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Silvio Tattiescone

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Everything posted by Silvio Tattiescone

  1. Brilliant stuff. Harrow is going to be incredible in the last episode I reckon but the final line in this one was a corker - "I need a bath, some chow, then you & me sits down and we talk about who dies, huh?" Ace!
  2. If you want a custom build, this guy seems to be highly regarded - http://www.rourke.biz/custom_framesets.php
  3. Of course our incredibly able pack of sports journalists will be all over this, ensuring the fans and the public are kept informed.
  4. As an ex-Fifer (it washes off with s*ap), I don't like to see the Pars too deep in the shit. Any chance of a PM - though I appreciate you may not want to share.
  5. http://www.haaretz.com/weekend/week-s-end/does-scotland-manage-to-be-anti-israel-without-being-anti-semitic.premium-1.473977
  6. Indeed. Palestinian totalitarians are fighting a Jewish/Secular democracy. One side tortures and imprisons gay people - the other has gay pride marches. One side has Sharia law - the other side is more secular than Ireland One side murders political opponents by throwing them off roofs - the other has peaceful democratic elections. One side beats up women in the street for dressing immodestly - the other side has topless beaches. What side has values worth supporting?
  7. And were the entire Middle East turned into a glass car park, here's how most of the world would react -
  8. My heart's doing 150 BPM just looking at the charts !
  9. Won't have taken you long on those bikes. Seriously, well done. I'd love to do something like that (without the hills perhaps)
  10. That's why the guid lord invented showers, praise be thankit
  11. Last year I did my last run at the end of October and wasn't out again until mid-February. I'm determined that's not happening again so I've stocked up on foul weather gear and even put mudguards on the bike.
  12. Just back from Campbeltown after doing the MOKBike challenge - phew! Did 5 miles of the MTB course before I had to bale out (back wheel just spinning in the mud with no traction). Hurriedly made my way back to the start and joined in the 33 mile Sanda ride. They said it was hilly Sweet Baby Cheeses!. Absolutely knackered and although my average speed was only about 10-11 mph, considering the hills and a maximum recorded of 35mph (on gravel) I'm quite happy. Especially as I finished 5th out of the 2 dozen or so who started. Think the 70 or 105 mile routes would be stern tests for some of the better riders here. The scenery was awesome though. Crystal clear views of Arran & Antrim.
  13. Coyle sacked after winning just 3 of his last 10 matches. Pressley's won 1 of his last 10
  14. Ach, we fall over all the time. I was giggling like an idiot after falling into a ditch on Dumyat And I hit this at 25mph and flew straight up in the air - All good fun.
  15. Been discussing this elsewhere. When I heard it was FCC I thought of you - really terrible news mate.
  16. I don't think a chip will deter thieves, but they will help you get it back (and/or kick seven bells out of the scroat) - http://www.integratedtrackers.com/GPSTrack/Spybike.jsp £97.50 + VAT.
  17. That's interesting and it ties in with Pressley usually spending the first 15 minutes or so in the stand before going pitchside to start yelling. Seems to me he needs a decent captain in the middle of the field to ensure his instructions are stuck to.
  18. Savannah, Georgia. Went there a few years ago and totally fell in love with the place and the people. Sadly, getting back hasn't been so easy.
  19. Andy Haworth in yesterday's programme - This is a guy who came through the ranks and played in the first team of an English Premiership club alongside Tugay & the likes. Why is Pressley insisting on complex and baffling systems and formations to compete in what is a bloody godawful standard of football in this league? I honestly believe we have some of the best players in this league, but Pressley clearly isn't getting the best out of them. Duffie, Murdoch, Weatherston and Higgins can all play much better than we've seen so far this season - the question is, why are so many of our players under-performing?
  20. Ah, that brings back memories of red blaze pitches - sigh. Also good for unwanted pregnancies -
  21. The Mull of Kintyre challenge site is back up - http://www.mokbike.com/index.htm
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