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Everything posted by BigMartyn86

  1. He was going mental at the ref when he came over to take the corner after we cleared the ball off the line in the first half. Paul McGowan looks like he has had a hard paper round. As others have said, we played well first half despite playing into the wind and launching the ball forward too often and rode our luck a bit in the second half. I was surprised Nevans didn’t get a run out in the last 20 minutes. Cammy was woeful when he came on. All credit to the players as we are unbeaten and joint top despite not being 100% Big Goss is a handful, he wins most things in both boxes and I would take him at Alloa.
  2. That’s an interesting number of thoughts you have. Are part time Alloa ever going to win the league cup? Therefore how serious will it be in our priorities before a season starts? Will our chairman have sat down with the manager and said take this seriously and progress at all costs? I highly doubt it. Try and give a good account of ourselves, which we did in the wins against Brechin and St Johnstone but we are now out after drawing against East Fife and losing yesterday in Greenock. Yesterday won’t define our season as it’s not what we are aiming for. The main priority for Alloa and pretty much every other team is their respective league campaigns.
  3. I thought we were quite poor in the second half yesterday after playing well in the first half. We missed having Miko or Stevie in beside Roberts yesterday as well as I thought they found it too easy at times against us. Also, Donnelly should have been hooked just after half time as he looked dead on his feet in the second half. I was impressed with PJ, Rankin and Roberts. Also young Nevans and Sammon impressed when they came off the bench. It was nice to see Andy making subs before the 80 minute mark as well. Oh well, onwards to the serious stuff next week against Queens in the league.
  4. I assume that we will be getting new strips next season as we have had the current ones for a couple of years now? No doubt it will be Pendle again. It would be nice if we could mix it up a bit and go with a different supplier. You see clubs our size having kits made by a lot better suppliers than Pendle. Think I even read that Stranraer are having kits made by Mizuno next season. On the player contracts front I was surprised by both Cammy and LD getting contracts. There is rumours of us running with a smaller squad next year but we have injury prone players in the squad like LD, Hetherington and Scougall. Who most people would be expecting to be starting most weeks. Add in the ages of Cawley and Sammon who will more than likely be squad players with little starts then I think we still need to get some players in if we want to compete at the top end of the league again. All the best to Robbo who has been great for us over the years, it wouldn’t surprise me if he ended up with the contingent of ex Alloa players at Stenny.
  5. Is there plans to open up a lodge and start holding walks in Alloa? “Alloa Loyal”
  6. Just watched the highlights, I’m surprised that Andy dropped Miko for Hetherington. Hetherington has been a great player for Alloa but I think Miko offers more to the team and we dropped out of the game on Tuesday when he went off. Also that is sheer stupidity from Neill, he’s let everyone down by being petulant. We seriously need to sort the centre back and left back position next season as well. We are conceding too many soft goals from set plays. Either move Taggs in to centre back or try and sign a better centre half as we won’t contend next season if we keep the current three on the books. I’d keep Ogayi as back up or contender for the number 1 jersey as there isn’t much between him and PJ. Cammy can go, he’s had enough chances and isn’t good enough. Robbo and Kev have been great servants to the club but I don’t see the point in keeping them just for the sake of keeping them. Goodwin was quite ruthless in his first summer window in moving on the likes of Marr, Holmes and Spence (the Spence move even had someone claiming not to renew a season book iirc ) and that ultimately paid off as we were promoted the following season. I’d keep Miko and Sammon as both offer a lot to the squad, LD can go as he’s too injury prone. It’ll be interesting to see if the board will back Andy or not, I think he’s done more than enough this season to deserve their trust. Here’s hoping the loan market will be as fruitful as it was this year as well.
  7. I hope Miko gets a new contract for next season, he has been excellent recently.
  8. It looks like it would be a good choice for one of the segments on A View From The Terrace.
  9. A good result but a strange performance and day out. It felt like watching a pre season game at Lornshill. I was quite impressed with the number 8 for Edinburgh, Sambou. I would take him at the recs next season.
  10. Did we not announce it just before Rangers were due to start plastering Sports Direct all over Ibrox for a pound to wind them up prior to playing them? Sure there was a bit of fanfare over it and we also got some rubbish player from the Philippines who looked like Neymar or similar?
  11. On a positive note both Taylor Steven and Bobby Wales are a joy to watch. Here’s hoping they keep the head screwed and go on to have decent careers.
  12. Our defending at times is terrible. We looked so much weaker today with Scougall back in at holding midfield instead of Virtanen or Robbo. Scougall is a tidy player but is absolutely wasted in the holding role. Also Kevin Cawley has been a great servant for Alloa and a proper club legend but he has seen better days and shouldn’t be starting games now. Here’s hoping we learn the lessons from today and regroup for next week.
  13. A great result yesterday and Roberts goal was a screamer! I hope Miko is ok after going off as the team has looked better for his inclusion, he protects the centre backs well by sitting in whilst others attack. I’d be interested to see how both him and Robbo got on in midfield and push Roberts further forward but I’ll leave those decisions to Andy as he has the team playing some great stuff just now. Also we looked dangerous in attack when Sammon came off the bench and Wales went out on the left. We are hitting form just at the right time so here’s hoping it continues and the physio room doesn’t become busy between now and May.
  14. We should take a leaf out of Peterhead’s book and engage with the young fans to encourage them to keep attending the games but behave responsibly. No point in trying to kick the young fans out and turning the noses up at them because they come from the rougher area of the town. As a club we need to encourage younger fans through the door not chase them away. Those in charge at Alloa have to engage with their fanbase as a whole for a change and not treat us with complete contempt.
  15. Hope they hung around and belted out a few hymns afterwards. Give me oil in my lamp keep me burning….
  16. I suspect it won’t be the last time a game is called off this season on our all weather pitch. A sign of where the club is heading under the new chairman after Mike losing interest in Alloa to focus on his role at the SFA. No more publicity stunts or back breaking effort from the ground staff is required now at Alloa since Mike is at the top table of Scottish football. It was fun whilst it lasted I guess.
  17. Andy is an Alloa legend and possibly the best centre back I’ve seen play for us since I started attending games in the mid 90’s so I hope that he is a success as a manager and he will get my backing. However, I am underwhelmed by the appointment, it’s the 4th managerial appointment in a row that has been underwhelming and it’s a lazy appointment in all honesty. There has been plenty of good players that have turned out to be terrible managers so I hope that he will be successful and we can kick on under him and it doesn’t turn out to be like Darren Dods at Brechin.
  18. MM also made plenty of promises over the years. How many years in a row did he mention ground improvements and that temporary stand was getting moved to the railway end? Also Mulraney didn’t take over Alloa in a similar state to the likes East Stirling. In the recent years before he joined we had 3 promotions (1 of those a title) a challenge cup win and another challenge cup final with some shocks in both the big cups as well. Mulraney has done a lot of good for Alloa and deserves great credit for the things he has done but in my opinion he quite simply hasn’t been interested in recent years as he will have realised he will get more of his personal wealth and business going by being at the top of the SFA.
  19. What a complete dump The Recs is nowadays. It’s hardly been a pristine lower league ground but has always been in reasonable condition. No wonder the place is empty, shite on the pitch and literally shite on the terraces. Who the hell would pay £18 to attend nowadays? It’s no coincidence that as soon as Mulraney has reached the top of the SFA that Alloa are back to being dross and also rans. We’ve served our purpose of getting him up the ladder and now the interest is no longer there on his part.
  20. If we want to challenge for the promotion play offs then we either need to recruit the right players to play the 5-3-2 formation or go to a back four to shore up the defence. Both Durnan and Graham are far too slow to be playing together at the back in the same team. The strongest back four available right now would be Church, Stanger, Taggs, Robbo. Hopefully Muir is fit sometime soon so that he can replace Hogarth in goals. We look OK going forward but a complete shambles at the back.
  21. About time! It'll be the usual names trotted out no doubt but right now I wouldn't really mind Andy and Trouts until the end of the season although they might be needed on the pitch more than in the dug out. I personally wouldn't be against the likes of Kettlewell or Duffy getting the job. Duffy with Andy as player assistant with the view of passing over the reigns one day? Although if Mulraney fancies another left field appointment then the likes of Andy Kirk and Stephen Simmons at Brechin spring to mind, two ex players who know the club well. Probably see the likes of Marvin Bartley, Jon Daly in the betting as well. As long as Bob Malcolm isn't caretaker then I couldn't really care right now. I'm just glad that we have a chance of staying up now.
  22. We are rudderless. He will never walk as his ego won't allow it and he also knows that he's finished after this.
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