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Everything posted by RandomGuy

  1. I never said you had you fool. But your question seemed to suggest you might be getting banned as lichtieforlife or one of your aliases. So i was wondering what offence you had commited
  2. Who am i then? Perhaps you know because i've told everyone around 9 times
  3. Look at the signature i currently possess you fool
  4. It depends entirely on whether you are watching gay porn or not You asked the world record for fastest goal scored. I told you it. Accept you don't have a record and stop harassing me
  5. no. I was banned as a previous member and have admitted to it and the mods know about it. Discussions and the like were had though and im now allowed to post under this name, as far as i know a IP Address is complete and utter banning and i have been threatened with it will probably be a limit to the amount of times you can create an alias/ get banned etc. but it worked out for me. Didn't personally think i should have got banned originally but i don't want to discuss that here. What offence have you committed lichtie?!
  6. i shouldn't be on this, seeing as im slightly drunk

    1. forehead7


      I remember my first beer....

    2. RandomGuy


      Mines was well over two years ago. And my memories of nights out have since all merged into one haha so i dont remember my first drink :(

  7. That truly makes no difference to me, you still scored a few seconds after the record. Therefore you lose
  8. Typical Dundee fan. Seeing my link then stealing it! This is why nobody likes you
  9. Depends on how much of a man you are...... My link
  10. My link And some Saudi Arabian boy apparently scored in 2 seconds but i don't believe that
  11. I think it would be wise of me to leave the bait alone Thankyou Edit: Now who removed it?!
  12. Currently feels like im nomming on my own throat
  13. Glee is epicly shit. Anyhoo im away oot to waste my money on drink so i bid you all drunken fare thee wells
  14. van nistlerooy is heading back to Real Madrid?!

  15. thought the saints game was in perth :( so didnt organise a way through to killie. epic fail

  16. It's nigh on impossible to prove your not gay no matter who you are and 13 year olds getting shagged should be getting congratulated, at that age i didn't know what it was for and im pretty certain i couldn't achieve an erectile state either
  17. Yeah your definitely gay i do indeed, and you have a shitty computer and really need a new one
  18. tis been a while so i may be rough, but underneath the cuntish exterior i have a sweet mellow interior that resembles a field in the summertime! I just need love
  19. Your at uni and sober? and wouldn't shag most birds in your class? Sorry dude but i think you might be gay
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