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Posts posted by Macshimmy

  1. Speaking of getting battered into their grave with the rulebook,

    I think Green may just have blown off their other foot with the second barrel:

    PFA Scotland chief executive Fraser Wishart said:

    “The European Court of Justice ruling in the case of Bosman is authority for the view that professional footballers are workers like anyone else and are entitled to exercise their right to freedom of movement when out of contract. Our legal team considers that legal remedies are open to a player in the event of registration being withheld, including the right to petition the Court of Session for a fast track Judicial Review Hearing.


    Looks like you'll be using Scotland's legal resources to decide on a procedural disagreement there then 8)

  2. Sure the SFA could have appealed. I really wish that they did. They may well have won. Call it a 50/50 chance?

    What is sinister, though, is why they didn't appeal. Had they appealed they'd have faced FIFA's wrath for using 'the civil courts'. Don't you think that is utterly crap? Why can't Scotland's FA and one of Scotland's football clubs use Scotland's legal resources to decide on a procedural disagreement?

    They had no need to occupy the time of courts which could be dealing with more critical matters.

    When your club signed up, it agreed to abide by the decisions of the governing body.

    Thus far in this sorry mess, they have done their best to wipe their arse on the rulebook.

    I hope they get battered finally into their grave with it :)

  3. ICT statement:

    "It is never good to see a Scottish club going into liquidation and it is a pity that Rangers have come to such a position," said Inverness chairman Kenny Cameron.

    "As to what happens now at SPL level, as far as our own club is concerned, this is a time to consult and to take stock.

    "In the first instance we will sit down as a board and consider what the various potential outcomes are and how the different scenarios may play out.

    "Following that, we will be consulting with our fans through our Supporters Trust, as we have done previously on many occasions.

    "I would expect the SPL to call a meeting of all the clubs very shortly to appraise us of the current position.

    "At our last all club meeting we were virtually assured by the administrators that liquidation was not on their radar following discussions with the leading creditors, but as we now know this was not the case.

    "This is not a time for snap judgments or rushed quotes on the issue. We will consider our position and listen to our supporters once the picture becomes clearer.

    "Any speculation by certain parties as to how Caley Thistle may or may not vote on a NEWCO is purely that and we find it strange that some seem to know how the club would vote under certain circumstances. They must have a crystal ball."

    Like it. Sounds like they are skeptical of Zombie Rangers and Traynor et als Crystal Baws. Good start 8)

  4. Naismith gets his "come get me" plea in first:

    I know PFA Scotland have tried their best to clear things up, but there's been no real answer given out by the likes of the SFA, FIFA and so on.

    It's not as straightforward as just every player transferring across to a newco.

    You're moving to a new company which is effectively a transfer. As a player there's an option under employment law which allows you not to transfer — as you can't force anybody to work for a new company if they don't want to.

    But the grey area is who then holds your registration if you don't. The administrators have said the club would still hold it, but the authorities don't seem to have a definite answer. The SFA need to make it clear if a player doesn't want to move across is he then free to play where he wants?

    But no one will come out and say what the situation is.

    The authorities need to tell us the score. They run the show. Surely they have a responsibility to the players as well as the clubs?

    It's vital that we get concrete guidance because it's now about people's livelihoods.

    We need to know what decisions can be made and what the options are. Anyone working for a company that goes bust would want to know what their options are and we're no different.

    I never ever wanted it to be this way. I've enjoyed my football at Rangers and the last three years have definitely been the best of my whole career.


  5. admin@ictst.co.uk


    I am writing to let the supporters trust know that myself and my family are currently

    holding off regarding our season ticket renewals until we see which

    way the club votes on the admission of a NewCo directly into the SPL.

    In our opinion this should not be countenanced, as it is an insult to

    every club which has acted in a responsible and sporting fashion.

    Furthermore, the attitude of the Rangers support regarding the

    boycotting of clubs who speak out against them cannot be condoned,

    and might well mean there is little financial benefit to having them in the SPL.

    Regrettably we will be unable to continue our support of the club

    if they do not act for the good of the game.

  6. No matter what they say, it would be a new club, no history.

    They can't pick and choose what they want to keep from "Rangers", If you want the history, you need to take the debt and the cheating, they are one in the same with Rangers these days.

    As far as the SPL and SFA see it, it is implicit in the SFA and SPL memberships.

    In other words, if the SPL don't vote the newco in, and the SFA expel them, then the Zombie Rangers has no connection to the oldco, and their history is expunged.

  7. Speaking to a few Rangers supporters earlier. One was in full "They wouldn't dare vote against a Newco Rangers" mode.

    The other was saying that a Newco could possibly keep the history. Wishful thinking or is there any substance in that?

    Stv asked the 'history question' to an SFA spokesman earlier, it is entirely contingent on the SFA specifically approving the

    transfer of the oldco's share to the newco. Likewise with the SPL share for SPL titles.

    "The viewpoint of the SPL is that all SPL history of Rangers would move to the new company.

    That is also similar for the Scottish FA, provided New Rangers were given the current club's membership. "

  8. http://www.rangers.c...article/2809728

    CHARLES GREEN wants Rangers players to get behind what his consortium is trying to achieve at Ibrox and sign up to a new era at the club.

    Under the TUPE process when a NewCo situation arises, Ally McCoist's squad's contracts are due to transfer from the old company under exactly the same terms and conditions. There is an option to reject that chance but Green is hopeful those who finished the campaign turning out for the Light Blues will agree to keep doing so going forward.

    For all that HMRC's decision to reject his group's CVA proposal was a clear setback, the Yorkshireman is at least now in a position to be able to talk terms with players. And he said: "TUPE is very clear and all employees will be transferred under the rules and regulations.

    "Of course, if the players choose not to transfer they will then be in breach of contract but we want all of the staff and players to get behind what we are trying to do. "I always think if you are going to get news, good or bad, it is better if you get it earlier rather than later.

    "If it is good news, you can party for longer and if it's bad it gives you time to recover. That's what we've got here."


    What is that pish about breach of contract, thats just not true!

    I wonder if this is part 2 of Green's plan, now he's got the CVA knocked back by shooting his mouth off,

    he's trying to get the high earners to walk away?

    (edited cos my shit was all over da place)

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