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Lou Brusch

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Status Updates posted by Lou Brusch

  1. So much uni work to do, so little will to do it

  2. It's like seven months til the biggest day in Scotland's history, and I have nae idea how I'm voting.

  3. Resultos del examinos tomorrow. Old El bricking it

  4. Still have the distinction of never having been ID'd for anything.

    1. RobBairn1876


      I got ID'd at the fitba yesterday. I'm clearly U18 you fife c***s,

  5. Still going on school trips despite having left school two months ago. BEAST much

  6. in yooooou come

  7. What else would a rabbit wear?

    If anybody...ANYBODY...saw an actual photo of me I'd be done for because a lot of people may recognise me, hence the pancake-sporting bunny

  8. Supporting teams after it was cool! Ultimate hipster

    Worst bit is that I hardly go to watch Gretna 2008 these days. Should be called Gretna Til I Stop Bothering

  9. You say that as if I didn't spot that, I'm as sharp as a tack mate ;)

  10. like the new pie&bovril format

  11. Lets have a wee break in winter. And call it... a winter break.

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