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Silvio Tattiescone

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Everything posted by Silvio Tattiescone

  1. Most of it sold out within hours. Bit pissed off with that tbh
  2. I for one have never seen a car swerve around a pothole of course.
  3. Settled down on the couch for the playoff game only to find there's no football on the BBC tonight. Thought they were covering the playoffs?
  4. I kid ye not, my first thought when I heard the announcement was "Shit, what's about to happen in August?"
  5. Next time the havering media shites start their nonsense about injuries, someone should refer them to this - https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(23)00133-5/fulltext
  6. I'm guessing the chances of being a good guy are slim if your moniker's "The Butcher of Tehran". Awaits @Sergeant Wilson making a crack about pork chops.
  7. I have no idea what the last bunch of posts have been about.
  8. Especially considering there's a roundabout just a hundred yards or so away
  9. I can assure you, if I won there would be a LOT of Lottery funded sex.
  10. "Might makes right" isn't a US invention. It applied to the Soviet Union when it quelled uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia and the West sat with it's finger up it's arse. It applied to China when they took Tibet. The ICC are currently investigating alleged crimes in Ukraine by Russia - how much of a shit do you think Russia gives? Any global standard that doesn't include the active participation (and subjucation of) the major powers isn't worth the high quality embossed vellum it's written on. This is political grandstanding, no more.
  11. Straight to a vote? No debate, no discussion, no informed decision making?
  12. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(23)00133-5/fulltext
  13. The 4 main world powers - China, Russia, India and the USA don't recognise the ICC, which makes you wonder what's the point? The only country to sign & ratify membership in the Middle East is Jordan.
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