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O'Kelly Isley III

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Posts posted by O'Kelly Isley III

  1. 8 hours ago, microdave said:

    It won't have been longer than the queues in the Munich fan zone. We waited for two and a half hours to get some beer before we gave up. The atmosphere was superb and the locals were unbelievably welcoming but the bars/queuing system were woefully inadequate. 

    It's not as if anybody needed a drink.....

  2. There were certainly worse places than Cala D'Or to watch last night's farrago, but unsurprisingly there were fewer Scotland strips about this morning.

    Heading homeward today to drink again....

  3. 37 minutes ago, Barry Ferguson's Hat said:

    So yeah, as I said, one of the worst results in Euros history.

    We're a football country of 5 million people. 'Just happy to be there' is an absolutely pathetic attitude.

    Totally agree.  And people who point to Scotland players in the EPL are missing the point, as they are very much the exception these days.

    It's been a slow decline but Scotland has regressed terribly as a football nation.  And whilst we're never ever going to rank with Germany, England or France we need to ask why we are so far off the likes of Belgium, Croatia and Portugal, and as we are possibly about to find out Switzerland and Hungary.

    When the answer becomes B teams then you know we're f***ed.

  4. 6 hours ago, virginton said:

    Ex-Labour voters are not and never have been the decisive swing vote in any context except in their own heads. They'll win a crushing majority across the UK as a whole regardless of whether 'Laebur left me' posturers return to that fold or not. 


    Meanwhile the bald party has produced this account of 17 years in government. I think it's probably beneficial to try and capture/remind voters of genuine achievements in government like this. 

    For me, 1, 3, 7 and 34 are actually demonstrable and significant benefits of the administration. It'll be different for other voters, but there's some definite weak sauce efforts in there regardless (10,000 whole affordable rural homes - over 17 years!). 

    Mebbe a top 20 would have been better. 


    Can I remind you that in the Scottish context ex-Labour voters, sorry 'posturers', all but wiped that party from the political map ?  And obviously given the population disparity this has little impact on the UK as a whole so what exactly are you trying to tell us ?  I'd rather focus on the fact that unlike our English brethren the Scottish electorate has an alternative choice, but each to their own.


  5. If only we could channel repeated media -driven national delusion into competent football performances then we'd be fine.

    If, and it's a big if, last night's horsing directs some attention to why Scotland's football authorities and leading clubs cannot or more likely will not develop native football players then it might just have been worth it.

  6. Somehow following the Sons doesn't seem so much of a trial after those events in Munich last night.  And my thoughts go out to the Sons supporters and all the others who travelled to Germany and are waking up to some cold reality this morning. 

    That was a national embarrassment, but if you can't or won't in the case of the SFA and our leading clubs develop native footballing talent then this is the result.

  7. 1 minute ago, virginton said:

    What game plan should have been used against that Germany team this evening: how would it have worked exactly? 

    The Euros weren't easier to get to in 2016, when Scotland failed to do so. 

    FWIW I'd say that Scotland are currently performing at their expected level - no better, but no worse - which means reaching every other Euros but making up the numbers and hoping to scrape out the group. Taking a bleaching by a big gun is no different to Slovakia taking one by Spain in the last tournament and returning to do... probably not much again this time around. 

    That's ultimately what Scotland are likely to achieve unless a solidly good generation of talent is revealed across all areas of the park, as opposed to some of the obvious haddies starting tonight and mostly dogshit options on the bench too. .

    The goalkeeper issue is the prime example of this - after 25 years of very good options, Scotland are now picking between utter turds. That's just how international football works.

    This, fucking this.

  8. Just now, GordonS said:

    Sorry if I'm repeating what's been said before, but, and I say this as a huge Clarke fan, the root of our problems was a midfield that was set up all wrong. We should not have had a flat four out of possession. Many of us talked earlier about the threat of Kroos dictating from deep and that's what caused the first two goal, maybe the third too.

    Every time Kroos got the ball in the first half he had an ocean of space, even well into our half. He was able to play passes through our flat four, and the first two goals came from passes behind McGregor.

    We needed to have one midfielder pressing Kroos and another - McGregor - screening the back three.

    Our press was a shambles at times too.

    All the criticism on the radio is for the players and fair enough, especially Porteous, but if we're set up right I think they play much better than that. They got spooked by being picked apart with ease.

    If we give Xhaka that space on Wednesday we have literally no chance.

    That Scotland team wouldn't have beaten Morton tonight.  And that's where the nation currently stands in international football.  And the reasons long predate Steve Clarke and his squad.

  9. Just now, Stan Bo said:

    Surprised he hasn't put on Shankland/Conway/Morgan for Christie to give one of them a run out ahead of the next game 

    Absolutely no disrespect to Lewis Morgan but his very presence in the squad speaks volumes about the state of Scottish international football.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

    He’s got to take his share of the blame.  He’s the manager, he has been for 5 years, it’s his team, his formation and his tactics.  None of which have been impressive tonight.

    Take a long look at that Scotland eleven Granny.  Even allowing for injuries we are reduced to a patchwork squad short of any quality.  And that's what happens when your leading clubs prioritise signing third-rate foreigners over developing native talent.

    Rinse and repeat over three decades.

  11. 1 minute ago, Newbornbairn said:

    This team peaked a year ago, just like the 78 team peaked the year before.

    This team isn't on the same planet as the 1978 team.

  12. 3 hours ago, Otis Blue said:

    Had a wee look into this and checked the ten year period from 1955 to 1966 ...

    Queens and Dumbarton only shared the same league (old Division 2) during the periods 1959-62 and again during 1964-66.  Outside of those periods Queens were in the old Division 1 (without Dumbarton).

    In terms of Queens strip, I could only find black and white photos from that period...





    The top photo (1960) shows white socks with a solid colour top to the sock (probably blue).

    The lower photo (1962 - a league game with Rangers at Palmerston) again shows a white sock but with two (?) narrow blue hoops at the top of the sock.

    So, looking back at the Boghead photo, if it was a league game and if it was Queens in the photo it could have been around 1960 I think going by the style of the solid colour top to the socks - we seem to have altered the sock design by 1962.  But then again ... it could well have been Stranraer!! 😎

    Thanks to the wonderful Sons Archive curated by @microdave I think this may be the 17th October 1959 fixture won 3-1 by Queens, with Jimmy Anderson scoring Sons goal.

    Queens scorers were Black, McEwen and Garrett and the crowd was 1850 (six of whom had rattles).


  13. 57 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

    I mean he should get credit for finally admitting it, but anyone who votes Labour is a strident Tory.



    Yes, I saw that,  there's a grim juxtaposition there between the fabled political mantra of 'wealth creation' and the dystopian report on areas of Middlesbrough (many other locations are available).

    There was a time in my lifetime when Labour equated wealth creation with workers, but these days are long gone.  In short, Starmer's party is intent on maintaining the hideous levels of UK inequality at further cost to the social fabric of the country.  On every key register Labour is a policy and morality vacuum.

  14. 31 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

    I'm intrigued by the 'Master Vending Machine Co' 

    Aye, this was probably to do with the introduction of vending machines for cigarettes and confectionery * in pubs, clubs and elsewhere in the 50's - it would likely have been a lucrative business.


    * And of course condoms


  15. This was on another forum but it's too good not to be shared here.  For those of us who remain misty-eyed about Boghead this picture taken from the @Silverton End is about as good as it gets, with the Crags looking down on what looks like a mid to late 1950's contest between the Sons and possibly QoS or Stranraer - suggestions welcome.


  16. 2 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

    All I know about the local Reform loser is that he has a funny moustache, which seems appropriate.


    If my golf ball landed in his barnet I'd be looking for a lift-and-drop.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:





    If these figures are truly representative then that's a pretty robust performance by the SNP considering the shit storm 2024 has been thus far.  In P &B terms it's Scotland still in well in it after 80 minutes this Friday night on 31% possession.

    Hopefully enough people are now having a right good look at Labour and don't believe what they see or hear.

  18. 16 hours ago, BFTD said:

    I'm pretty sure scud books aren't a thing in 2024. Thinking about it, were they even still a thing in 2004?

    They'd just be a series of Private Society video screencaps at this point, surely.

    They certainly were a thing in 1974 when I served an apprenticeship in a factory in Scotstoun.  And recycling was in full swing.

  19. 3 hours ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    18 quid seems fairly reasonable to me these days. The running costs of a club at our level are eye watering. The floodlight bill throughout the winter compared to 2 or 3 seasons ago must be astronomical. 

    We are charging similar this season - £18 admission, £230 early bird and £270 after the early bird offer finishes with your usual discounts for students and OAPs. 

    Sadly the days of a large number of 'walk-ups' have now gone for most clubs but the most savvy of them now pitch the season tickets at a fairly attractive level, with the benefit of the money coming in immediately and no matter if someone takes a couple of dives during the season due to the weather, etc.,

    Someone somewhere will have crunched the comparative costs of attending football, cinema, gigs, garden centres or whatever, but at our level I think it's about right.

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