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Francesc Fabregas

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Status Updates posted by Francesc Fabregas

  1. I might be my man - I've been playing Fives for the last few weeks with some pretty decent players, thinking of asking them if they want to enter a team.

    What about yourself?

  2. Stenhousemuir's free scoring midfielder. The Soccer Special. Whatta guy.

  3. When we play the ol' 3-5-2 there's a sweeper involved. I thought you had to be decent at passing before you could play sweeper?

  4. Who is he? He looks mighty pleased with himself.

  5. Who's the guy in you avatar?

  6. Possibly one of the greatest games ever to be released.

  7. Thanks man. You should come down on Sunday for a beer after the football, we miss your scent.

  8. Westaff in Falkirk, just next to Kings. I'll be doing data input and chasing up references and stuff. Seems pretty tedious, but 9-5, Monday to Friday, central location, can't complain!

  9. Sunday was mental. Went to Kushion after you left and the whole Celtic team were there. They seemed unimpressed with me and the Caleyking.

  10. And you're nearly a third of a century old! Imagine!

  11. A very happy birthday to you, sir!

  12. This might sound odd, but are you into Samuel Beckett at all? I ask because of the username, you see.

  13. Lol, look at "Philpy".

  14. I thought my shirt was quite snazzy :-(

  15. When we beat them 14-1, you know you'll have made the right choice.

  16. Friday's going to be superb - I'm just sorry that O won't be able to spend all that much time with you - I'll miss it beforehand because I have to get everything set up and that, and afterwards I'll have to pack it away! Oh, to be famous and have roadies!

  17. lol

    7-0 if we play you. And the score will be that low because we'll run out of time to go into double figures!

  18. That's two teams - Pork Vale for pinching their best player and the AKL for stealing their keeper! I'm sure I made the right choice when I wanted to win trophies :-D

  19. If my team plays your team at the fives, we'll fucking have you. F-A-C-T FACT!

  20. P+B Select #1! Aw gengy, innit?

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