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Posts posted by wasted

  1. The episode where SLH gets sick and homer is convinced he's going to win the lottery is outstanding. Can't find clips but homer dreaming of being a giant gold man, telling Marge the odds are 380,000,000/50 and going tits at Grampa and Bart when he's got no numbers is brilliant. 'If you were 17, we'd be rich, but noooo, you had to be 10'

  2. On 4 September 2016 at 19:15, Mr X said:

    Depends what you want to do.

    There are a few that add stuff to the crafting - like robots and factory stuff and two "story" add ons that have extra quests and areas to explore.

    Theres a list here - clicky

    Cheers lad. Far harbour and nuka world definitely appeal more than the others as I would like a few new quests to get stuck into. Hopefully they're quite in depth and not just a few side type quests. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Mr X said:


    I think thats the missing bit - switching on the tower that gets rid of the mirelurks is that last bit, IIRC

    Yeah I had already killed the mirelurks on a previous visit for the bobble head. Flicked the breaker on the boat, which turns on the lights, do the same in the little bit by the tower and it comes up saying it's not functional. At a total loss 

  4. Trying to secure the workshop on spectacle island for the railroad but it won't let me use the workshop. Killed, I think, all the mirelurks but it's not happening. I've used the circuit breakers to get the generator on but still nothing. Where am I going wrong?

  5. Happiness in settlements...

    Trying to get a couple up to 100, built trading stands, loads of defences, food, water, beds and was all good. Built a wall all the way around sanctuary and it goes down. How do you get it up to 100?

  6. I'm on my second play through. I've got into the institute and I'm wanting to go in a different direction than the first time (originally went with the railroad) and go with the Minutemen. Thing is I've barely had anything to do with them the whole game, no quests, helping settlements and Preston just doesn't have any interaction at all. I can't figure out how to do anything with them, or am I just too far gone?

  7. I've started the game again after leaving it for a wee while and going to eventually go a different direction with it now I know what I'm doing. Thing is though, Preston is never at me to help out with settlements, ever. I don't want to do them because they're enthralling side quests but I want to build up my XP to help to level up quicker. Have I made a wrong decision somewhere?

  8. I'm a member of facebay fife which used to be a good wee selling page, it's now got 50,000+ members selling utter tat, or even worse 'where's a good place to go for something to eat in Glenrothes?'. 'where's the best place to get my car MOT'd in Kirkcaldy?' or 'any jobs going?'. I don't know why posts like that irk me so much, it just seems like people are too lazy to do something for themselves.

  9. Tried to take the castle and some legendary glowing mirelurk appeared and absolutely destroyed me. Every type of ammo barely scratched it. Anyone beat it? Only level 14 at the moment, gonna head back to it after some easier missions.

    A bottlecap mine to cripple it's legs will sort you out.

    r.e. the mirelurk queen, keep moving about the castle walls and hitting it with a couple of nukes from a fatman. On my second play through and I'm sure there was a fatman in the castle somewhere the first time round.

  10. For anyone who's completed the main story

    I completed the main story siding with the railroad in the end, I've carried on a little but it just seems to be rescuing synths (which feels like carbon copies of helping settlements for Garvey) is there anything substantial worth carrying on for? If not I may just start again and probably follow a different path.

    On the thread I've seen people talk about updates for the game, larger map etc, I don't really know anything about this, is it worth getting? Do I need to pay for it?

  11. I sided with the minutemen, the railroad don't turn hostile if you fulfil an <optional> objective during the final main story quest but do if you fail to do this - won't spoiler it but it should be fairly obvious given what the railroad's objective is.

    I think if you go the other way then the Minutemen are fine, I'm fairly sure it's impossible to piss them off unlike the railroad and the BoS. Not 100% on that though.

    edit: just done a bit of reading and that is 100%, you can't make the minutemen hostile as a faction.

    cheers for clarifying. Having seen that I've decided to go with the railroad, despite me having no choice in the matter. The missions now require to start offing synths, I assume if I keep doing this I'll lose unrestricted access to the institute? I've not completed the synth retention mission where I have to return to 'father' to complete it.

  12. Also, currently got mccready as my companion, the ongoing side quest I have with him is the long road ahead, I've killed Barnes and winlock for him and the quest info just says to continue travel with him. Does anything actually happen?

  13. Need a bit of help from someone who's quite far on

    I've got back to the railroad HQ and spoke to desdemona who knows I've been inside the institute. Having gone through the dialogue it's asking me to either side with them or the Minutemen, if I side with the railroad or are the Minutemen going to become my enemy, do I lose everything I've done with my settlements, lost all the weapons I've stored etc etc? And vice versa if I side with the Minutemen? I like both and don't want it do go sour with either.

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