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Chewing Taffies

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Posts posted by Chewing Taffies

  1. 1 minute ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

    The standard time all teams are given to prepare for a Uefa sanctioned game. That's why Uefa agreed to an extra day. That's cheating mate.

    Inter refused it as they were entitled to do. Which dirty tricks did Jose pull to land his first Champions League? Can't wait for this one!

  2. Just now, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

    Well yeah that's cheating is it not?  Uefa themselves sanctioned a one day delay to allow Barca to prepare, but Inter refused it. How else would you describe that?

    Which rule did he break with his cheating?

  3. 21 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

    No, he wins things by prioritising right now and f**k the future cause he won't be there anyway. That's why he never last longer than 3 years in a job, 3.5 his most ever at Man Utd.

    That's why he left behind the oldest squad in Europe when he left Inter and somebody had to come in and rebuild after him.  

    Alex Ferguson said the hardest thing to do in management is to rebuild a team whilst maintaining a level of success.  The stage that Klopp is heading into just now at Liverpool. Mourinho has never done this in his life, he always gets punted before that stage.  

    So his record gives an unfairly flattering perception of his abilities as a manager.  He also cheated shamelessly to win the second CL. If you'll recall the volcano in Iceland had erupted and all flights in Europe were grounded.

    Barca had to take a two day coach ride to get to Milan. Uefa said they could delay the game by a day to give them time to prepare if Inter agreed. Inter said no, and they had to play it straight off the bus basically. That's cheating.  Then in the second leg the most disgusting display of gamesmanship and time wasting ever seen in football, with Mourinho making typically classless comments before the game about the theatre in Barcelona to put pressure on the ref.  Before Materazzin went down for treatment five times in the same game.

    He is also an utter scumbag, the way he treated Eva Carneiro, his comments about the guy who accidentally injured Petr Cech. He is vermin, the most disgusting person in the game, and an absolute fraud. 

    He is making Spurs worse right now, taking them backwards, but becuase he is great press his pals in the media will tell it the other way.

    Yeh I mean prioritising to win trophies right away is just ridiculous in a world where managers are sacked every five minutes!

    And he cheated to win the second champions league because of a volcano, time wasting and pressurising the ref? 🤣

  4. 1 minute ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

    Probably not but she definitely wouldn't have tried to shut up shop against Fulham.

    The narrative being told now by Fraudinho and his lackeys in the press will be that he is improving Spurs, but its actually the opposite. He is making them worse, they are going to achieve less than they did under Poch and do so whilst playing shite football and abandoning the development of their young players.

    He's actually taking them backwards, and as always with Fraudinho someone will have to come in after him to clean up the mess he leaves behind.

    I agree that he isn't doing a great job with Spurs and the football isn't good to watch. I also agree they looked much better under Poch. The only bit I am debating is, you can't call a guy who has won that many trophies and individual awards a fraud. That's just being silly. Do you think he won all of those things by luck?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

    Absolute complete and utter fraud, by far the biggest in the game.

    Give you an example, he has Spurs in a cup final, the diddy cup that real managers don't take seriously.

    And his lackeys in the media are going on about how he has improved them and made them into winners etc.

    Its absolute bullshit. Pochettino took Spurs to two 2nd place finishes and a champion's league final.

    No chance Mourinho equals any of those things, no danger he gets them 2nd, no danger he gets them to a CL final.

    Poch too took them to a diddy cup final in his first season, he too lost it like Fraudinho will.  Poch also got them their highest points total in premiership history and highest league finish for 54 years.

    He did all this while playing good football and bringing through young players (Harry Kane), neither of which Fraudinho will do. 

    He's a fraud, the biggest fraud in the game. A football genius he is not, my mum could have got three points off Fulham last night with the players at his disposal.

    Always worth bearing in mind the two best players in the premiership are probably Salah and de Bruyne. Fraudinho sold them both.  He just isn't the football genius he and his pals in the media think he is.

    Do you think your mum would have won 2 champions leagues, multiple league titles in different countries and FIFA coach of the year as well?

  6. 10 hours ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

    Absolutely shocked to see a Mourinho team a goal up at home to pure shite try to see it out and drop points. 

    Its not like he's done this his entire career and is the biggest fraud in football. 

    Fulham are actually on a decent run - no defeats in 6 including a draw with Liverpool. I thought  they looked good and were the better team in the second half. I agree Mourinho's tactics second half were terrible but calling the guy a fraud is a bit harsh considering he has won every major trophy available in club football.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Munoz said:

    Or, if Dundee hadn't got a lucky break, they might have won that.

    That was very nearly up there with one of your worst results in history,  you should be more humble right now. 

    It just hasn't happened for you tonight mate. Time to let it go

  8. 1 hour ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

    Not really, that happened because at least he was able to to try to intercept it and he got a piece of Messi, Scholes got taken completely out of the game left standing on the spot done. Brown's looks clumsier is all.

    Clumsier = worse

  9. 17 minutes ago, The Real Saints said:

    Being based in London currently, I've just finished discussing the situation with some of my EPL-supporting acquaintances. The overwhelming conclusion seems to be that it's a tinpot situation which could only have been caused an embarrassing little tinpot club. Their words, not mine. Personally, I think they're being a tiny bit harsh but I do accept that there's maybe some validity to their opinions. Any thoughts?


    As someone who is a neutral regarding this situation, my thought is that you are a bit of a fanny.

  10. Very much doubt Brown, if eligible,  would have picked as many intentional caps as Sandro did for Brazil or Jenas did for England. I stand my point he would have been a squad player at Spurs. And if you think he would have got in the Chelsea team at that time then you really are at it.

    The fact is we will never actually know because he clearly lacked ambition if not talent. Probably both though.

  11. Absolutely no way he turned down Spurs unless he was told he was only going to be a squad player. If he did go to a top team down there he would be found out very quickly and that's why he didn't go. So easy for people to say "I could have got a better job but didn't want to". At the end of the day he knew he wouldn't be good enough to make it down there. Good money at Celtic, easy games every week, happy days.

    Just to add - Spurs midfield in 2010: Modric, Bale, van der Vaart, Sandro, Lennon. Sub midfielders: Jenas, Pienaar, Kranjca, Palacios, Huddlestone, Townsend

  12. On 22/12/2020 at 15:42, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

    He is, like his brother for CB's they are absolute silk on the ball.  John Souttar is better on the ball than most of our midfielders.

    It would have been class to have Harry in the middle and John on the right.  Two thirds of a classy back three that could really play.

    Tonight is the first time I have seen Harry Souttar play. His awful clearance led to the second Spurs goal. Fair enough he is up against a good team but he also gave away the ball for what should have been a goal by Son (wrongly flagged offside), then Harry Kane skipped passed him with ease for his goal. He hasn't looked comfortable at all on the ball. Just a bad night?

  13. 1 minute ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

    He lost his job due to alcohol, a manager often 'resigns' cause he's been told he has a choice of resigning or getting sacked

    Even if he did lose his job due to alcohol (which he didn't - he left because they were selling players without his consent), the story was he turned up to training drunk. The players refused to confirm this as true.

    Your story from your "source" said he was found pished in another clubs boardroom on a match day. And he walked into the Scotland job right after this. Not true.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

    Oh look, three seconds on google, seems like I didn't make it up after all you fuckin walloper



    OK so which part of your original story is factually correct then?

    - It wasn't Southampton.

    - He wasn't sacked - he quit.

    - He didn't get the Scotland job straight after the Derby job.

    As I said - utter bullshit from you as usual.

  15. 28 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

    I also heard once years ago, from an impeccable source.  George Burley, if you'll remember he left Southampton very suddenly right before the start of a season, when he'd been doing okay.

    Well the story I heard was it was a pre-season game, and he went missing before kick-off.  Search party sent for him, he was found, and they were away from home it wasn't their ground, he was found passed out drunk on a table in the boardroom.  Sacked on the spot.  

    All these things could be nonsense but come from decent sources, especially that one.

    Do you ever post anything that isn't complete and utter bullshit? 

  16. 15 minutes ago, Tartan Tammy 1297 said:

    Papers saying Rangers loan in January

    Dunno if he would play much

    Davis and Arfied are 36 and 32

    And kept Aribbo and Zunga out the team sometimes

    With my Scotland bunnet on would welcome him

    And would hope he got a lot of game time

    So that Clarke can throw him into the big team

    Could be paper talk though like the Wiltshire move

    worst poem ever

  17. I like McTominay and think he will be a big player for Scotland. But if Man Utd want to challenge for the Prem and Champs League again I don't think he is up to that standard. Probably an Everton or West Ham future player. And nothing wrong with that.

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