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Everything posted by youngsy

  1. What a pile of pish from you once again. Das followed the club through the good times, for how long i don't know, nor do i care, tbh i couldn't care whether he follows Rangers, Hearts or any other club but the fact remains he gladly took the good times over how many years highlights the fact he has turned his back on the club, so spare me your nonsense. Were Rangers deducted points, titles or trophies at any time,no they weren't. Was the EBT case found in favour of Rangers, yes it was, so don't give us your absolute crap about cheating and if this Das was so against the club then why has it taken him so long to turn his back on the club, why not before the EBT case finding, if he was so sickened by it all why not then. Simply answer to it all he is as frustrated as all Rangers fans are with the present goings on at the club, that is his only reason for turning his back, nothing else. If the club was in good hands at the moment would he turn his back, like hell he would. And please spare us your idiocy about we know we cheated, we've read all your crap before about it, the title and trophies are there, not removed.
  2. Don't you think that all Rangers fans are hacked off with all that's went on at the club over the past two years? You aren't alone in that. However one thing the vast majority are doing is standing by the club that they've supported for many years. One thing that you are doing is turning your back on a club that has given you so many good times over the years you followed them. Certainly the club is a mess at the moment and no one knows what the outcome will be, but do we all give up as easily as you have. As for McCoist, if you have listened to Rangers fans many will tell you that great player that he was for the club he's not a great manager and whatever your opinion of him over the past two years with his actions and responses over certain things he, in his opinion, was acting as he saw fit on behalf of the support and club, he may not have pleased everyone or indeed was always right in his actions, in fact they may well be cringeworthy at times but that was how he saw things. As for the support, certainly the support is fractured and too many who think they are high profile have too much to say but to disparage every one of the support tells me a lot about you. You've walked away from supporting the club, fine, your choice but why the disparaging of the the whole support as one. There are many decent Rangers fans, don't equate us all as one. Question for you; do you think Hearts will hold the same emotional attachment for you as Rangers did?
  3. Is King in jail- no. Is King free to do what he likes within the law-yes, is King walking around without restraint on his every move- yes. Irrespective of what was imposed on him, he walked. Now i' think we'll end this futile argument.
  4. The rights issue was in 2004, shareholders only took up £1.5 million of the issue, Murray underwriting stood at £51 million, iirc.
  5. Whether you think the EBT result is a joke is neither here nor there, you're opinion on the verdict isn't in any way relevant. The FTT found for the PLC, that is irrefutable. As for any CVA being accepted or not, leaving aside the EBT potential, if Whyte hadn't withheld PAYE from HMRC there is a fair chance a CVA would have been accepted, the fact that Whyte fraudulently withheld such a sum was the major factor in HMRC pushing for liquidation of the PLC.
  6. He offered £10 million as a settlement without any financial irregularity being applied to the PLC.
  7. Leaving aside the EBT potential, the overall debt was just over £56 million, if Whyte hadn't been fraudulent and refused to pay PAYE & N.I then with the EBT case going the way of the PLC a CVA could have been structured, the fact that Whyte stiffed HMRC was the reason for HMRC to refuse any CVA. Certainly Murrays lack of fiscal prudence in the early to mid 2000s was the catylyst for the financial problems but at the end of the day, Whyte was solely responsible for the liquidation of the PLC.
  8. Aye, very good Umbungo, that's the best i've heard about Whyte," he stepped up to the plate", very good indeed and top marks to you for such inventiveness. Rather more realistic is the fact he was in it solely for himself, not anyone else, irrespective of what damage he did too many. But hey as i said top marks for inventiveness.
  9. Do try and get it right, Umbungo. No doubt you're speaking of my attitude to Craig Whyte and his actions which affected many people financially including myself and my family. Damn right i hope everything bad that can happen to that person does happen to him. If you've got a problem with that attitude then too bad, you'll need to live with it.
  10. I've just been reading the last couple of pages of this thread and i know i've said it before but WRK you really come across as a very bitter person with an inherent hatred against a football club (Rangers), the fans of that club, ( in your own words, as you describe," there are no decent Rangers fans"). Then you go on( "scum everyone of them"), this coming from someone who tries to come across as a great Socialist, never in a million years are you what you try and perceive yourself. So give it a rest, please. the poster, ' Bloomogganers' summed you up very well indeed and full marks to him for that,and although i can understand his criticism of Rangers, your criticism is based solely on a bigoted attitude.
  11. Den, read this and take it in, personally i couldn't give a flying about McGillivan, i know all about his bigotry and lying, however to accuse another poster of pushing propoganda while you continually do it for McGillivan on a regular basis on this forum is somewhat hypocritical from you, in my opinion of course. No seethe, no anger, just pointing out your hypocrisy.
  12. Isn't pushing the proven liar and bigots book a bit of propaganda from yourself?
  13. Naw, hanging's too good for him, it's a good kick in the arse he needs.
  14. You really are a clown. Try and read what was posted without your obvious hatred of all things Rangers related blinding you.
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