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Silvio Tattiescone

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Everything posted by Silvio Tattiescone

  1. It has no sail so surely it doesn't "sail" anywhere. I reckon you chugged all the way from Grangemouth to Edinburgh. Cool though - what's the mooring fees like?
  2. First run out of the year since I knackered my back in February. Over the winter I've put on a stone and a half and lost sight of my feet so it's good to get back in the saddle but dearie me, I'm so unfit! A 15 mile loop that I was doing in 55 minutes last year just took me an hour fifteen and my back was giving me serious gyp at times. Mind you, I think my tyres might have been slightly under pressure so that probably accounts for most of the extra time
  3. I love the idea of infinite alternate universes existing at the same time, where every possibilty is possible. However, Josh Falkingham is probably an irritating wee fud in all of them
  4. Whit? Open your eyes - who in the UK led with banning smoking, minimum pricing on alcohol, plain packaging on cigarettes, drinking in public (and at games)? These are existing, legal drugs which already bring in huge amounts in tax revenues and exports but they have been relentlessly attacked by Holyrood. Why on earth do you think the Scots are more likely to then decriminalise another drug? The English and specifically Londoners have a far more laissez-faire approach to cannabis and I certainly don't think it unlikely that some areas of London will have decriminalised cannabis sooner rather than later.
  5. It's not for now, but I can see them eventually moving to a local licensing system in England (as in the US). However I can't ever see it being legal in Scotland - especially not if independence happens. Don't get me wrong, I'm pro-legalisation btw.
  6. As an aside, the only time a politician "thinks of the children" is when they're baws deep in one.
  7. It'll be legal in England decades before it's ever legal in Scotland. There's a strong Calvinist streak in Scots and our politicians which leads to us being at the forefront of banning things. Look at how Holyrood wanks itself into a frenzy over banning fags and booze.
  8. If he goes to St Mirren he'll be back in Div 1 in 2014/15, just as we go up to the SPL.
  9. Wouldn't be surprised to see them win today (Forfar are reported to be often abysmal away from home) but they won't get past Alloa.
  10. According to a judge, not wearing a helmet lets drivers who kill cyclists get away with it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-22397918 This isn't a flippant remark. If some c**t deliberately tries to kill you on the road and you end up badly injured or worse, any claim to the Criminal Injuries Board will be reduced because you weren't wearing a helmet. Should rape victims who end up pregnant be castigated for not being on the pill?
  11. It's a bugger innit. Some days I want to do a long road route so a road bike would be best. Some days I want to do a bit of road and light off-road so my Tricross is best. Then there's days when I really fancy throwing myself down the side of a mountain. When I was a kid I did all three on my Raleigh racer, but the wheels weren't quite round a lot of the time
  12. I've been getting seduced by the mountain biking dark side and I'm getting sorely tempted by some of the Cube 29ers
  13. Thank f**k. Now I won't have to put up with people spelling his name wrong.
  14. Status Quo playing Falkirk in June? I'm putting a tenner on Quo to win 2-1
  15. Just think, if we'd got Latapy we could have had a pre-season tour of the Caribbean
  16. I think Unleash the Nade had one of those and he reckoned it was pretty good.
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