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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Seeing as how I dont use facebook thats not an issue. Whats the sketch there then?
  2. Kilmarnock being the exception to this. Anyone solely visiting Rugby Park will think Kilmarnock is the epitome of leafy suburbia.
  3. Whilst Kilmarnock is crying out for a lick of paint and a cuddle, it's by no stretch of the imagination the worst place. Irvine's Rivergate Shopping Centre has more jakeballs per capita than just about any place I've ever visited. And, as has been mentioned, New Cumnock has to be seen to be believed. It is a depressed, vapid, vaccuous, empty, dead, soul-less, joy-free hell hole. I have NEVER seen the sun shine on New Cumnock. I have NEVER seen anyone smile in New Cumnock. It's like someone sucked the last bit of good mood out the place in about 1987.
  4. Not quite sure what point you're trying to make here, although I am pretty sure you're offended by it.
  5. Oh, The Wolf Stop being so precious. You're taking this all very, very personally.
  6. I'm pretty sure that most stars are 1 to 10 billion years old. I would highly highly doubt that any of the early stars are visible to the naked eye. Our own sun is about 4.5 billion years old and this goes right up to Betelgeuse in the Orion constellation, which is less than 10 million years old.
  7. Here's something which should help you a little bit. As you can see, stars first appeared about 400m years in.
  8. Wow - The light coming from this fucker is only 700 million years after the big bang, when the universe was only about 5 percent of its current age of 13.8 billion years. Mind boggling stuff. Good find, Rico.
  9. I can't fucking get enough of Chvrches at the moment. I fear I'm developing a slight obsession over them. Plus, Lauren is just dreamy.
  10. I'm not massively fussed about money. It'll come when it comes. I am enjoying the races though. Some of them are spectacular fun, particularly the GTA ones. I also enjoyed a 4 v 4 the other night, pretty sure at least one person from the crew was with me. You start off at Fort Zancuda, 4 people go on motorbikes and tear down towards the docks and the other 4 chase after them in fighter jets. Brilliant stuff.
  11. She's quite quite tremendous, and I am now convinced you're on the wind up.
  12. That's possibly the only singlemost sensible thing I've ever seen you say. Congratulations, sir.
  13. I like how all these smart arsed fuckers are basically recycling the same old shite. All these "hilarious" examples are worlds apart from leaving 3 kids under the age of 5 in an unlocked hotel room while you eat and drink with your mates in a tapas bar out of sight and earshot of said hotel room. Incidentally, if you walked home from school when you were 5, and you lived more than 5 seconds from the school, shame on your parents.
  14. I was presuming the collective intelligence of P&B would have reached this conclusion, ma man.
  15. Had I know you were going to press on with this madcap approach, I'd have adopted an equally comedic stance. Apologies.
  16. Let's not be silly here. There is a world of difference between me and my wife sleeping in a house with the kids in rooms next to us with the front and back door locked and being in a restauarant with friends out of sight and earshot of your kids with what apparently was an unlocked patio door. Please behave yourself.
  17. Then, in my opinion, your parents acted irresponsibly. You can wheel out all the "it was only downstairs" or "it was close to the hotel room" lines you want, but if you are not in the same room as your children, especially bearing in mind the age of the McCann children at the time, you cannot be there if they wake up with a nightmare, choke whilst sleeping, or sadly, if someone breaks into the hotel room. And it's not about being a holier than thou parent, it's placing your childs welfare and safety over and above that of a nice meal with friends.
  18. Oh, Philpy, I agree with you. Joan Burnie has been taking her frustrations out on the public, especially men, for decades, simply for being born with a face like a blind cobbler's thumb.
  19. Hence why I have never had any interest in Facebook. It's full of utter, utter zoomers.
  20. Clowns are scary full stop, as anyone who has played GTA V will know.
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