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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. Wow! Is this a fertility thing or a preggers up the duff thing?
  2. Great stuff. Wait till you see it move during the scan
  3. This is getting tedious. She might be getting boabified sooner rather than later....
  4. Ahh you guys are at the exciting stage. Congratulations and don't worry about anything. We have 2 weeks to go and my wife's ready to cut the damn thing out with a rusty butter knife.
  5. Say stuff like you don't mind pink but not that insipid pink...or that wishy washy pink. That warned off the majority of folk but with the obtuse or stubborn i.e. parents, my wife eventually just said 'WE HATE PINK'. Consequently, when the wee one spends the day at my mum's she often comes home in a completely different outfit. We thought about it. We were married in a church but we're far from religious. My wife was christened there and our school dragged us there. That's the connection. Tenuous I know. I was happy not to bother and my wife probably couldn't be bothered in the end. My Mum was dead set against it. She said we would be making a mockery of the whole thing given we are not church goers. She didn't seem to mind when she had me christened despite not going to church herself.
  6. Clash of the Titans (the original one) - 7/10 It's suffered over time I think. However, it gets it's points for the Ray Harryhausen creatures. Medusa is obviously a model yet still as horrid as it was when I was a boy. Plenty of room for improvement. Having said that, I'm still avoiding the remake like the plague.
  7. The Damned United - 7/10 Twas alright. The acting was great and it caught the mood of the 70's. I'm not sure if Skyline Drifter has watched it yet but it's far more symathetic to Clough than the book (which I know he hasn't read either). I think the movie suffers because of this though.
  8. Not much more I can add to these. The action scenes in the hotel are utter genius. Not so much agreement about this, despite agrreing with the score given. I thought Cotillard performed perfectly, given her storyline.
  9. Has anyone been to the Maternity unit in Livingston? We've switched there from Stirling partially on a recommendation but most because Stirliong is a shithole. The hospitals in Falkirk and Stirling really have gone to seed since the talk and subsequent building of the super-hospital in Larbert started.
  10. Tuesdays and Thursdays would be fine but the time is just not good for me. I'm still getting home from work when they are setting off some nights.
  11. I love getting soaked. My big 20 mile pre-marathon run in 2003 was out to Culross and back and about 4 miles in it thundered down. I was wrinkly by the time I got home.
  12. Null Vote for me due to the lack of a Northside option.
  13. Cheers, although how long has it been since any Bairns were born in Falkirk? I've got a Barnet Bairn with a Livingston Bairn coming up Can't complain I suppose, I'm a Johannesburg Bairn Our due date is Aug 19th but there is definately gravity taking over now. The head ain't engaged or anything like that, just in the right place (no longer breach) but with 5/6 weeks to go there's no guarantee it will stay that way. I'm happy enough if it's early but I had planned to go to the Sanam for my birthday on the 13th... I tried to upload a picture of Katie Boo last night but it wasn't having it for some reason. I'll try again tonight.
  14. Bump looks to have dropped a wee bit and apparently the wee one is now facing in the right direction. I can't see us reaching the 40 week mark at this rate.
  15. Nice one Sav! All the best to you and your family
  16. 7 weeks tomorrow and I've still to finish the nursery, the new kitchen and the back garden I promised I'd have done so we can chuck our 3 year old out into once the baby is here. If I hear one more time that she's tired I may walk....
  17. Bad story Gaz, seen some similar bystander behaviour myself. Scum.
  18. My wedding plans went smoothly because my Mum was living in Saudi Arabia at the time and my mother in law was in the middle of a tedious divorce. The only hassles we had were two weeks before when my parents came home and tried to take over.
  19. If anyone stumbles across the Air Diego design being sold by an 'itorossian' please let me know. He's a fucker from Illinois who has stolen the design and is selling it on the US Spreadshirt site. I'm in the process of destroying him but as I sell it on a couple of sites it's not hard to imagine he may too. Silly twat doesn't realise I sell it on Spreadshirt as well. He hasn't even changed the title of the shirt
  20. The Hurt Locker - 3/10 Just was so disappointed. I don't think it could make it's mind up over what it was. Documentary style or plot driven action movie. It ended up a poor mix of both.
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