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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I did think he would get added to the list, but let's be honest he held a lot back today. If he said even a fraction of what he's posted on here about it, the bears would be apoplectic with rage.
  2. I think you'll find it was not 7000 marching. Perhaps more turned up at Hampden, but certainly the photos even from Rangers fans looks at tops 1000-1200. Difficult to say from photos of course.
  3. Difficult to say from the photos, but that was the BBC Scotland reporters opinion. Of course it could just be typical "tarrier" bias.
  4. A reported 1000 - 1500 people there. For a club with the amount of support it has, and with the reported ire coming from them and marching in their own city that is a piss poor turnout.
  5. So out of all the people they wish to boycott it seems to be the SFA and the SNP? The SNP? Is there some reason they have been added to the list?
  6. We now go over to our resident business advisor who will give a summary of the latest Rangers bid proposal...
  7. I presume he's back on Radio Scotland bumping his gums in whirlwind of hyperbole?
  8. Trying to claim that somehow Rangers and the OF prop up football and without them we would all be lost is a bit of a brave argument as it does raise the question of how leagues without the OF (and that would be every league that isn't the SPL) manage to operate without them.
  9. Topping and Doncaster have shown scant regard in terms of the opinions of fans, that has been shown time and again. It would be pleasing to the extreme to see the SFA go ahead with their threat of creating their own league structure thus making both men immediately redundant.
  10. The loss of Rangers would make a massive dent in the pay packets of many an officer. Have you not looked at the cost of policing games involving Rangers. They'll be desperate for the big hoose to remain open, after all where else would the get the overtime? Oh, and yeh, of course, it's because all police are masonic b*stards..
  11. A couple of things about the march. 1) They are doing this from Queens Park. Not only is Victoria Road populated by several well known Celtic minded boozers, the area itself is hardly a unionist stronghold. 2) Just what is this march intended to prove? Will there be anyone there? QP don't play at home that day (in fact they are down in Stranraer), and other than Partick Thistle's game there isn't any professional football matches going on in the city and as it's Saturday I wouldn't imagine the SFA staff will be in their offices at Hampden. It seems almost as if they are marching to prove they can march. 3) Don't they realise all that will happen is that countless Celtic fans will turn up, line along the march and taunt them? 4) Do they not realise that organising a march like this costs the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of pounds. It's going to achieve nothing and can only end in embarrassment when either violence breaks out, too few people turn up, or they reach their destination only to give a shrug of the shoulders and a "what now?" gesture.
  12. It's the old with "great power comes great responsibility quote" isn't it? McCoist himself has said in the past that his players on the park should conduct themselves in a suitable manner as they are role models to the fans. What does that say when he goes around ranting like a lunatic and calling for those involved to be outed in order for the more than evident ire to be expunged in their direction. Yup, painted himself into a corner.
  13. FTA: However, McCoist said he should not have to consider potential actions of the "lunatic fringe" when voicing his opinion. I believe the same responses come from the BNP or EDL when racist hate crimes are committed and the violators turn out to have links with such organisations. To me it's the analogy of taking a stick to a bees nest next to a playpark then claiming it's the bee's fault for stinging the kids.
  14. Suspended.. Oh, you just have to love them don't you? The Rangers apologists have at least got round to accepting that punishment should be handed down, but are now at the stage where this punishment shouldn't be applied. Is that stage 3 "bargaining"? You know who I genuinely feel sorry for? The level headed Rangers fans, and you know there are a few out there, in fact I can count a few friends in that category. Where do they go in all this? Clearly they accept punishment is needed and even some accept that the embargo (while still harsh in their eyes) is not a completely unfair outcome, but it's got so polarised within Scottish football that for those with even the slightest hint of dislike for the slavering knuckledraggers that seem so prominent on FF and RM they are immediately outed as some sort of papist conspiratorial interloper, with cries of "Witch! Witch!" and the sight of bonfires being lit and stakes being sharpened. No, while I don't feel any sympathy for Rangers as an entity, it is the odd lone voice of reason amongst the Ibrox support that engenders my lack of envy.
  15. Beating Celtic in the cup, having a Northern Ireland manager and the Red Hand of Ulster on your badge place you firmly in the SPL (Scottish Proddy League)
  16. Has anyone pointed out the Rangers support that the process that has handed out their punishment is also the same process that was agreed on and put in place with the approval of all SFA members, including Rangers.
  17. Claimed that some manager was slagging off Rangers in an internal Morrisons (the supermarket) staff magazine and went on to post his name, his direct line and the number for the HR at the shop. The guy had about 7 posts to his name and weirdly claimed that some of the text was written in Polish. Oh, and as for Ethel MacDonald, a fairly brave woman considering the time. Died young too.
  18. I wonder who will be on that list, no doubt... Celtic and Aberdeen for the obvious reasons. Dundee United for their attitude towards the rescheduled tie. Hearts (perhaps) because of Romanov's digs. Hibs (well they wear green, right?). St Mirren for not selling their club to them, for beating them and for "allowing" Celtic to win in 86. St Johnstone because Sandaza called them cheapskates. This leaves Dunfermline who they seemed to feel some sort of sympathy for, Kilmarnock who has a Norn Iron manager and the red hand of ulster on their crest, Motherwell because of agent McCall and Inverness for beating Celtic and handing the title to Rangers the other season.
  19. Aye, it's a bloody shame you buggers imploded at Love Street, some months earlier when you were reamed by us 6-2. Just imagine if you were not to get so badly felt by us earlier in the season you wouldn't have needed to worry about goal difference at the end of it.
  20. FTA: For more and more fans are cottoning on to the fact that an SPL WITHOUT Rangers would WRECK Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell’s careful and seemingly bitter and vindictive plans to scupper Rangers I'm actually not sure of the LOGIC here, it's either so blindingly CUNNING that it's passed over my head or it's just INCREDIBLY stupid. I have to say I am FAVOURING the latter.
  21. A British Jew started it, Cohen. Personally I'm all for them boycotting Tescos although it is all to do with the way it operates rather than who is sponsors. If it happens it's a case of right result, wrong reasons. David Longmuir has been quite funny recently, "we believe their facilities would match our entrance requirements", (or similar, I'm probably paraphrasing here) is being taken as a positive by the Rangers massive they are welcome in the 3rd while it's surely tongue in cheek from the SFL chief.
  22. Hmm... there is lots to argue regarding that statement, although this is not the thread for it.
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