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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. It's what he does. He's such a classless individual that, when proved wrong (which happens more often than he would have you think), he doesn't even have the grace to admit it. He just fucks off.
  2. Can you provide a bar chart, graph or some other sort of statistical evidence to prove that I've said momentum has been with Yes for a year now. I was talking about since the debate. Why don't you go back to telling us how we have no chance?
  3. Momentum going the other way? Have you been living in a cave?
  4. As a diehard Labour man and a follower of all polls, you seem like a really balanced individual.
  5. You keep thinking that, champ. Suits me.
  6. E Bay is your friend. I picked up an as new PS4 with 4 games on there for 300 nicker. It's a thing of beauty.
  7. Yes have no chance. Didn't you know? NO CHANCE. The bookies say so. We should listen to our nice, caring, No voting friends and give up.
  8. As is the mewling and whining from Camp No. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth from a side who have it in the bag.
  9. Jordan reminded me of Colin the office joker from The Fast Show. In that he was an abject c**t.
  10. I'm starting to think of Yes as the athlete/ horse in a race which hangs back, reserving energy, only to put on the afterburners in the home straight.
  11. Genuinely cannot believe No voters are still crowing about the debate. Polls show Yes increased 2% off the back of the debate. I've heard loads about undecideds moving to Yes but none to No. And this was Salmond at his worst and Darling at the top of his game. Lulz.
  12. ^^^ No supporter celebrating a swing to Yes.
  13. It's fucking tremendous. I'm well into it and taking it slow, exploring every room and nook and cranny. I don't want it to end.
  14. Just google Better Together and read the negative effects.
  15. Very much this. With the material at hand, he should have obliterated Darling. Instead, he let himself get talked over and tried a few funnies. It's getting close to the crunch now and he should have been on the all out attack.
  16. In what universe was the extra powers questions answered? I suspect, no in fact I know you won't answer this as you're just a bleating sheep with no free thought. If I was a No voter I'd be too ashamed to admit that fact.
  17. And Darling was great was he? Shouty, blinky, not giving straight answers, completely flummoxed on the extra powers question and no positive case made. Mind you, I'm not surprised you took that away from it. You're the ultimate sheep, you'd believe the sky was purple if David Cameron told you.
  18. tl;dr Off topic, it's good to see the law squad get about their business again. Where have you and H_B been? A romantic holiday for 2 in the Office for National Statistics?
  19. Ironic. coming from a nationalist such as yourself. You're voting No based on the football team you support. Mix that up how you want, in my eyes that makes you a fanny.
  20. ESPECIALLY someone who is only voting No because they support Rangers.
  21. Democracy clearly has it's flaws, when you're allowed to vote in the Scottish referendum.
  22. You should be allowed an opinion. On anything. In an iScotland, I'm going to book you into a good Scots hospital to be de-opinionated.
  23. It's got Reynard's copyright, H_B used it with his permission. And, in the natural order of things, Mr Bairn then copied his mum, H_B.
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