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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Yes. Yes, it's a sex position. Your mum's favourite is butterscotch. Know whit am sayin?
  2. All these polls and you still haven't told me your favourite Angel Delight...
  3. Yep. Although I haven't finished it yet. There's a bit in a joke shop which is just genius. Pissing about for pissing about's sake...
  4. The new tune is absolutely shite.
  5. There were a few off moments, but for me, it was like Anusol - On the whole, it was quite good. Lulz.
  6. Ooft. The Anthony C Pick fan club is back for more.
  7. I wouldn't go apeshit the way your mob have. Um, have you won a game yet?
  8. They won't, I was just shitting with him.
  9. I don't need no stinking polls. We'll win. I'm confident of that. How's your mob looking for their first 3 points this weekend?
  10. Hi Lex, nice of you to visit this forum. I like how, on the rare occasions you do come on here, you address the important issues and really get involved. What a guy.
  11. I hadn't seen that! Oh, for a time machine!
  12. Well, well, well. I'm watching FMQ's in the background whilst on here. Man, Johann Lamont is a fuckwit.
  13. Deny it all you want Roberto, the momentum is with us. We can all feel it. Closing your eyes and shouting na na na isn't going to help.
  14. Anthony Pick is a retired management consultant in the IT industry with a lifelong interest in linguistics, and reads reference grammars for amusement reads reference grammars for amusement reads reference grammars for amusement for amusement
  15. Fraid not. I want this thread to linger in the utter owning that VT handed H_B a little longer.
  16. I must admit to suppressing a giggle whenever VT ragdolls H_B.
  17. Let's hope his attempts to defend the Union deCREASE as a result.
  18. He clearly has STEAM coming out of his ears.
  19. Essentially, what all this pish boils down to is the selfishness of the No voter. All this abject bollocks about not seeing Scotland as a country and having more in common with a fucking farmer in Exeter. It's all shite. What the honest No voter would say is "I am voting No as I only care about me and my situation. f**k anyone else I can help now or in the future in Scotland". Scotland is a country. We can change things on a wider scale here. To suggest otherwise is trolling at best or narrow minded self interest.
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