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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Tryfield has previously admitted to voting for the Tories, which tells you all you need to know about his mindset. He's part of the reason for South Ayrshire being awash with political embarrassment.
  2. Hang about and I'm sure it'll drift to 5/1 shortly. You never know, by the time Ray Winstone urges you to "have a bang on that", it may be out to 11 or 12/1.
  3. FFC is mostly filler, nae thriller.
  4. Your girlfriend's brother is on the wind up. Ole George does like describing grub though, I'll give him that.
  5. Well I'm glad your thirst for knowledge has been quenched in this regard.
  6. If so, that is SERIOUSLY shite.
  7. Do you think it was an opinion? You're just brimming over with questions, you young scallywag.
  8. Lineker is on the television. That's visual evidence as seen by millions of people. So not the same. And YOU have dragged this out. Twice now I've offered to agree to diagree. But doing your best dog with a bone act, you just can't let go.
  9. Stating Gary Lineker is on the BBC is in no way comparable to what you're crying about. Let it go, Bants.
  10. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, you suave b*****d.
  11. It's really not an issue. In fact, I've tried to put it to bed several times now, but as usual, you keep raking the non issues up then claim they're not an issue? If it's not an issue, you'll clearly be ok with us agreeing to disagree? Unless you view it as an actual issue?
  12. Because they happen to agree? Like BTUKOKNOTHANKS and Her Maj's Gov.
  13. Well if you believe he has stated a fact then you will be under no illusion as to whether he's lying or not. Quite why you're asking me when you have already formed an opinion is beyond me. I say he's a bitter ex employee with an axe to grind whom the Herald (who you quoted) described as having a "tantrum". You say he's stating facts. Shall we agree to disagree?
  14. Do you agree with every article the Labour supporting Daily Record runs? No, of course you don't. Why don't you find out for yourself re Mr Blackley instead of repeatedly asking us. I've told you that I view him as a bitter ex employee. Take from that what you will.
  15. The 2nd story in particular, from what I can (as most of it is greyed out) appears to be a disgraceful piece of journalism. And it's been explained to you about Stan Blackley being a bitter ex employee, whom the Herald, a newspaper you just quoted twice, described as having a "tantrum". Or do you only believe parts of the Herald?
  16. Have they? Evidence please of the Yes campaign ostracising him on two specific, seperate occasions.
  17. So tell me. How does the message HM Government are putting across differ from that of BTUKOKNOTHANKS? Or are they very much singing from the same hymn sheet? Be very specific.
  18. It tells you it's the embittered mewlings of an ex employee. Or as the Herald described it, a "tantrum".
  19. Is the leaflet advocating remaining in the Union or leaving it? Does the aim of the leaflet mirror BTUKOKNOTHANKS or Yes Scotland in their desired referendum outcome?
  20. Ah, Stan Blackley, the former Yes employee who the Herald described as having a "tantrum". That one?
  21. Are BTUKOKNOTHANKS campaigning to keep the union together? Yes or No? Be very specific.
  22. I put it in the blue bin as I care deeply for our environment.
  23. How much is the UK Government brochure advocating the union costing the taxpayer again? A bob or two isn't it? See how annoying it is when a question is answered with a question?
  24. You're really asking where BT come in in relation to HM Government? Oh dear.
  25. In much the same way as the BTUKOKNOTHANKS brochure that dropped through my door yesterday was paid for by HM Government, you mean?
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