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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. With both Crusaders and Livi not being particularly thrilled about staying in the competition I am reminded of an episode of Porridge where Lennie Godber had taken up boxing but "the genial" Harry Grout wanted him to throw the match; another gangland leader wanted his opponent to throw the match so it was a race against the clock as to who would hit the canvas first. I just have this vision of both teams playing their youth teams or its a case of who can score the most own goals.
  2. Not sure anyone would be that keen to play TNS. With all due respect to The New Saints playing a game on a Sunday, televised but no share of the revenue, is a guaranteed all time low gate (you'd have to be some dedicated fan to make the 700 mile round trip on a Sunday when its already being shown live on S4C). Wouldn't be surprised if the losses for having to play this game far outstripped the fine or indeed the prize money for getting through to the next round. Maybe we could play it on the field turf if we get through? Realistically it would have been better for all parties is the tie had simply been awarded to Crusaders and they could then properly prepared to play TNS. To be perfectly honest it would probably make for more interesting television spectacle anyway. The bizarre thing is that we actually played a weakened team against the Crusaders last time with the reserve goalkeeper and another fringe player starting the game but couldn't leave Lithgow out for Neill. As far as I recall there's not limit on the number of first team players that have to be played in the Iron Bru cup; when we played Hearts a couple of seasons back they only played, I think, two first team players? I know a lot of the Livi support were upset that the original tie what held on a Friday night due to an agreement with the SFA and some pay per view channel and now its being held on a Tuesday night. As far as I could see there is no way of getting back from Belfast on the same night The £4,000 fine is a sore one but frankly the management have noone to blame but themselves.
  3. Not sure you'd be allowed in the supporters team my dear; not with that stick Anyway what time's tiffin?
  4. A number of our players are one £250 a week but because of their age the minimum wage wasn't applicable. Cole was however on a reported £400 per week which is about £399 more than I would have paid if I'm honest. I often wonder about the mentality of players accepting low wage full time contract rather than part time and having a potential career in some other industry at the end of their playing days. I know a number of our players used to take on part time work like Griffiths who delivered pizzas (when he wasn't getting half of the Lothian's up the duff) or the Jacobs brothers who used to market body-building aids but its hardly a long term strategy. I wonder if being able to change your description on Facebook or wherever to "full time professional footballer" is the real draw for many of these youngsters?
  5. In case anyone's going to the friendly against Livingston tomorrow please note the change of venue to cater for ground improvement and some pretty extensive roadworks right outside the 'vale. http://livingstonfc.co.uk/pars-friendly-venue-switch/ Hopefully this is on your official site already but in case it isnt....
  6. He'll do a job for you; nothing spectacular but a solid enforcer - the real question is will he top 30 yellows this season. Came in for a lot of criticism from a few supporters but certainly the kind of player you need in your side when you're up against it.
  7. Good lad showing bucket loads of promise but I feel it still might be a season too soon for him. If you're able to hold on to him for two or more seasons you've got an very good midfielder
  8. You may be right; my comments are just based on my understanding which has been flawed on more than one occasion (according to the missus anyway)
  9. He was with Ayr before Stranraer wasn't he which would imply Stranraer paid the development fee if any - (assuming Ayr developed him and they offered him a contract before moving on).. We should have got a development fee for Foredyce but were unable to offer him a new contract due to the embargo.
  10. Not really' they would just knock it off the total directorial loan amount its believed he's owed. Costs are unlikely to be anywhere near the £250k mark (or whatever it is now)..
  11. I believe his business, The Presidential Decorating Co Ltd, was formed under limited liability so the creditors would have no call on his other assets unless he'd given forms of directorial guarantee or it can be proved he's illegally moved funds out of the company prior to its collapse.
  12. Not entirely correct; I believe Nixon owned 20% interest in Livingston 5 which owned almost 100% of the Livingston FC shares. I presume, as part of the winding up of Livingston 5, Nixon has chosen to convert them to Livingston FC shares. As far as I remember he's now banned from being a director so his share holdings is his way of trying to keep tabs of that elusive £250k he says he's owed?
  13. Surprised Raith never came in for Rutherford (or McKenna) actually - maybe they prefer our crooked cast offs? Read somewhere that Gary Glen had signed for them; if true then good luck to the guy; he deserves a chance.
  14. Interesting fact about part-time and full time costs; given what we pay players would part time actually be that much cheaper. Last season the Jacob brothers had a second role selling performance supplement; O'Brien had his involvement in the sports consortium with his brother(s). A couple of the younger ones were still doing the delivery option (supermarket/takeaway food etc.); others were in education. Doubt whether many at Livi can actually live on what we pay them along - certainly wont leave a lot for pensions; savings etc. The vast majority of our team seem to fit into one of the following categories: 1. Youngsters looking to emulate our crop of youngster to earn big money moves down south (aka Scougall; McNulty; Snodgrass; Griffiths; Dorrans etc.) - historically these guys are on crap money from day 1 but if an offer came in it would probably be accepted. 2. Ex Non-league or Junior players looking to try the next step on the ladder - generally willing to accept very poor money in order to take the step into "professional" status or play at a higher level. Most only stay one season and either move on or are dumped (Denham; McKenna etc.). 3. Long term injured player or ones with a "history" looking to try and get back into the game. (Cole; Gallagher; Hippolyte; Boulding etc.) Others such as Jamieson are retained by signing them up on a longer contract than our usual one year. Personally I cannot see how the profession of "football player" is even financially viable outside the top 15 or 16 sides in this country. Virtually everyone must supplement their income somehow and have some plan for what happens when their playing career ends - not all can go into management or become physios. What is the average earning of a "professional player " outside to top league and Hibs and the rangers? I'd be surprised if it was much beyond £15k and most probably don't know if they'll even have a job following the summer.
  15. Or he's signed a contract. It doesn't stop being a contract if it isn't lodged with the SFA however he won't be allowed to play until it is. I agree it would be a bit silly for a club to commit to signing a player whom they couldn't play so am pretty sure there will be some appendices to that effect. Unless what he's signed is a pre-contractual agreement which is pretty much worthless.
  16. Thanks and good luck for next season - hopefully you'll get the chance to reorganise and strengthen ready for a new campaign
  17. Think you're missing the point here; its not Livi supporters "bigging up" Gallagher and hoping to get a decent transfer fee at the end of the season; the plain fact is that he signed a 1 year contract and can move for free at the end of it. You've probably seen him two or two times this season (was injured for most of the first half) but the Dundee supporters saw him every week last season and we've seen the difference he's made in ours. We have pretty much no chance of holding on to him at the end of the season and we all believe he'll be difficult to replace.- for us Declan Gallagher is very special.
  18. Does Rankin have to get rid of "interests" in both clubs or just one of them?
  19. Also good to see spelling; diction and all round grammar are right at the top of the curriculum in Leith...
  20. Nixon's liability was reduced to £215,367 wasn't it? Most of the rest is presumably current directors loans and, not forgetting, that strange three agents involved in the sale of players liability?
  21. Personally if I were to suggest another name I'd go for Brad Donaldson; not because he's bad or good but because I've started to question whether he actually exists.
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