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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Keep telling yourself that, I like a bit of misplaced confidence. As much as I appreciate the advice, I think I'll pass and continue with the seetheridden jabbering. Lulz. No you haven't.
  2. Ah, the old P&B failsafe of "seething" eh? It's called debate. You may want to give it a bash.
  3. Extrapolate that out and of course it will make a difference. Sheesh.
  4. The ONLY proof is September the 18th. EVERYTHING else is just fluff. Deal with it.
  5. If that's what you want to believe, feel free. I can't do anything about your lack of intelligence.
  6. We're clearly not. Your head doesn't equate to the real world, champ. No it isn't. Honestly, do you No voters ever achieve anything in your lives? A bunch of defeatist no hopers. I've heard lots of instances of DK's and soft No's being converted to Yes. None going the other way, other than No voters trying to be funny. Anyone who thinks that Yes can't win are kidding themselves.
  7. Nothing is insurmountable. Do you give up this easy in everyday life?
  8. I'm sure you were doing something far more productive on Twitter.
  9. No one I know has been canvassed either. All I'm saying is there are shouty people on both sides.
  10. LOLWUT, For a man who's going to spoil his ballot paper you're remarkably biased. You seem to think it's only Yes supporters who are vociferous.
  11. Re the next debate, Darling has dropped his big offensive weapon, and it didn't have quite the effect No had hoped for, even though the MSM are squeezing every last drop out it. With a better prepared Salmond next time and a Darling who's used his number one tactic, it should make it interesting.
  12. Ironically that's an incredibly childish point to make, put across like a supercilious teenager. Way to go law squad.
  13. Oh dear, Lex and H_B frothing at the mouth over all this is really rather embarrassing. H_B's stab at humour is particularly eye gouging.
  14. OOh, a wee bit of politics from the wean.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger http://www.famousbirthdays.com/names/roger.html Here to educate.
  16. Yep, it's Roger. Did I'm Roger get banned then? On the grounds of being an abject f**k knuckle?
  17. Hmm Hamilton Accies fan.... Can't spell.... voting No.... Roger?
  18. I am. Look how many sheep get swayed and moulded by the MSM.
  19. Quelle surprise. The Grand Poobah of the BCC tells us we can't win!! OH NO!!! Might as well go home now lads eh? The Twitter pest hath spoken.
  20. A person from Berwick discussing Scottish Independence.
  21. So the 2% increase to Yes post debate and the pro UK Daily Record interviewing 5 DK's who had ALL either moved towards or fully over to a Yes vote were a figment of my imagination then? ETA: BTW this - "desperate, forceful and ridiculous" comment from you just makes you look like an imbecile. A rather bitter one at that.
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