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Status Updates posted by SodjesSixteenIncher

  1. Interesting, interesting. Perhaps I'll have walked away once they got involved with those corporate Swedish pussies. Cos you know, it's all about the music, man.

  2. Nice. I was good friends at school with the singer's older brother and infrequently socialise with their manager. If they make it off the back of SHM then obv I'll have been good friends with the singer at school and was their manager. PHREE POON!!

  3. (which is getting steaming and rubbing a semi on female nightclubber's back of course) :C

  4. You see Discopolis are getting played to 100,000s of people on Swedish House Mafia's tour? My 'I saw x massive band in a room of 50 people and went out with them after' getting my hole strategy is speedily creeping up on plan A here.

  5. Just noticed the iPhone link too. I'm fittin' to get ALL KINDS of tracking software on my SAMSUNG GALAXY MAN.

  6. 24:30 from the first video - "TreMayn". Yep, seems like "LeBron" might be over-compensating after something went sown with Gay Steve Urkel.

  7. "My advice is this, don't go around busting nuts in cups and giving it to lesbians" -

  8. She be callin' me daddy and I be callin' her mommy. She be callin' you Sodje when yo' name is Tommy

  9. I really should spend more time watching their exercise videos and less time watching them talk utter shite. Guess you gotta do whatever THE f**k you wanna do!

  10. Best youtube video title ever? I think so.

  11. Best one I've seen yet rofl -

  12. Precisely. Might send him a thank you letter, explaining how I'd discovered the work of Roman Polanski after seeing him on a Gillette poster in Preston. Just to see a man's life fall apart.

  13. Ken. I see the Broadster has a film on iplayer, with Ben Affleck and Bob Hoskins, that I've never heard of. I saw him in some cheesy razor advert with Gael Garcia Bernal but when it comes to marketing his actual films, he's a "I like this film but you've probably haven't seen it" itk film viewers fantasy.

  14. Watched the trailer - the indy film sensy levels seem high. I will have to check this out. Clearly if that plot actually unfolded you would be in a padded room (obviously you'd do some pumping first) within days, not talking about it with your buds. I can let this slide though.

  15. I see Mr Michael 'top lad' Palin has a new series on BBC. Very pleasing.

  16. Listen son, it's not any old username that has the ladys queuing up. Was concerned Miss Rose might be some kind of spam message but the usage of the word 'real' in her email eased my concern.

  17. That's most of his main hobbies right there. He also occasionally likes thinking about the needs of his young family when faced with agonising moralist, reputation on the goddamn line dilemmas. That's more of a pastime though.

  18. I think you'll find big Hawkleberry Efinn's passion is looking wistfully into the distance with a enigmatic look of concern on his face. If somebody's gonna stick a camera in his face and pay him millions for the privilege, good luck to him I say.

  19. Just googled her, your right. He's become a fairly rough looking geezer himself tbf. Le Hawkeur is either a sesny that only cares about personality or such a vain f**k that he has to downgrade his fackin burd to maintain superiority.

  20. Yeah, he's in that next tier of leading men. He'll never be as cool/goddamn sensitive as the Hawkers though. Big Ethan followed up his biggest commercial success and an Oscar nom, by taking a few years out to write a book and do plays. He basically is Troy Dyer.

  21. Aye, went a bit "How can I reech these keeeds!" at times but still a wee gem. Must of had some fucker of a botched Marketing job to keep it under the radar. Tony Kaye is a massive cuntbag but he's made good films.

  22. Watched Detachment. Wee nugget there man, good shout. I was already in somber and reflective, full walking the streets alone sensy mode beforehand, after putting http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1683526/ sense-fest into my browser. Really intensified all the FEELINGS.

  23. Ah, just looked at the movies thread. Brody, James Caan and Christina Hendricks, you say? Fucking sold.

  24. Links broken man. 'Sense fest' though? Sounds fabulous.

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