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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. Don't call it a comeback! Actually, call it a comeback. Was out for a horrible, painful 2 mile run last night. I haven't ran for over a year. Will probably enter April's Kilomathon as an incentive.
  2. Will that make her 16 days over? It'll happen before then.
  3. It was the wee man's 2nd trip to be weighed this morning. He was 9lbs5 at birth, then measured at 9lbs 10. Today? 11lbs 4oz Looks like I'll have to start referring to him as 'the man' now as there's nothing wee about him.
  4. We stick them in the fridge because it gets a boiling hot bottle of water down to a drinkable temperature quicker than standing it on the worktop. It's far easier to bring a cold bottle up to temperature in the microwave than getting a scalding hot bottle of water right under the cold tap.
  5. Looks like Zack is turning into a bit of a bear. He's now 9lbs 12oz. His sister reached his birth weight at 3 months old
  6. Cheers. How about "Who's the Daddy" on the front and "I f***ed your Mum" on the back?
  7. Exactly. I was home at 3am so managed one before crashing out. In my dream scenario I was free to spend 3 or 4 hours with Mrs and baby and be free to have a few beers by 9pm. 1st song on the radio when coming home - Girls and Boys by Blur
  8. Zack Adam arrived yesterday at 23:16 after an 11 hour labour. It took so long because he a big boy, 9lbs 5oz. Everyone was home by 2pm today and he's now in his room sleeping like the proverbial. Happy days and well worth the wait.
  9. Kingpin 7/10 Good, but not great. It feels like a practice film ie Jeff Daniels in D&D > Randy Quaid. Jim Carrey in M,M&I > Woody Harrelson. Bill Murray's super though.
  10. I think that's a story I best keep to myself I've been informed by my wife she's going nowhere on Monday once we get the the hospital. There will be no going home until there a baby with us.
  11. Mmmmmmmnnn. Our first was in the second percentile for height up till aged 2. I doubt we'll end up with a beast.
  12. I don't want to bring the ton down on the thread but it hasn't worked so far and ....I'm spent
  13. Adolfo - I'm sure she'll be fine. Kids are hardy things. Our wee one fell down our stairs when she was one, literallt bumkped and cartwheeled down to the bottom and creamed her head off a table at the bottom. She was fine, not a scratch. Rowan - Awesome In other news, we are now 7 days late. Sweep performed yesterday so hopefully that works. We have another appointment on Monday when the docs will assess and decide on further action. They'll break her waters on Wednesday at the absolute latest.
  14. Not a peep. You think you're ready. Nobody is truly ready
  15. Nice one lads. It will fly in while you still have stuff to organise but once your ready for the baby you better find youself a comfy chair and a good book.
  16. 5 days late now What a terrible pain in the arse this has become. We know just how lucky we are to be in this position but it's still dragging on a bit.
  17. We've done the lot - nothing yet. Anyway, look at the time. 40 weeks +2
  18. Nice to welcome a new Bairn to the world. Jealous!
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