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Ken Fitlike

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Everything posted by Ken Fitlike

  1. Liquidation = death. and then we get the next glorious stage...... In your head In your head Zombie zombie zombie ei ei What's in your head In your head. Zombie, zombie, zombie ei, ei, ei, oh do,do,do,do,do,do,do,do
  2. I admire how even the most minor of points is quibbled over as if to get just this one thing correct destoys the credibility of all the shit stacked up against them. My personal fave was about 5 rabid pages to prove that The Big Hoose guy actually said 'house' instead of 'hoose'... ha ha GIRUY, P&B diddies and plastics etc etc.
  3. the company that got knocked out of the cup by Dundee United Football Company?
  4. I had to google parity of esteem . A bit deep for me I'm afraid. I wondered how this concept came to have anything to do with Rangers. then right at the end 'Northern Ireland. Of course.
  5. aye. obsessed with a cheating horrible 'institution' crashing and burning. Costing me a fortune in grave dancing shoes. 'Loyal1' now that is classy!
  6. Rangers died, you say? nobody tells me anything. *sigh* the sad passing of a much respected Scottish institution etc etc etc.......
  7. that wasn't really the point of my statement, was it though? But you still went ahead with a ranty wee reply on another angle. Not like you, is it? I say again, I reckon there was a wee bit of 'pour encourager les autres', but that would be the 'unprovable' element. HMRC probably had a wider view of things than just the shysters at Ibrox. Hector and Heidi may still have their day.... but either way don't you get too worked up about it. You should concentrate on this bottom tier to get out of... and up to next season's bottom tier.
  8. probably 'unprovable' but possibly HMRC would consider the discouragement to others who may have been tempted to be 'At It' in similar fashion a net gain. In the grand (old) scheme of things.
  9. That was a good Elgin team, managed by John Teasdale. A good point is that the Elgin's rules breach was of such feeble inconsequential magnitude when compared with the Organised 'Being At It' that Old Rangers were involved in (cue knee-jerk squeals of Liar, Prove It etc from the usual knee jerks)
  10. hang on. I reckon the amigos aren't waving... they're drowning. anybody got a lifeb...ooh look at that pretty butterfly..... ETA - Bendarroch is really skittering it out today,eh? Awesome stuff.
  11. which equals dual contracts, pathetic to pretend otherwise - which equals 'incorrectly registered' players - which equals cheating everybody else that you were competing against - which equals the trophies won while this was going on should be Lance Armstrong'ed off you. 54 titles and counting down.... or are you happy to claim glory via financial fenaigling loophole? Remembering several diddy clubs who get thrown out of cups for minor accidental errors in form-filling ETA - and when I say the titles should be taken off 'you' I mean The Old Rangers. The New Rangers have no honours to lose.
  12. impossible. Your team has never played in the top league, so how can they get 'back' and you would be better advised to use 'if' instead of 'when'
  13. will you be trying to compete on an even playing field next time? No gaining advantage by aquiring a better than you can afford squad by dodgy double contract shenigans. maybe need another share issue to create a warchest.....
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