tit injured himself celebrating one of their goals some boy
  3. I'd be disappointed for a few reasons. The least likely to leave though.
  4. I'd not cry for any of the 3 of Ohara, Wighton or Todorov leaving.
  5. Nothing happening is frustrating but it's better than a stream of shite coming through the door.
  6. Got Robert Thomson in as well iirc. I half thought that about Crawford being a trialist but could you imagine he played, picks up and injury and is left humped.
  7. Is there any legs in the rumours of Adam Rooney and Scott Allan signing for you?
  8. Aye he was fine. Really needs to sort his crossing out ASAP though.
  9. Not really had an out and out goalscorer in this division since they came up in 2018 so it can still be classed as a gamechanger IMO.
  10. Club twitter pretty much confirming Mcallister signing.
  11. Think he got a good write up from his time at Montrose as well
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