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Posts posted by Al666

  1. 1 hour ago, Bob Mahelp said:

    When I see the phrase, 'vile woman', used to describe anyone, that suggests to me an element of hate. You seem a reasonable chap, do you not agree with that ?

    And that hasn't been by any means the worst of the bile poured out in that thread. Some of it suggests an element of derangement amongst certain posters, who....unable to influence events...are using the internet to get themselves ever more wound up. 

    One of the more laughable pieces on nonsense that they come out with, is that anyone who doesn't agree with them 100%, is somehow a drone, just following government advice because we're all in an SNP cult. 

    Wey hey....honestly, pause for laughter with that. 

    Anyway, I hope and trust that your second paragraph isn't suggesting anything like that, given that for the vast, vast majority of people, it is possible to seperate political affiliation from agreeing with every single pronouncement that the said political party makes. 

    P.S. I can't remember you personally ever making comments like those I've mentioned above, despite not hiding your Unionist credentials. So I'm not focussing on anything posted by your good self.


    Well Boab, your remarks could also be directed at a large proportion of the separatist movement, you know, the ones who accuse those of us who see through the lies of the snp as "forelock tuggers" "quislings" and are quick to accuse us of not being real Scots. This abuse comes thick and fast when we point out the downright lies that come from Sturgeon and the snp, not to mention the various pro separation website that make wild fanciful claims that the snp tacitly endorse, otherwise they would debunk them.

  2. 19 hours ago, velo army said:

    Stop going to see shite bands. 

    Seriously though musically some singers are poor live. I went to see a lot if punk bands and they were largely hopeless musically. But the energy was superb. 


    Have to say that the best gigs I've been to all included a great stage show, Hawkwind's Black Sword tour, Motorhead's Ace of Spades, with the Bomber lighting rig, Anthrax Among the Living with the skate ramps and so on.

  3. 6 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

    Why don't you just save us all the bother and tell us exactly how you'd deal with it, Nigel?

    I don't have a solution, but I genuinely want to know how you people with a ban it mentality think we should deal with it. In your own time princess!

  4. 19 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

    I wonder why someone would try to derail this into a "debate" about Muslims. Actually, no I don't, I think we all know exactly why he's done that.

    Not a debate about muslims, just pointing out the fallacy and hypocrisy of the hand wringing lefties on here banging on about bans, So answer my question please. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, Empty It said:

    Can you give a percentage based on the population of Islamic people in the uk how many they've killed?

    And then give us a percentage based on the amount of legally owned firearms and how many they've killed?

    Genuinely interested.

    Manchester Arena, Twenty-three people died, including the attacker, and 1,017 were injured, some of them children

    London Bridge 2017 Eight people were killed and 48 were injured,.

    July 7th bombings 52 UK residents of 18 different nationalities were killed and more than 700 were injured in the attacks, making it the UK's deadliest terrorist incident since the 1988 Lockerbie bombing.(243 passengers and 16 crew)

    Asad Shah murdered by Tanveer Ahmed in Glasgow

    The majority of deaths by shooting are from illegally held weapons

    In the last few years there's been less than 50 killed by legally held weapons as far as I'm aware.

  6. 15 hours ago, Stinky Bone said:

    Simply being a tory should be enough to be hung, drawn and quartered.  I agree with you that there is a strong influence towards Independence on this site and I am pleased about that.  westminster isn't doing Scotland any favours Rob, surely you see that.

    Going back to your comment, I admit that I am concerned about the allegations.  They are being investigated and it will all come out in the wash.  But will Salmond receive a "fair trial" now that the msm has got hold of it?

    Hate speech you tosser, as to a "fair trial", can anyone who's case has been plastered all over the front pages expect one?

  7. 3 hours ago, RadgerTheBadger said:

    Well well well
    I’ve been reading some of the left fascist scum hypocrisy over the last few hours and I must say it’s laughable. The same imbeciles who were up in arms about the alleged Donald Trump allegations are defending and sweeping under the carpet the Alex Salmond allegations
    It seems that as long as you don’t grab her by the pussy then sexual harassment is fair game if you have a certain political agenda

    Help ma boaby!

  8. I've got my ISA with Investec, I also buy Alliance Trust shares  every month or so and put them in the ISA, but the best returns have been on my premium bonds, over the years they've consistantly returned around 5%. I reinvest the winnings in more pemium bonds, and will continue to do so until I hit the maximum allowed (currently £50000-00).

  9. 20 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:


    Perhaps you should try and debate sensibly and stop resorting to insults?

    The insults tend to start from the separatist side, the fact is the failed legal aid lawer is way out of her depth just look at this absolute car crash of an interview


  10. 22 hours ago, Londonwell said:

    ooo baby, Nicola's rideability really gets under your skin.

    Try not to be so angry, we're all friends comrade. Even the less well informed of us.

    I'm guessing that the last time you were inside a woman was just before birth, if you think she's anything other than a right munter. Oh and I'm not angry, just saddened by how many of my fellow Scots seem to lack the facility to realise that the snp have been conning them all along.  eg fat eck's lies about the price of oil, the currency union and remaining in the EU to name but 3.

  11. 20 hours ago, bob the tank said:


    You link to the BBC and a range of anti SNP papers. How about putting your viewpoint in your own words instead of just doing a Google trawl. I asked you a question, that was all, but you attack my education and ability to reason. Why is that, please explain.


    Because you obviously lack the ability to realise that stating facts that show the snp in a poor light is not de facto being anti snp, perhaps if you sought a wider range of sources rather than wings and the national, you'd realise what a poor job they're doing.

  12. On 06/08/2017 at 21:40, jupe1407 said:

    f**k off you complete and utter mess :lol:

    That's the best you can come up with, typical whining gnat, the fact is the snp have made a complete balls up of health, education and policing. The only thing they've succeeded at is lining their own pockets. 

  13. On 28/04/2017 at 07:40, pandarilla said:

    I could just about understand the absolute hatred for big eck - but it makes no sense here. Sturgeon is an incredibly incapable leader. Her political skills are non existent and yet the haters still hate. If I actually engaged my brain and listened to reasoned arguments then I'd have a more grown up discourse.

    Fixed tha,t for you mate

    On 28/04/2017 at 09:18, williemillersmoustache said:

    She's the the cats pyjamas with those said pyjamas being manufactured entirely out of the bees knees.


    Wrong 'uns despise her, not simply because of her supreme competence, charisma, intellect and principled leadership but, there's a real sexist & racist hatred going on in there too.


    Of course they're quite happy with Maybot (or 'mummy' as the tory backbenchers call her apparently) as she's a woman agreeing with them.

    The foaming at the mouth vitriol aimed at a woman not only challenging their ideas but, more often than not exposing these ideas as utter bollocks and handing the right wing their arses on a plate, pretty fucking enlightening IMO.



    Oor Nic should be the first living person to be beatified IMO.





    There's really no hope for you if you actually believe this pish, or are you just a paid blogger from Gordon Lamb House?

  14. 21 hours ago, jupe1407 said:

    What has your completely pointless link got to do with any of this? 

    Just that the reason for the "Tory Au8sterity" that the left keep banging on about is the total and utter f**k up that Labour made of the economy during the Blair Brown years.

    21 hours ago, Cerberus said:

    Fucking hell. Imagine being so blinkered that you're still a Tory fan boy after all that's gone on.

    Better than being an utter c**t who try s to make political capital out of a tragedy.

    21 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:


    The Tories are in charge.

    They have the responsibility to deal with this.


    And they're dealing with it, they are not however responsible for it, no matter how hard the snowflakes and sjw's try and claim that they are.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

    So are people supposed to march down the road to Gunnersbury and trash BSI? This happened on the Tories watch and whilst other parties are culpable, they're in fucking charge.

    And they're still trying to sort out the complete clusterfuck Labour made of the country while they were in charge!


  16. Here's a few facts, especially for the SJW's trying to score points off the Tories, The last change to the building regs for England an Wales was April 2010, so if standards were relaxed it would have been under a Labour government. The materials used would have had to be tested and approved, by an independent body such as BRE, and would be tested to British and European standards. Finally, the proposals submitted for the job would have to be passed by building control.

  17. 6 minutes ago, Shades75 said:


    To write a post and sit back and wait for the inevitable abuse is the very definition of trolling.

    So, you're a troll.

    Trolls are, very often, social inadequates. 


    Not at all, just being realistic about the level of debate from the nationalist movement from the leadership down, when confronted with uncomfortable facts they abandon factual debate and resort to accusations of anti Scottishness and personal insults. I've tried rational argument, but unfortunately the majority of yessers are highly irrational. But thanks for proving my point.

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