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Posts posted by Macshimmy

  1. In what way? Anyway, he didn't make a prediction - he presented it as a matter of fact. He didn't say "I predict Berwick will vote Div 1" he said "Berwick voting Div 1" then added the bit about RFC shares.

    Yep. Equally, they may change their mind again. Until I see the exit polls, I'm not going to bother counting upon my fingers I think.

    Meanwhile, on Sevco5088Media - Hilariousness:


  2. Well I've sure been put in my place. I didn't realize that standing up for the club you have supported your whole life made me variously an imbecile / w****r / moron / arsehole. Now I like a football rivalry as much as the next person but there seems to be genuine worryingly high levels of hate for rangers and any of their fans on this forum.

    Apparently I write with an ingrained sense of entitlement and all us bluenoses do. What utter fucking pish. I can now almost see why some rangers fans want to see the spl crumble and a host of teams go to the wall, well I still don't but suffice to say when a few other clubs go out of business I won't shed a tear but I won't dance on their grave either.

    A lot of people have also said rangers have "cheated" for over 20 years; it's a nice round number and also handily erodes the achievement of winning 9 league titles in a row in the 90's. Shame that it's a massive exaggeration back up with not a shred of fact. If you are referring to the shameful EBT's then yes it was cheating but as far as I was aware that started around 2000, if your simply bumping your gums and evoking pathetic clichés like "the establishment" and "help from referees" then really you need a life.

    I mean seriously; when you call a person a w****r for supporting Aston villa and watching American football you have deep physiological issues to deal with. Either that or you are a keyboard hard man, either way it's a worrying reflection of Scottish society.

    Actually, I think there is quite a persuasive argument stating that the money injected into Rangers during 9 in a row was financial doping,

    given that Murray had to hide the vast losses the club made using subsiduaries and holding companies. Additionally, the capital injection

    from Dave King was nothing short of money laundering.

    I wouldn't be astonished to see the liquidators going this far back.

  3. 145 years old TODAY :D

    Wow. Thats quite the co-incidence.

    I'm going to believe its a favourable omen.

    For anyone who missed it:

    "Tonight at half past eight o'clock a number of gentlemen met at No. 3 Eglinton Terrace for the purpose of forming a football club".

    These words, taken from the minutes of a meeting held on July 9th 1867, heralded not only the birth of Queens Park F.C., but also the birth of Scottish Football itself.

    The game had been played in public schools with their own versions of the code but it was Queens Park who led the way in the establishment of Association Football rules in Scotland.

    Happy Birthday Queen's Park and Scottish Fitba.

  4. hmmm.....I was going to suggest we ALL buy a Queens Park Season ticket if they (and all the SFL Clubs) put Servco into Division 3.

    50,000 ST's would give them a few bob to sign players to mount a challenge ?

    Imagine Ra Peepal being beaten to the 3rd Division Championship by the Spiders ?! biggrin.gif

    As far as I know, it's written into the constitution of the club that they don't pay any players wages, only expenses:

    Queen's Park - history

    "Tonight at half past eight o'clock a number of gentlemen met at No. 3 Eglinton Terrace for the purpose of forming a football club". These words, taken from the minutes of a meeting held on July 9th 1867, heralded not only the birth of Queens Park F.C., but also the birth of Scottish Football itself. The game had been played in public schools with their own versions of the code but it was Queens Park who led the way in the establishment of Association Football rules in Scotland.

    They were considered the masters of the game in the early days and did not concede a single goal for the first eight years of its existence. The club is steeped in tradition and history. At its outset it was decided that no player should ever receive a wage playing for Queens Park. To this day the rule holds and Queens Park's amateur status makes it quite unique in Scottish senior football.

    The club also resisted the Scottish Football League in its early days, fearing the domination of the League would kill off smaller clubs. They even played in the English FA Cup, finishing runners-up to Blackburn Rovers in 1884 and 1885. In 1900 they finally joined the Scottish League for fear of falling behind. Although it is an amateur club now playing in the lower divisions of the Scottish Football League, Queen's Park still play at the magnificent 52,500 capacity Hampden Park.

    The club's motto is ludere causa ludendi "the game, for the game's sake."

  5. My link

    Sorry if that has been posted. 13-3 good guys.

    Great article, worth a repost if so. The one I find really intriguing is:

    Queen's Park

    The club is yet to make public comment on the issue

    Of all the clubs in all the leagues in all the world, you would have thought Queen's Park would have something to say

    worth listening to about a club going bust through sheer excess.

    I hope they speak up at the right moment.

  6. Oooooohhhhh. You b*****d! I haven't had a pie for 2 years. Oh how I miss them and bridies..and sausage rolls...and custard slices.....

    The pie of the ANTICRUST will be baked with the most succulent fatted LAMB

    The EIGHT-HEADED board of the SFL will get CRUMBS from the table of the ANTICRUST

    The TACHE of LEISHMAN will be abundant with the GREASE of the unrighteous! IT IS WRITTEN! FACT!!


  7. Reported in the Record on June 21st:

    The SFL board held an emergency two-hour meeting at Alloa yesterday morning, as revealed by Record Sport, and reached a broad agreement on the principle of accepting newco Rangers into the second tier of the game.

    But in return, they want guarantees going forward on voting rights, fairer financial distribution and easier access to the top flight for First Division clubs, most likely via a play-off system.

    And to appease Sky TV chiefs it is understood the Glasgow Cup could be revived to ensure there will still be Old Firm clashes.

    SFL chief executive David Longmuir was tight-lipped as he left Recreation Park yesterday lunchtime after talks with Ewen Cameron (Alloa), Kenny Ferguson (Brechin), Gilbert Lawrie (Dumbarton), Anne McKeown (Arbroath) and Jim Leishman (Dunfermline).

  8. New blog from Alex Thomson:

    My sources are senior and widely respected figures in Scottish League Football and rarely have I heard men so angry about an invitation to a meeting.


    They describe it in many ways, some of which I know my lawyer will not allow me to pass on. So let's just choose one adjective:


    Their reaction of course, all flows from that second paragraph of the invitation to next Friday's meeting where the SFL says:

    "That the Scottish Football League Members direct the Board of Management of The Scottish Football League (the "Board") to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the Third Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13 unless the Board shall have to its satisfaction negotiated and reached agreement with The Scottish Premier League and The Scottish Football Association on a series of measures which the Board shall consider to be in the best interests of the game, how it is structured, how it is governed and how it is financed, whereupon the Board shall be authorised to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the First Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13."

    Read the full invitation here: Rangers – the vote that never was?

    My sources have spoken exclusively to Channel 4 News and say that many in the league are not simply enraged that their vote is being taken away but that the SFA and SPL are now also directly involved and directly involved in effectively gagging the League clubs by stifling their votes.

    My sources decline to be identified at this stage but one said:

    "They've just gone ahead to steamroller us. It's farcical. They've cooked it all up amongst themselves."

    Speaking on condition of anonymity he says there is now very little trust held by many senior League people in either the SFA or the SPL both as organisations in this matter and in terms of the conduct of their respective Chief Executives Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster.

    He was one of a number this afternoon accusing Scottish Football of simply tearing up its own rulebook and suggested that either FIFA or UEFA might well be interested in taking a look at what is going on.

    I have not been able to contact UEFA, the SFA or the SFL on this matter, it being a weekend.

    This will further enrage fans across the country who have long suspected a stitch-up. Recent threats and hyperbole from Scottish football's authorities about "Armageddon" if "Rangers" go to D3 won't have helped.


    Still less the SFA's Stewart Regan contemplating "social unrest" if "Rangers" disappear. Leaving aside various police forces who dealt with actual social unrest when Rangers FC fans did appear, his wild speculation looked desperate, not least given its hypothetical context.

    Like today's extraordinary letter of intent, it speaks of the utter desperation Scottish football's governing bodies have to find some way, somehow, somewhere to go on milking the so-called "Rangers" cash-cow.

    At least now this latest tactic is unmasked, leaked as they surely knew it would be.

    Many will conclude that fans, chairmen and players have five days now to counteract the latest gambit-of-despair from Hampden Park.


  9. Had to give up on Sportsound , Traynor and Robertson along with Rob McLean have no interest apart from saving ZombieRangers. The games fucked with these aresholes giving opinions

    Yeah. Its not fit to lace Off the Ball's boots. Kind of sad that the Beeb see it as their "serious analysis" program.

    It's seriously dreadful. Traynor just said Turnbull Hutton's statement was "basically bilge"


  10. I'm disappointed Alex Thomson is being subjected to stupid questions rather than being given the opportunity to give his analysis on what has happened and what is still happening.

    I think he said everything required in the first 10 seconds, he's used to reporting under fire.

    Great point from the Dons fan who sent in

    "Whats the difference between kids in Glasgow wearing Man City strips and kids in Brechin wearing Sevco strips?"

    Archie's response to that shows he's not at the races anymore, didn't understand the point at all.


    07/07/2012 12:05

    Alex Thomson, Archie McPherson and Stephen Craigan take part on this Saturday's OTB show.

    It's quite a mad lineup, I think Craigan's lack of pace may be exploited,

    and Archie might just give out a few of the Secrets Man Was Not Meant To Know, that he just can't be arsed

    keeping under his bunnet any more.

  12. To be fair i find it difficult to get overly interested in a league not involving my club, but nearly every week i spot 1 game in the SPL which sounds more interesting and important than watching whoever the old firm were playing away.

    In summary, the guy at sky who decides which games we are watching needs a kick in the baws.

    Agree. BBC Alba quite often gets the more interesting game.


    You all need to calm the fcuk down.

    Every time there is is news or some complete fud or fanny in the media spouts doom and gloom and the newco will evade any serious punishment or favourable fast tracking,this thread deteriorates into newco ragers media style panicking.The media and powers that be are only thinking of one thing ! themselves.

    Remember from Feb 14th onwards ? the durty cheating B*stards are going to get away with this and continue in the SPL winning trophies and the league and sticking their fingers up at us like it never happened and will be worse fans than ever because of it !.

    Well here we are in July and at every turn the newco's so called immediate return/entry into the SPL and now the SFL is in serious jeopardy.And what's the SFA's response ? we'll veto and place the newco in the 1st division anyway :o,I just wonder what the SFL's response to that will be if they vote the newco should start in the 3rd division ?.Will they refuse to play any newco in protest ?.

    In my opinion ! this ain't over by a long shot YET,there is too many mitigating circumstances that is going to hamper any phoenix newco gers from dominating any form of football in any league.There's the infighting battle to gain control of the newco and if Green looks like he is going to lose the battle then I am going to stick my neck out and say he will liquidate the newco in an instant by placing it in admin,he will leave the newco with crippling debts and hefty possibly non paid running costs.Before the start of the new footballing season the pressure at Ibrox is going to reach boiling point as I don't believe Green has the finances even if the newco was suspended for a year.Green was banking on pre season ticket sales at SPL prices in the tens of thousands and bomber Brown came along and blew that plan up in Greens face.The newco phoenix gers main problem is cash flow,with the orcs boycotting season tickets Greens master plan is going down the toilet faster than vindaloo sting ring attack.Greens plan B must be something really nasty for the clubs assets.

    So sit back and enjoy the sinking of the S.S. TITANIC NEWCO as she begins her maiden voyage possibly this season coming,only to be sunk by the orcberg that is it's own fans wanting rangers minded men at the helm at any cost including the club itself.

    Ok. I'm cool. Thanks y'all.

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