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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. Oh f**k off everyone. Any decent player we have produced has had a stay in our side, before we sold them or lost them to a bigger team. We have no young players ready to take us to the title, so get some other boys in to see if they can do us a turn.
  2. Managed 3 miles in 24mins 53secs. Have to be happy as I'm just getting back into it, it had just been snowing and as it was on the canal, thick with mud. Happy days. Thinking a late entry in the Grangemouth 10k next month is not out of the question.
  3. Congratulations! I've not been on for a few pages...have I missed any babies?
  4. The Seven Year Itch - 2/10 Maybe of it's time but horribly dated. You Only Live Twice - 8/10 So many iconic Bond moments - theme tune/best Blofeld incarnation/some quality one-liners/amazing set/Little Nellie etc
  5. It looks pretty serious outside now. Hasn't stopped for hours. I fecking love the snow
  6. Pishing with snow in Polmont/Falkirk. Sledging tomorrow then.
  7. 17 weeks. He's looking much better tonight, appetites coming back. Believe me Debs, Zack lets us know when there's something wrong They were great, even though I spent most of Monday in two hospitals as a result of their advice.
  8. The Wee Bear has had sickness and the shits since Christmas Eve. Been to the hospital to get checked as well due to being off his food. He usually gulps 7oz per feed but he struggles to finish 3/4oz at the moment. Thought we had turned a corner yesterday but was up with him all last night, shitting and vomming.
  9. Gremlins - 8/10 The scenes in the Peltzer's kitchen and in the bar are tremendous. I also think we have found the reason XBL hates Christmas so much.
  10. We now have teeth! Two...already. The Bear can now bite
  11. Scotrail website has every train on the reduced Edinburgh-Glasgow service as 'cancelled' or 'will be cancelled'. Anyone confirm if there are trains getting out?
  12. It's very heavy again in Polmont. Once I get the wee one dressed we are going to have a great time playing in it
  13. Agreed on Khan appealing as a stand alone, non-Trekkie movie. I watched Anchorman again last night because it had been about 8 months since I last watched it. I'm playing it safe at the moment 10/10
  14. Nothing new for me at the moment. Star Wars - a good, solid, reliable 9/10 as ever. The Jungle Book - as with Jaws, nothing more needs said other than 10/10. Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan - 7.5/10. Deals sympatheticaly with the crew's advancing years (before they started playing their age for laughs). A great idea to bring Ricardo Montalban back to reprise a Khan in what is a sequel to an episode from the original series. The fanboys must have been creaming themselves.
  15. To be fair on old Stanley, the novel by Clarke is based on the screenplay he himself co-wrote with......Kubrick.
  16. I've just re-read Dracula. It really is an excellent book. I'm now ripping through 2001: A Space Odessey by Arthur C Clarke and it too is a very engaging read. If you've watched the film and found it slow or difficult to decipher then read the book.
  17. To be fair to Jack, while he was at Falkirk he mostly had the beating of McGeady.
  18. Check out Noah. Not mine I hasten to add, just 3 excellent photos of a baby falling over.
  19. Tis cool, didn't think you were. Running through the pain is key as you say - don't do it. Pain is there for a reason. Anyway, I think I've got to the bottom of the issue. I have new boots for work and they are rubbing a bit (new leather). I have be compensating for my sore ankles by walking funny and when I go out for a run at night the strain on my knee was too much. No knee pain after switching to an old pair of shoes. I'll lay off the running until I've broken in my boots.
  20. I had problems in 2005 with the knee but after building up the strength in it comfortably trained for and completed a marathon in 2008 (with a PB). My only problem is I've done pretty much f**k all exercise since and pushed myself into it far too quickly again this time. My knee is the first place to tell me I've bitten off more than I can chew.
  21. I've not. My long standing knee problems has reared it's head again. Too much too soon and I know it. Rest and a gentle build up will be required...again.
  22. Awesome stuff Baggio. We had Katie dressed up as Princess Leia a couple of years ago.
  23. Zack was at the health visitor last week for his latest measurements. 8 weeks old Length - 59.5cm (75th percentile) Weight 13lbs 14oz (93rd percentile) To put it into perspective, his big sister Katie was 2nd percentile for height at 6 months old We may have a clinical giant on our hands.
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