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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Mr Bairn doesn't know why he thinks you're an identity fascist. He saw his Mum and Dad use the phrase a couple of times and now throws it around with hapless abandon.
  2. You just don't quite get it do you? Enjoy your moment in the sun. Bask in it a while!!!
  3. No voters in utter meltdown on this thread. WHO'S THE WORST YES POSTER!!!!??????1111!!!1!! YES CAN'T WIN!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!! The accusations of seethe are not only deeply ironic but eye gougingly cringeworthy as well. Desperate, tragic stuff from the Britnats.
  4. Just to add, I'm about a month and a half into owning my PS4. I've played Need For Speed, BF4, Tomb Raider, Infamous, FIFA, Watch Dogs and Killzone. The Last Of Us is the first evidence I've seen of what I'd call truly next gen graphics.
  5. Oh, No voters If it wasn't for the burning shame all of you should feel at turning your back on your nation, I'd find all your little acts of bravado moderately amusing.
  6. Don't worry, you've got plenty of St Mirren players on Twitter who'll ignore your crying when a Yes result is returned.
  7. I'm surprised thepundit hasn't squeezed out a shite, with his level of exertions on here.
  8. Just picked this up about half an hour ago. Cannot wait. 50gb is a fucking massive install, tbf.
  9. An awful lot of new No voters appearing on here lately........
  10. It's not a case of "we just default". The debt is the UK's. We don't HAVE to take any of it.
  11. Seconds even. Us good guys reserve the right to point the finger.
  12. How soon after a No vote will Barnett be recalculated and a decision made to have a UK wide single NHS?
  13. Show me one "vile message" left on her social media. No one had a go at her. What part of that are you struggling with? People, quite rightly, had a pop at BetterTogether for trying to pass her off as a "normal mother", when she was anything but. No one said she wasn't a good mum, hell she could be a fantastic mum, but to pass her off as "an ordinary mum" is plain misleading. Is it starting to sink in yet, or is all this bouncing off your Daily Mail hardhat?
  14. You could not be any more blinkered if you tried. Are you Johann Lamont's son? I wonder WHY you've seen more evidence of vile behaviour from the Yes side. I'm pretty sure I can guess. If I didn't know better I'd say you were playing BetterTogether bingo - Vile cybernats and Alex Salmond in the one tear stained, mewling diatribe. Do you buy the Daily Mail, perchance?
  15. I'm sure those people who can't afford the electriciy to heat the food they get from foodbanks are delighted they're not in Tunisia or Vietnam. That has to be one of the most spectaculalry misinformed pieces I've read in quite some time. It drips of MSM fed information and shows you haven't researched both sides fully, as you earlier asserted. I simply don't have time to go through it all, but to pick one piece - the young lass from Glasgow? Firstly, there were no personal attacks on her. None. There were accusations, rightly so, levelled at Better Together, for trying to pass her off as an "ordinary mum", when she was anything but. She's a political activist of some experience, to the extent whereby she was on Labour's policy formation group for 2015.
  16. For the reputation that Yes supporters have got - you can lay the blame for that sqaurely at the feet of the MSM for that. You'll find that a MASSIVE majority of us are not in the least bit interested in threats or violence. What's disappointing is just how many people have fallen for the "vile cybernat" line. I honestly credited folk with more intelligence than that. Re devo max, if you'd have offered devo max to the people of Scotland before the referendum, I'm sure we'd have bitten the hand off Westminster. But Dave Cameron didn't want to offer that. He wanted a straight choice between put up or piss off.
  17. How do you feel about the fact that the UK has the widest gap between rich and poor in Europe? Or that we are the 4th most unequal country in the Western world? Or that the richest 5 families in the UK have more wealth than the poorest 12 million? Or that there are more kids and families in poverty than ever before in Scotland? Want more "facts"?
  18. As has been said, the only thing being offered by the Yes campaign is a Scotland run in Scotland for Scottish people. Why would you equate debating your reasoning for voting No with perceived insecurities? What a bizarre viewpoint. I'm more than happy to discuss my reasons for voting Yes. Are you ok with zero hours contracts? Or the privatisation of the NHS? Or the marginalisation of the poor and vulnerable in this country whilst millions is spent on a pointless first strike nuclear defence program? I only ask as I genuinely struggle to understand why continued Westminster governance is in the best interests of Scotland. Perhaps you can help me understand?
  19. You'd have been as well typing nothing. What an empty answer. Yet another No voter who won't tell us why they're voting No. Unless you'd care to enlighten us as to why we're better together? I won't hold my breath.
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