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Silvio Tattiescone

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Everything posted by Silvio Tattiescone

  1. Yeah, I've got something similar. Beats a handpump or a footpump
  2. Nobody's ever mistaken you for a ray of sunshine have they mate? Stay away from OneF, it's the darkside.
  3. I believe we have a new unit of currency on P&B for transfers. The fee for Taylor was five Tidsers.
  4. Do tell UtN Glorious day for it. Went out intending a wee 15-20 miles but got sidetracked and ended up doing 30 miles +. Found a great cycle track along a disused railway line going from Alloa to Dunfermline. Smooth tarmac, easy gradients - if the Pars ever manage to make it into the same division as us again, I might cycle to the away games on this route. Got one puncture and discovered a new bit of essential kit - insect repellent. I damn near thought I was dying as they tried to eat me alive. After 5 minutes I began to hope they'd hurry up and succeed! Good wee spin but I was blowing out my arse and my legs had gone by the end. Seriously unfit
  5. Nice, but September is when the shops usually start discounting stock ready for next year's models so watch out for some bargains. I got my Tricross last year for £550 instead of £750.
  6. Lived there for eight years, really don't fancy cycling it. I've had cars that struggled over the String, far less my knackered old legs.
  7. I like this fixture seeing as how I can just walk along to the ground.
  8. Attributed to the Retard so quite possibly a lot of shite.
  9. <cough>Cyclocross<cough> Road bikes that can handle trails and the potholes of commutes.
  10. Who wants to try some of these moves out on the commute home?
  11. You probably won't notice him. Opposition fans seldom do for some reason.
  12. I rowed one of those fuckers in a race once. They don't half shift when the rowers get a rhythm going.
  13. The car struggles up bits of that - at one point it's 1:1
  14. UTN - you ever go up to Sheriffmuir by the Logie Kirk rd? That kills me every time.
  15. I believe zombies would walk along the bottom of the canal
  16. Ah, a boudoir's a bedroom is it? I thought it was a posh name for a woman's loo.
  17. That's fine. I can tell the Mrs I'm away out riding on my bike.
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