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Posts posted by Maxriddles

  1. Oh aye, and it's Glack Attack on Saturday. Why did I think this would be fun?

    It looks a good event to me although a bit far for me to travel for a 5k event, don't know if you've done an event like this before but they are really addictive and I hope their popularity continues to grow. I decided to do tough mudder with 3 friends and the four of us got totally hooked while triaining for it, Sunday mornings are no longer for hangovers but for running through woods, up hills, through mud and in rivers..it really is fun, albeit blowing out your arse and occaisionally painful fun.

  2. I'm looking for a bit of advice on how to improve my pace of running, I can do up to 12 miles, probably further, on the road pretty comfortably at around 10 mins a mile although if I was only doing 5 miles it would still be 10 mins a mile pace. I have only been running since i started training for tough mudder about three and a half months ago. I'm quite pleased with my progress so far as I'm built more for sprints than distance and have always hated running until recently, now I have the bug I want to get faster. Any tips on how to do this or good websites to visit?

  3. Just drop the weight down to something you are happy with and maybe slow your reps right down? I sometimes do that with lighter weight and it really burns like f**k.

    Think I'm going to give this a go starting from tomorrow for 6 to 8 weeks and will move to a full upper body session rather than the back & bi, chest & tri, and shoulder sessions I normally do.

    I'm planning to do Tough Mudder this year so going to gear my cardio training towards that.My cardio fitness levels at the moment are very good but I will have to train differently to prepare for this. Oh and when I say I'm planning to do Tough Mudder I actually mean that my girlfriend has already signed up and asked me to join their team meaning that I am going to look a bit of a wimp if I don't do it. dry.gif

  4. Must have lost a bit of fitness after being out of action for nearly a month with that cold fluey virus thing but you get it back fairly swiftly. Quite enjoying the training just now but not liking walking like the tin man.dry.gif

    December was a struggle for me too due to a combo of work and two bouts of the cold fluey virus thing. Have found that my cardio fitness hasn't suffered at all although the longest I went without training was seven days and apart from those seven days I still managed to train around four times a week. I am back on track with my cardio and have no trouble getting in at least three high intensity cardio sessions per week, more importantly I'm enjoying them again too.

    What I have noticed is a loss of muscle strength when doing my weights sessions although I know that will come back quickly. Where I'm really struggling though is that I'm not enjoying my weights sessions and I'm finding it a struggle to go and get them done. I normally only do two or three weights sessions per week. Has anyone any ideas how to get back on track here so I feel it's less of a slog?

  5. I don't think I've ever had a weekend of betting with so many close calls and bad luck. This was summed up by the second half of the Real Betis v Barcelona game tonight. Needing only one more goal in the game to get a bet up which would not only recover my weekend losses but go a long way to paying for Christmas I saw the woodwork hit 5 times in the second half and at least three sitters passed up. Betting nightmare this weekend but I suppose that's what makes the good days all the better. More annoyed at myself by not covering my bet by backing no goals in the second half. School boy error on my part but Pedro and Jordi Alba are still cnuts. :)

  6. Ok, new to this so looking for tips.

    Forty-(cough) basically slim but with a big gut that's developed over the last year or so. Used to be about 12st but I've ballooned to over 16 st and it's all around my waist.

    Back in the gym as of last week doing 1 1/2 hour whole body sessions 3 time a week mixing CV with resistance machines. Out on the bike when I can and when weather permits.

    I reckon diet is a big part of the weight problem - far too many McDonalds breakfasts and pies at the footy.

    Cleaning up the diet is the issue. This week I've started on Slimcea shakes & a banana at lunchtime with some kind of quorn and rice in the evening.

    Can anyone advise on those big tubs of powder I see at the fitness shops - what's that all about? Is it a version of Slimcea?

    With what you are hoping to achieve a good diet would be far better for you than taking supplements. For weight loss you should look to eat regularly and because you are exercising you do have to make sure you have enough calories. I would try to stick mainly to low fat foods and getting hold of a scottish slimmers or weight watchers book should help give you some ideas. A big mistake often made by people trying to lose weight is not taking in enough calories or going too long without eating, if your body doesn't know when you'll be eating or isn't getting enough calories your metabolism will slow. Exercise wise I'd recommend spin classes for high intensity cardio, high calorie burn, and to quickly improve your fitness levels, an added bonus with them is that they are low impact so easy on your joints too. Weights wise I would suggest sticking to high rep sessions or even a couple of body pump classes a week.

  7. I can't believe the mentions Bathgate has been getting on here, obviously from people who haven't actually been there for a long time. You can get a train to the centre of Edinburgh or Glasgow in around 30 minutes. You are right next to the M8. There are a lot of quality housing developments, including one of the largest in the country, and the town has been growing in recent years with a lot of people moving there bringing money to the town. There are a wide variety of shops and leisure facilities in the town. As mentioned in a previous post there has been a lot of redevelopment of public buildings and investment in facilities in the town. It is probably one of the best places to live in the central belt. There are undoubtedly some deprived areas but there are very few towns free from these and there are plenty of employment opportunities about too for those who choose to work.

  8. What should be the average weight for a lad around 6ft?

    Someone's ideal weight depends on a number of factors, I wouldn't recommend anyone to aim to be a certain weight. A better goal may be to aim for the sort of body shape you want to have, if you do the right sort of training with the right sort of diet you will achieve it and then you'll find out what your ideal weight is.

  9. Been doing shorter gym sessions this week - generally start with either a cross trainer or rower for 10-15 minutes or so, then do weights and then finish off doing HIIT on the stationary bike for 15 minutes or so. I hurt my back a few weeks ago so today was the first time doing deadlifts and squats, my back feels fine now, touch wood.

    Any tips on how to get a six pack in seven weeks before my holiday, I keep clicking on these pop up adverts on porn sites but all they do is empty my bank account :(

    Diet is the key to getting a six pack and you don't have to go crazy on ab work either. If you really want a six pack you'll have to have a low fat diet and stay off the drink. Exercise wise what is best may depend on how long you can spend at the gym, how often you can go to the gym, and how much body fat you need to shift.

    Please note, being partial to a few beers, or a bottlle of wine and the odd takeaway at the weekend means that I am not in possession of a six pack despite training six days a week and having a relatively good diet (my age may be a factor too :(). You really do need a very clean diet to get one.

  10. Got a 16/1 winner (went of at 8/1) and still managed to finish the day down after a day of 2nds and 3rds. I even had it in a lucky 15 but the 7/4 shot, 15/8 shot, and 7/2 shot all failed to emulate my outsider. Gambling can be so fucking frustrating at times but then again that's half the fun of it.

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