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Posts posted by Macshimmy

  1. Hmm Brian Kennedy sounds like a man with plenty of experience of the situation Rangers find themselves in:


    "The problems started when Mr Kennedy, for some reason, gave the club to the supporters' trust*, people who had no experience and no money."

    Fan ownership you say... a shrewd strategy I think. :D


    *small print in the deal was, he didnt give them the ground, just the "club". They had to pay him >200k

    a year in rental (they were in League One ffs!) resulting in them going into admin for a year, and dropping two divisions,

    leading to them dropping out of the league system for the first time in their 110 year history.

    A Stockport fans spokeperson said yesterday:

    I don't particularly like Rangers, and I don't particularly like Brian Kennedy, so they could be a good match."

  2. From some wee spikey-haired tosspot in the Herald:

    "CAMPBELL OGILVIE, the Scottish Football Association president, was last night cleared by Sir David Murray of any involvement in the payment

    or administering of the controversial Employment Benefit Trust scheme used by Rangers for a decade."

    Oh well thats all perfectly fine then. Sorry for getting your collar dirty there Mr. Ogilvie Sir.

    No need to waste any more time investigating him eh? He's in the clear boys.


  3. Blue Knights plan is to raise limited funds from share issue/supporter ownership and not bankroll the club in an unsustainable fashion.

    In line with this, they will be reducing the wage bill, paying their dues and generally trying to eat humble pie for their previous uncountable sins.

    Given this, do they think the average glory hunter from greater govan is going to cough up?

  4. In next 24 hours Paul Murray and Ticketus will meet Duffand Phelps to outline in detail their joint rescue package for the club. They will then table a formal offer to remove Whyte from Ibrox before the end of this week.

    .. and the word from Rangers Meeja:

    but but but whatabout the Texan billionaire and the Hong Kong shipping magnate and Lawrence Marlborough and George Soros and Milan Mandric and Tavistock?

    bwah ha ha.

    Harry Redknapp's dug mair like :-)

  5. Firstly, I know there's a multitude of threads running - many of which now only exist for our amusement, posting of 'pleasing' gifs, and general 'let's all laugh and point at Rangers' merriment....

    The more I'm hearing though, the more I'm looking towards the actual end game here, and would like to gauge reaction as to where we will be a year, two years, however many years down the line. For as long as i remember I have personally felt disgusted by the way football clubs play fast and loose in a manner no 'normal' business can ever hope to get away with. I see this going the same way as so many clubs before them. They'll dodge the big one by playing the administration card. They won't be the first, they won't be the last. So, what's your prediction for the actual end to this?

    To my eyes it's all set up with Whyte knowing all along that he would decide when to play the administration joker card to position himself as main creditor. I genuinely believe some sort of deal will grudgingly be accepted by HMRC. There will be pain for Rangers - but they will indeed dodge the big hammer blow. Short term pain, longer term, they'll weasel a way to rise phoenix-like from administration, as I say, like so many morally bankrupt cheating football clubs before them.

    Thoughts? Hopefully not just of a 'LOL' nature! Really looking to see what you guys seriously see the end of this actually being when the dust settles.

    Take your celtic and anti-celtic pish to the old firm forum. On with the Deathwatch...

    Jane Lewis tweeted: "The supporters groups are the #Rangers Supporters Assembly, the Rangers Supporters Association and the Rangers Supporters Trust."

    Also rumoured interest from the Rangers People Front, and the People's Front of Rangers.



  6. So can anyone sum up what has happened since 1pm this afternoon. Been out, and can see a deal has been made with the players. Anything else?


    Looks like the Ticketus deal might save them from liquidation, ironically enough. The venture capital company behind Ticketus will try to keep them on life support. Balls in HMRC's court now...

  7. The money from Ticketus to Whyte was initially put into an escrow account. (3rd party, inaccessible to Whyte) This means they didnt give him the money prior to him buying the club. He couldn't have transferred a penny out of that account until they got their security, but crucially he could use it to show proof of funds to Murray, before giving him his £1, and becoming the owner of Rangers, and thus the rights to their future season tickets. Then, he handed over the tickets (meaning they are good if the club continues in its present incarnation) in exchange for the £24m

    Looks kosher. Oh dearie me. 8)

  8. Sounds like the Devil is in the detail regarding the Ticketus deal.

    They appear to be under the impression the existance of their prior dealings with Rangers under Murray means the

    deal they signed with Whyte was with the same entity, however Whyte may have conned them by signing the papers on behalf

    of a hastily re-named shell company, which at a glance could pass for Rangers PLC, but actually owns bugger all.

    All too murky for any bystander to have a chance of seeing the end of at this point in proceedings I reckon.

    Meantime, heres something tasty from the BBC on their interpretation of the SFA player registration rules, which any club having players with two contracts has broken:

    According to the SFA registration rules, payments received by a player solely relating to his playing activities must be fully recorded and declared, otherwise the player has been improperly registered. If a player is deemed to be improperly registered, his team would be awarded a 3-0 defeat for each game in which he played.

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