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Wee Jock Poopong McPlop

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Posts posted by Wee Jock Poopong McPlop

  1. 40 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Rooney should be a great signing now that he's finally here - remember him being on trial with us under Ian Murray. Good to get that position sorted early.

    Thank god I was out last night. When I saw the score for the first time it was 2-2 and I was unimpressed so can only imagine how it was for those who'd been following it from the start. Glad it's done and dusted and we can relax a bit tonight. Hope Baccus and Strain can get a nice send off.

    I don't care that it's the Conference, that we'll probably get some team I've never heard of and I don't care that they'll inevitably pump us (well, maybe hold off on that last one), seeing us in Europe was one of the few things left on my Saints bucket list. Winning the Scottish Cup and one of our current players representing Scotland are probably the only things left on it now.

    Just a shame that my dad's not been around to enjoy the last couple of years and I imagine pretty much everyone else on here can think of folk who are sadly no longer with us to experience this.

    Last time we were in Europe, it was against some team I’d never heard of.

    Mechelen. .

     We got a nil nil in the first leg which got us scratching our heads as they ran rings round us at Love Street in the second leg. How the chookie did we manage to get a draw with these boys on their own park. 

    Anyway, they went on to win the cup winners cup that year beating Ajax in the final. 

    I think I read somewhere that their directors invited the directors of the teams they’d beaten in earlier rounds to be their guests at the final. That would’ve been a nice day out for some Saintyboys. 

  2. On 29/04/2024 at 16:40, JD and associates said:

    I would love to see Airdrie replacing Livi in the top division. Plastic pitch, similar sized ground in a housing estate, small fanbase, dubious history. Its only about 20 miles down the road as well. Can you imagine how many simpletons this would upset? In fact, I can't think of a team I'd rather see replace us more than Airdrie. Would be so fitting. Please let this happen.

    Of the two, Airdrie’s pitch looks much better on the telly. Has anyone on here experience of playing on both and can let us know which, if either, is a more suitable surface for a decent game of football 

  3. 2 hours ago, CoF said:

    That first part is true, but also kinda not true. 

    (Sorry if you know this already) There's a whole section on the SPFL rules about Unacceptable Conduct in stadiums. The definition of Unacceptable Conduct is pretty simple, and it's clear is breached regularly. While the clubs aren't responsible for the actions of fans, they're responsible for 1 - minimising the potential for unacceptable conduct (primarily that falls on the home club), and 2 - taking disciplinary measures against fans (which is more effectively dealt with by the club the fan supports). 

    I imagine the first part is easily ticked off every single game with risk assessments, stewards, liaising with the Police etc. The second part, I can't see why clubs aren't in regular breach of that rule. Picking a totally random club and stadium, say..... Rangers at Ibrox -  when the songbook is out, it shouldn't be hard to review videos, identify individual season ticket holders and ban them. Gradually people will get the message. If it happens when Rangers are playing away, the home club's could release statements saying they are aware of the songs and will work with Rangers and the authorities to identify those responsible. But that doesn't happen. 

    The mechanisms and technology is there and it could be gradually squeezed out of the game. Sadly there's a wilful acceptance. So aye, the SPFL can't punish clubs for fan behaviour but they can punish them for failing to deal with it. But they don't and are therefore complicit in keeping it alive. 







    There used to be a song at Saints park in which the initial reference was to the colours of the two teams they hate and the final line was an offensive reference to the pope and the queen (an updated “king” version wouldn’t be so good for rhyming reasons)  
    It’s also, to be fair, popular at the grounds of other diddy clubs. 
    This is clearly doubly sectarian and the concern is the authorities would see the logic in doubling the punishment 

  4. 29 minutes ago, GordonS said:

    I see the SPFL cares far, far more about a handful of postponements than they do about sectarian and racist chanting. Priorities, eh.

    So what you’re saying is that a club not being able to provide a suitable playing surface is a bigger issue than some idiots singing stupid songs. 

    Actually, now that I think about it, maybe the SPFL is on to something here. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Thenorthernlight said:

    I’m staggered anyone with an IQ above 10 still listens to, or worse still, calls in to this unadulterated garbage.

    Declan fae Dennistoun, or Rab fae Larkhall calling in to discuss & argue over a throw in, in the Glasgow Derby, to talk to those luminaries of the Scottish game, Gordon Dalziel & Hugh Keevens 😆

    Radio for the retarded. 

    Hey. I’ve an IQ of 147 and I listen most evenings. 
    I quite like it. 
    It’s good for a chortle. 

  6. 9 hours ago, Wilbur said:

    For a club of our size, having a spell of success and 'outperforming' our status in Scottish football will always be a double-edged sword. Enjoy it while you can, because there will always be an underperforming club with a larger fanbase and a bigger budget waiting to plunder our assets.

    If (or when) Robinson and O'Carroll are lured away from us I would hope that our Board would give serious consideration to appointing Ryan Flynn, who must have learned so much from Robinson about tactics, player recruitment, and the value of sheer hard work. The last thing I would want to happen when Robinson eventually moves on would be to bring in an outsider in his place with different ideas. What we're doing right now is working for us, it is continuity that we will need rather than change. 

    You could say the same thing about Jamie Langfield. 

  7. 1 hour ago, ATLIS said:

    Obileye apparently at Fir Park signing a pre-contract apparently. Good luck with him, he's hopeless. I've never saw a footballer with such a lack of a weak foot, he'd rather turn inside and use his right and risk losing it on the edge of the box than just play out his left. 

    Good in the air but lazy and very little concentration. We lost our first goal v County due to him standing still dreaming and lets Simon Murray run through uncontested. 

    Obileye…..Obika…. There’s got to be a song in there somewhere.  

  8. 11 hours ago, kennie makevin said:
    20 hours ago, Molotov said:

    cracking amount of detail and photos at this link regarding Abercorn FC:


    At the start of the season, Aberdeen are always shown as being top of the league because of the alphabet  

    It would have been nice to have seen Abercorn sorting them out  


  9. 5 hours ago, btb said:

    St Mirren.info have broken our player records down alphabetically so 25 pages (no X, Y&Z combined but an extra page for the Mc/Macs

    Past Players | StMirren.info

    Bobby Ansell played 219 games without scoring and so I'm giving him the award without even looking at the Bs.


    5 hours ago, btb said:

    St Mirren.info have broken our player records down alphabetically so 25 pages (no X, Y&Z combined but an extra page for the Mc/Macs

    Past Players | StMirren.info

    Bobby Ansell played 219 games without scoring and so I'm giving him the award without even looking at the Bs.

    I notice he was a full back. I dunno, but for us I assumed it’d be a striker. 

  10. The irony of Aberdeen fans whining about an injury time penalty decision. Have you forgotten about the one you got at Saints park a couple of months ago. 
    And even then your guy hit it twice and the ref still allowed the goal to stand. That deprived us of 2 points that we legitimately won. 
    We were literally cheated out of 2 important points and it was confirmed by the VAR performance review earlier this week. 

  11. 30 minutes ago, Molotov said:

    Sorry don’t follow twitter. Or X or Facebook or such like.

    I’ve been on Saints forums since the mid 90s. That’s about as much “social media” as my auld brain can handle 😂 

    Thing is though. Any mistake’s goalkeepers make get immense scrutiny. I’ve said before that Zach will make mistakes - but we as supporters need to back him like other outfield players who have a poor game or run of form. 

    Since Jamie became a coach we have seen a huge improvement in the consistency and quality of our goalkeepers. 

    Late 70s we bought a very young Billy Thomson and had Campbell Money as his deputy. We did alright then! Zach could be the first goalkeeper since then to lead us back into Europe!

    I just wish he was our player under a long contract. 

    Hope you never thought I was having a go at you as it was not my intention. COYS

    I think the point about Langfield is spot on. Since he came to the club all our goalies have really benefited from working with him. Ask Hladky and Alnwick, both now doing great work in the English championship. Also Carson was in the best form of his life while well into his 30s. 

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