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Posts posted by KeeperDee

  1. I think his point was that the term 'clap' was being used instead of 'stroke'. Clap would imply standing up and giving the dog a round of applause. Which no animal deserves. Unless of course it rips the UPS guy's podsack off and spits it back in his face while rolling helplessly on the ground in massive amounts of pain.

    Some animals save human lives. They deserve more recognition than some humans tbh.

  2. Goodbye Lenin: 9/10

    A German comedy (they do exist) about the desperate efforts of a young East Berliner to stop his diehard communist mother who has just emerged from a coma finding out that communism has collapsed in case she has a heart attack and dies. Has a deeper side to it that reveals that the mother was probably faking her devotion to the party after her husband defects and looks at what was good and bad about the former East Germany from an East German viewpoint.

    An absolutely tremendous film.

  3. So you just pick up the phone and listen? How do they know if there is someone there?

    You help them understand their feelings and hopefully they can go on from there. There's a thing called "sign posting"; whereby if a person was for example struggling with really bad debts, and they were feeling upset about it, we could give them a number for an agency that could help them specifically with their financial difficulties, but that would be as far as the "advice" would go. If a person was saying they wanted to commit suicide or self harm, we aren't really supposed to say "No, don't do that" or tell them why they shouldn't do that. The whole phone service is centered on lending a "listening" ear.

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