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dundee ton

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Posts posted by dundee ton

  1. With RB Leipzig is the seethe towards them not because they've sold out to a commercial owner when the rest of German football is leaning towards fan ownership (or at least in part)? In terms of the way they have built a team I think it needs to be commended, young guys released by, or not quite making it, at 'bigger' clubs supplemented by a couple of big buys. They've also kept a large number of the players that for them promoted.

  2. What has happened to the wallabies since the world cup? I've not seen any Rugby Championship games until this morning but they seem so far behind NZ. Or is it just that NZ are miles ahead of everyone else?

  3. Cracking start to the series! Don't think they can keep that pace up for the whole thing but if it's close then it should be a good one. What was with the X on the tree at the end? Also, I like that Carver from The Wire is making an appearance, with Bob and Tyrese in there already all they need to do is get in Omar and Clay Davis and it's the best piece of TV ever made!

  4. He's the one I'm least convinced by. Iyb my head Doran is an older, overweight, gouty fella. Still, they can do what they want with characters as long as the scripts and performances remain top quality!

  5. Pryce as the High Sparrow could be cracking. I agree about the Sand Snakes, thought they would be hotter/more Mediterranean looking. I'll need to go again and double check who the rest are. There must be more new characters to be announced at some point if they plan on following the books in any way?

  6. Drinking Buddies

    A guy and his female friend who are very flirty make and drink a lot of beer whilst wrestling with a will they, won't they gey together dilemma.

    It's actually fairly enjoyable although very little happens. It's a proper 'Indie' film (think Juno or Garden State) with some decent performances from Olivia Wilde, Ron Livingston, Anna Kendrick and Jake Johnson (Nick from New Girl). It won't be your favourite film, but you won't hate it either. 7/10.

  7. The whole Stannis storyline seems to have been forgotten about a bit. Gendry has gone and Davos hasn't got into bother for it (I'm assuming Stannis won't be too happy with that). It's getting to the point where there needs to be a big old cull of characters or the series need to be longer so that each story can reach a point of some conclusion/intrigue instead of loads of folk just riding from here to there.

  8. So much hate for the 49ers! Although I do agree that Kaepernick seems like a bawbag. Harbaugh clearly likes defences to win games with a qb to manage games by controlling the run game, as he did with Luckett at Stanford. The word coming out from 49ers is that Lattimore has fully recovered and is looking good in OTAs, although we'll know ourselves when he carries in anger. If he recovers then he and Hyde could easily be suitable replacements for Gore, who with the Kaepernick contract, does looks like he could be on his way next year.

  9. Lack of experience and leadership jn the last 15/20 really showed for Glasgow tonight. Pretty sure if Kellock or Cusiter were still on the score would have been closer. Still, Leinster deserved that tonight.

  10. Pacific rim, whilst cheesy and not a classic by any means, was one of those films that was pretty impressive on a big scale in the cinema. Dredd was like that too. Not sure how they'll hold up at home though.

    Killing Them Softly

    Starts off very well, in a sort of Elmore Leonard manner with lots of chat about characters who haven't been on screen and then becomes a bit twisty. Some pretty obvious statements that crime is based on financial problems, starting at the government level, and has some pretty good performances whilst making urban america look like a shite hole.

    Unfortunately it feels pretty rushed in the end and left me feeling a bit "meh".

    Also, I don't think Brad Pitt eats in it.


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