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Everything posted by forameus

  1. Aye, the game we decide "aye, we really need two up front and one less man in midfield" is going to be against Hearts.
  2. Was something maybe said as well as the grab? You can't really see Titus in the video I've seen, but Vince definitely reacts to something. Much as he's absolutely mental, he's a professional, and he's unlikely to lash out out of character when he knows the cameras are on him. Surely if Titus is just grabbing his arm to say something light-hearted, he wouldn't react like that. Maybe he asked for a shot of Stephanie, or Roman Reigns. Maybe he said that he looked odd on the cover of Muscle and Fitness. Or maybe I'm wrong, and Vince's reaction to anyone touching him is to lash out and then suspend them for ages.
  3. They've painted themselves into a corner with how they painted the Shield since the split. If you play off a classic Triple Threat match as being Heel vs Face vs Someone in Between, then the way it should be is almost the complete opposite with this group. Rollins was built as a heel, and although he was a pretty good one, he was booked dreadfully and will probably come back as the high-flying super-face when he returns. Reigns is built as Cena 2.0, when arguably he could be a brilliant monster heel Ambrose is built as...not really sure. He's probably the one they've gotten closest to correct in that sense, but they've never really booked him beyond being a token face, more down to Reigns than anything else. If they managed to get Rollins back healthy, a Summerslam main event of a heel Reigns vs face Rollins vs Stone Cold-style middle-ground Ambrose would be brilliant. They're very unlikely to turn Reigns, and if they turn Ambrose now, people are just going to cheer him anyway. Can you imagine them booking a Reigns vs Ambrose feud right now? Reigns as the superman getting booed out of the building by those supporting the "heel"? A turn could be in the offing at Fastlane.
  4. I did my first scribe mission finally, and assumed that they'd be one of the indestructible NPCs. The location was crawling with Gunners, including one on the roof with a Fatman. I'd been there before, so knew what was coming, and sprinted away. Looked back only to find the mini nuke hit perfectly, one dead scribe. My new playthrough is rekindling my enjoyment for the game. I don't know if it's just me looking at it with a more experienced eye, but I'm finding my luck a lot better this time. Have gotten around a third to a half way through the main quest, and done a few side quests that I didn't manage last time, and yet I've managed to grab 26 fusion cores around the wasteland. I remember really struggling last time for them, so maybe just getting lucky as to where I've found them. Also playing it more sensibly by not stockpiling all the rubbish I've picked up and actually trading. Built up a full carry weight (plus whatever dogmeat can take) then head to Diamond City to sell it all, trading back any particular ammo or supplies I need. Just building up levels enough so I can start turning my weapons into the brutal 100+ damage wielding machines that I had last time, and about to start setting up shops and supply lines between settlements.
  5. I doubt they'll do much in the way of new areas - that'll be a massive undertaking. Weren't the NV and F3 DLC completely based within the existing World? They'll just slap a few new weapons and enemies into it with a different plot and call it a day. Actually, come to think of it, I'd really like them to make one DLC kind of like Hearthfire in Skyrim. Overhaul a few of the niggles you see in the settlement building now you've got a vast amount of feedback on it, and let you build monster settlements. I'd probably be more interested in that than just another story, given that story-wise they've been pretty weak this edition.
  6. I think there's a fair chance there'll be some kind of underwater stuff in the DLC, given that a harpoon gun was found in the game files. Obviously, could have just been a file there for testing, or a canned feature, but given how much water there is on the map, it'd be a nice way to keep things on the current map. I imagine we'll get three (wasn't that confirmed?) Maybe one that's purely plot based on the current map. One underwater that explores a few new locations, then something completely different, maybe in the Mojave or NCR. That's what I'm hoping for anyway - imagine it'll just be three new plots within the same map though.
  7. NXT will be a brilliant show, that's become a given. But WM31 managed to be a good show despite having an absolutely dreadful build. They'll pull out a good show for WM, different to NXT rather than better or worse.
  8. A tip I picked up watching a let's play about building, that seems very, very obvious now. I was building houses with full-on foundations, a square for each part of the floor. Then realised that you only really need to set one foundation square to set the height of the house, then the rest of the "foundations" can just be plain floors. If you're more OCD (like me) and don't like that the floors appear to be floating, then just make the outline of the place foundation blocks, then fill the middle with normal floors. Saves a massive amount of concrete, and means that even in your first visit to Sanctuary, you can build a pretty huge settlement just with the stuff you can scrap around that one area. Copper's still an arse to get though. The BoS helped me out in a battle with some very powerful Super Mutants holed up in a small house. I was short on Fusion Cores at the time and, let's face it, they were in power armour. I wanted their stuff. Took out one, thinking I was being really stealthy, and was then faced with hiding in the wee house while five of his buddies and two vertibirds surrounded. Missile Launchers, Nuke Mines, Nuka Grenades...everything used before I could get enough space to run off. And they don't drop power cores when you kill them. b*****ds.
  9. Given that Goldberg seems to despise wrestling, and is unlikely to return...what are they doing with that? Given that Ryback has had Goldberg chants for ages, surely they must be aware of what they're doing? If they were building up to a match of some kind, fair enough, but that looks unlikely. What was wrong with a colourful singlet, large belt and weird sideless vest combo? Also, Lesnar on Smackdown next week. On a scale of 1 to 10, how underwhelming a segment is he going to get? I bet it'll be Heyman talking, Brock standing, that's it. They love to do that.
  10. Rowan in the middle really let himself go lately.
  11. After saying I was a bit bored with the game, I've gone the whole other direction and started a new save without finishing the previous one. Hoping that I can learn from any mistakes I'd made building my character previously, and play through with a more sensible eye.
  12. He'll go straight after Osman in training, then injure himself. Again.
  13. For those that have completed the game, a few questions on how far I am from the end...
  14. No-one has terrified or given defences more to do in a Thistle shirt than Taylor did. His finishing wasn't the greatest, but he is many, many, many times better than the player we have in his role currently. I really hope Pogba proves me wrong, but so far he's been shite. If we were offered Taylor for another 6 months, I'd take him in a heartbeat. That's not to say there's not someone out there that's better, because there probably is. And there's no way he's coming back anyway.
  15. True I suppose. Can we just have the two entrances, then Balor pulls a shoulder or something and gives way to the actual opponent? That'd satisfy.
  16. Strowman has the look, the size and the strength to do what he's doing. But he doesn't have anything else. Surely if that is the plan, this won't be Taker's final match. I know Taker's good, but he's going to struggle to get a good match out of Broon Stronglady. Give him Owens or Balor, both of which would put on a good match, even if it ends up being his final one. Balor for the Deadman vs the Demon. And Owens as the classic heel. They'd both be wonderful matches. Which means they'll go for Strowman
  17. Is it not 5pm for Scotland? Or am I making that up? The club describe conditions at Firhill currently as "dry with a light breeze". Clearly made of hardy stuff in Maryhill.
  18. The way I saw it the winds were supposed to die down by 4pm, so probably just in time to have a stable second half after the 4-4 (7 goals wind-assisted) in the first half. But like you say, there's little chance of them actually getting the weather right.
  19. It's more likely to be on and a terrible game with the wind now. Unless we get prolonged heavy rain or snow overnight, I don't think it'll be off anymore. Unless the North stand blows over or something.
  20. Is the NXT one on the Saturday night? It's going to be a brilliant weekend for Wrestling if so. EDIT: Just checked, it's the Friday night. Bit more managable to watch both of them live that way, but will see if I can avoid spoilers so me and mates can watch it prior to Wrestlemania on Sunday night.
  21. While I don't want to lose Bannigan, I don't think it's the end of the World if he goes. Osman absolutely needs to be signed up. We've seen how terrible we are without him. Unless Archie has another replacement in the wings like he's done before, then offer him whatever it takes to stay with us. Whatever it takes.
  22. This. Very much this. They can do the 50/50 draw while they're at it, and everyone too far away to work out who it is can be left wondering when the PA system can only announce the contract signing for "K........lan" and "Mus........d...ya"
  23. Sounds like another mostly disappointing RAW. End segment looks like it was pretty good, but are they actually going to follow through and make Wyatt look strong this time? Every time they're hyped, they just lose, which totally ruins the destruction gimmick they have. When they defied the McMahons last week, it looked as though they might turn face, or at least straddle the line between heel and face. But with this, they look like they're being painted as the heels. So if they are going to be kept strong, and Wyatt isn't going to win (can anyone see it happening really?) then that means there will have to be at least one face to vanquish them and win the whole thing. Surely they're not going to go with Reigns winning again...surely...
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