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Posts posted by RealMaroon

  1. I fucking love neutron stars, pulsars and magnetars.

    The fastest spinning pulsar spins 716 times a second. That's faster than a kitchen blender.

    And magnetars have magnetic fields up to 20 trillion times stronger than Earth's.

    Wouldn't want to go near them with a filling then :unsure2:

  2. Having read this thread back a little, I can not believe I am on here whinging while raidernation, who has a valid and genuine reason for being depressed, is battling a tragic loss.

    Sorry bud and hope you get the support you need.

  3. My first contribution to this thread.

    For a while last year I thought I was maybe suffering a little bit of depression. I put this down to the fact I was not working and under a lot of pressure financially.

    Lately however it seems to have come back with a bang. Despite things being fine financially, domestically and my life seeming to be running smoothly I feel so utterly flat and, well depressed. Been having some pretty awful bouts of anger, not directed towards anyone thankfully but pretty punching doors and chucking things as well. Completely out of character for me.

    Will maybe have to speak to someone about this as I will admit to feeling extremely low last night. Wife was working night shift, I was sitting having a whiskey on my own were a few horrible thoughts crossed my mind. Do not think I ever could top myself but even thinking about it makes me worry.

    Writing has actually made me feel better.

  4. It's really upsetting I'll never be able to travel through space. Can't think of anywhere else I'd feel more at home. 100% nature, left untouched. Long may it remain that way.

    The irony of the above post :)

    Get what your saying, but if humans get there hands on any of the marvels out there who knows what could happen.

  5. I think in the next 50-100 years we will eventually reach an impassable stage where we can go no further. We will eventually reach our limitation as we exaust our resources and get to stage where we can no longer conduct these long reach studies.

  6. Been reading up on the theoretical multi universe.

    The basic princible of this theory is that there has always been a universe, that nothing or anything has ever existed before and that new universes bubble out from existing ones. So, our universe was created by another universe. Some astrophysicists speculate that this story is written in the relic radiation left over from the big bang: the cosmic microwave background.

    Then the string theory.... it supports the idea of a cyclical universe,. It surmises that new matter and energy spring into existence every trillion years when two extra-dimensional membranes, or branes, collide in a zone outside our universe.

    I don't pretend to understand all the science behind it but i like the idea of universes giving birth to knew ones.

  7. Is the Universe actually expanding at all? Or is everything just moving further away from the origin point and giving us the impression of growth?

    My problem with the theory that the universe is expanding is that it would suggest that there is an end point to the unvierse, even though it is expanding. So say one day someone managed to reach the edge of the universe, what then is outside the universe? Nothingness?

    What came before the universe? Nothing?

    Screws wi your head all this.

  8. Europa is basically just a giant ocean underneath a big thick ice sheet.

    Could be all sorts down there.

    What i don't understand is why they dedicated so much time and money on the mars mission and not sending probes to the Europa baffles me. Surely there would be more potential of life on there rather than mars.

    Suppose what do I know eh.

  9. The fact we can't even confirm for sure how many moons Jupiter has shows how much we really know about the universe, 63 is known at the moment.

    Jupiters europa moon may support life as it is believed that it has the most vital thing to support life, water. Would be incredible.

  10. Any c**t moaning about moderation on this board should go post on kickback they are like a bunch if mini hitlers of there.

    And yes I am sooking up the moderators arses as I need my warn status reduced so I can have another famous meltdown

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