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Status Updates posted by Cardross

  1. Audrey , I'm camping for the weekend but can't see any of the signs you put up.

  2. This "return to exercise" better last. SWMBO has permitted the purchase of three pairs of trainers, a base layer, gym membership and given me time off my chores. Mind you it hasn't been that dear. a pair of road shoes for a fiver, and two pairs of trail shoes for around £100, and I am below 17st for the first time in about three years.

    1. Slim Charles

      Slim Charles

      FUCKING MON THEN, c**t

  3. Interview for Commonwealth Games volunteer tomorrow.

  4. Hang on a cotton pickin' moment. I don't actually support any one English team preferring to change according to the game that's on and the players and managers involved. Everton are the exception due to Moyes and I'll always support them over any other team. But now? Aw naw!

  5. RIP Richie Havens. His version of Here Comes The Sun was played in my head on two sunrises in 2009. Two successive sunrises as I was lapped by the sun.

  6. Got to love this survey where Edinburgers are the most sensible in the country. Based on finance (home of Hbos and RBS), travel (trams anyone?) and dressing for the weather (thinks Sandra McDougall in a vest when it's barely above freezing). The other cities must have some crackers. Glad I stay in my wee village. Wee is best.

  7. Noo it decides tae snow. Puts central heating on.

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