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johnny the jambo

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Posts posted by johnny the jambo

  1. A swift 10k this evening, both running their hearts out. Do wonder how far they could actually go in a day, really looking forward to being able to take them up into the hills once this current situation is all over. 
    Off to the beach tomorrow for the first time, will report the findings back. 

    Absolutely beautiful dogs!!! Are they siblings?
  2. I came on this thread a while ago to discuss my partners depression and how it had been affecting me. It was getting harder and harder to deal with on a daily routine, and we were constantly fighting. It was affecting the kids, and life in general, but I kept at it, making excuses that her illness was making it hard and I basically took on all the chores and childcare while she sat watching telly and moaning about everything. I wouldn't get into arguments and would walk away when she started picking one. At one point she told me " u don't love me anymore and the only reason ur here is for the kids". I was already walking away when she said it so I didn't respond
    A week later she phoned the police and told them I was assaulting her and to get me out. I was taken away by the police ( I went calmly and they were fine, no charges) but I had nothing but the clothes on my back. We tried to work things out, but ultimately we have split up. I still get to see the wee kids, my older two teenage girls haven't seen much of though and she is progressively making it harder for access, but the kids love coming here and seeing me it's been almost half my life (20 years) that I've devoted to her and my kids and she took it away from me deliberately to prove that she could. I went to a very bad place, drugs, women and drink, but I got over most of that shite now. Luckily it didn't cost me my job so I've been lucky

    It's been a long road, but I've got a new flat to move into next week, lost almost 6 stones, have a new girlfriend, and I'm looking forward to the new year with a much brighter outlook than I have had in a long time.

    I hope that my story shows other people that there is light at the end of the tunnel, don't give up hope, and that no matter what u going through if u stick with what u believe is right that good things eventually come your way

  3. Calm before the storm.

    Surely something is going to break from Gestapo HQ pertaining to the wages & bills. If nothing is released when they bills are due then I will fully expect that they have taken the second tranche of Ashley's £10 million. They would release something other wise about how the 3 stooges have given another unsecured soft loan making them even more of the good guys they have been labelled to keep the lights on at Mordhor.

    Personally the ceiling must be in a state of collapse with the finances being a heavy burden to keep the club on track to the promised land.

    It will be interesting to know which method they will start to take the ST money in ?, if it is cash only then it is sure to be used as working capital straight away then worry about it later to which division they will be playing in next season.

    I still think the holding company RIFC PLC is going to be crashed and burned if all else fails financially.

    Will uncle mike allow it though? He will walk away with everything if they do liquidate again and they won't be able to buy it back on the cheap this time.

    Was the second half of the loan not drawn down already? I thought that was the final GIRUY by uncle mikes stooge directors before the Good Guys booted them out?

  4. Hee haw JTJ.

    Just sharing a moment with fellow footballing Buddies.

    Back to the hysterical Bigots now.


    That's cool man !! It was a brilliant win for the buddies and u deserved it.

    We started well that day and at half time I thought it was all over.

    But we had a few beers with some paisley guys in Glasgow afterwards and had a great time!

    That's twice I seen us play st mirren in finals now, and yet to see them lose.

    b*****ds! ;-)

  5. A guy offers genuine practical help of his own volition and goodwill, yet some just see an opportunity to rip the c*nt out of him. A beautiful, spiteful Scottish trait that we should be very proud of.

    The guy is after cheap/free labour, so it's pure thickuntery to suggest he is offering employment opportunities to the unwashed hordes but at least it's a step in the right direction in terms of saving the pennies
  6. No. Rangers owe Ashley £5 million.

    He has a huge percentage of the merchandise side of things but we dont know the details of this contract.

    Even when king gets control, Ashley still owns almost 9% so he still has a fairly big say

    He also has most of rangers retail, naming rights for the stadium, the training ground, and pretty much every other revenue stream sown up from what we are led to believe so I don't think he really cares who pays the bills just now.

    I think he will sit it out. He will let king and the others run it their way for a while, and when it all goes tits up he will strip more assets until he has the lot. By the sound of it he hates to give control to anyone else so it won't take him long to get whatever he wants out of it.

    Personally I think Ashley would be The Rangers best bet at the moment, but because he doesn't talk to the media the fans don't know what his plans are, and are understandably sceptical about him after all the other cretins who have been fleecing them for years. But to accept King just because " he's a rainjurs man" is the wrong way to go. If he wins his majority on Friday, and he can afford to buy off MA loans and get the playing side sorted out then fair play, but I can't see it myself

  7. It's like speaking to a two year old!!

    Ok, I spoke out about your hypocritical attitude towards sectarian abuse; you seem fine using sectarian language towards others, but taking offence when someone does the same to you.

    My point was an observation on why this situation will take years, if not decades, to eradicate. On both sides are imbeciles who think that changing certain words means it's ok to carry on with the sentiment.

    Also, to say " I said this word, but I don't mean it in That Way" is no defence at all, considering the racism laws clearly states that it's the way a word is perceived that's important, not what the perpetrator believes.

    What that means is that if you're a bigot, no matter how much you deflect or claim otherwise, you are a bigot if someone else thinks you are. And I think you're a bigot, therefore you are a bigot even though you don't agree.

    Hope that helps a bit, and if you open your mind a wee bit, then maybe there is some hope for you.

  8. Sure is and I have been clear in differentiating them and even if I hadn't according to Johnny the Hearts fan it would be perfectly acceptable as certain posters have been doing the same thing for years on this thread...they are different though.

    I never said it acceptable to call U a currant, I said that U shouldn't go complaining when people do call U one. If U think its okay to use sectarian abuse when describing certain groups of people, then why go greetin when someone does it about UR specific group?

    The Rangers had the perfect opportunity to rid themselves of all that baggage, but it has become more noticeable since the old club crumbled while the fans sat about coming up with "clever" insults and watched as the sharks closed in and stole all their money!

    Funny as f**k to watch too!

  9. It is not their nationality though, they are faking it hense fair play for the plastic tag.

    The term you are referring to is applied by bigots to non celtic fans as well, greenyins is purely a word for celtic fans, you are as deluded as all the other folk playing the victim card.[/

    Everyone on here knows what u are playing at. U have been outed as a complete bigot and u are only digging deeper. I get that lack of education plays it's part in your limited understanding of how normal people behave, but to call it playing the victim card because u were called out on being a bigot is pure denial!

    You are a bigot. Don't blame the people you insult for your bigotry and don't be surprised if other people use bigotry to respond to you, as you have shown that it is the only language you seem to understand.

  10. Holy crap. Are you so keen to praise the opinion of someone so long discredited that you would in turn stoop to discredit a victim of his physical abuse? Just as the Buns seemingly revile Collymore for his opinions on their fanbase yet turning a blind eye to similarly reprehensible behaviour from Gazza and Ricksen, I see your brethren on KDS praising Collymore while conveniently ignoring his own well-documented and evidenced indiscretions.

    So desperate are you all to point-score over the others and rejoice in whatever pathetic scrap of one-upmanship is provided by scrags in the media, you wilfully ignore the quality of the men behind the words. To hell with the lot of you, this is what everyone else cannot abide about both clubs/companies/clubs and why I would love to see Celtic go next in equally stratospheric proportions.

    Agree completely
  11. Perhaps wrongly, I just presumed greenyins was rhyming slang for a sectarian term along the lines of "Bun", but like said not wanting to get bogged down in a race to be offended.

    What's your thoughts on the post EGM scenario? Ashley to go quietly or to use other means to continue exerting his influence? I imagine a lot of these "onerous contracts" are watertight.

    I thought the same thing! It's just the sort of "clever" thing the bigots on both sides do. It's pathetic, and when challenged about it they pretend it's something else, and they are above all that , it's a small minority and they always frown at the people who do it. This is why we will never stop it, it's too ingrained in them.

  12. Actually it was the "the man that you class as a hero," bit. As has been explained many times it was rangers fans that hailed his heroic arrival, that p's and d's now refer to him as such is to wind up those idiots.

    As for the "is the continuity recognised?" rubbish. If I told you a cork notice board was an LG TV would you buy it off me for £300?

    I recognise the cork notice board as a continuation of the the 55" flat screen that the bairn knocked off the wall whilst playing the wii. I have not paid the tax for it as yet, but the cheque is in the post, honest!

    It hung in the same place as the old tv and I put a Samsung logo on it and I can even give u all my old certificates for woodwork and spelling. I even have five gold stars I can throw in free of charge.

    Bargain at £300! First to see will buy, but only if u know the proper handshake

    Pick up in London somewhere.

  13. You could do with going on a diet and laying off the pies pal.

    Lol. Your probably right, but the point being your pedantic friend got it completely wrong when he said I was a "wee jam tart"!

    Or are you saying that being 6'4 and a bit overweight is considered wee? If he can't get these simple facts right, then how are we supposed to believe him when he says rangers still exist?

  14. Schotty bhoy and a wee jam tart trying to stick their oar in. Diddies united.

    I'm 6'4 and top the scales at around 17 stone not really a "wee jam tart"

    How full was Ibrox last Sunday? 15% full roughly?

    Definitely a diddy club IMO

    Stick to facts please if you want to be taken seriously as the resident pedant!

    There's* a good chap ;-)

    *hope the apostrophe is ok. Don't think I could sleep tonight if I got it wrong

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